Lektor - Static Site Builder


Not going to go into too many details right now, but I just want to strongly suggest everyone building content sites look into using Lektor as a backend: https://www.getlektor.com/.

If you've realized that Wordpress can be a pain in the ass or is more than you need, and you want to be able to host sites extremely cheaply and simply, then static sites might be the way for you to go. I've been all in on static sites for a while, and I've just used my own scripts to build the sites up until now, just using Python and Jinja2, but Lektor is exactly what I wanted to build myself for the past couple years. I've actually built a couple site generators that are similar to Lektor as far as providing an admin interface, but the stuff I've built is not as flexible/general purpose, and not as well designed.

One thing to keep in mind is that Lektor is far, far simpler than Wordpress, but to initially get up and running it requires a little more technical ability.

So if you want an alternative to Wordpress for easily publishing sites, check out Lektor. I'll try to answer any questions people have in this thread (if anyone is actually interested in this).

Just realized I should add a quick summary of what Lektor is.

Lektor gives you an admin interface similar to Wordpress for creating a site, but you run the admin on your local machine and then the software handles uploading your site to a server, or Amazon S3, etc.

There is no database, all of the site content and configuration is stored as files on your filesystem, so it easy to make changes to the site by simply changing files in a text editor.

Also, Lektor is kind of a framework - it's up to you to configure what types of information different types of pages should contain and how they should relate to each other, aka you could define a "gallery" page that includes "image" pages as children. The Lektor quickstart tool creates "Blog", "Blog Post", and "Page" page types for you to get started with.

Edit: Added summary.


So far I've been checking it out. How are you suggesting using this. For PBN's, or just in general content site. I am not necessary a fan of word press since I think it's too resource intensive.

Given that it is a bit more technical to understand, simply means we just need a good tutorial for it :wink:

If some one is scared by the technical requisites then they probably aren't the type of people who would venture off to try these things anyways. So I suppose that gives us a edge. Think maybe we could do a tutorial for a step by step to get it set up in the terms of how it will help with one example?


Yeah, I'm definitely open to the idea of a creating tutorial. I have plans to do a couple tutorials on my own site in the near future, but I could do a simple tutorial here with some screenshots and stuff to show how it all works.

I could illustrate how to setup a basic blog. If you have something in mind to work on that I could actually publish live, that would help.

Actually... I have a bunch of domains that are not being used, they were just throw away blogs that helped me get press releases published. The domain names work for generic topics like fitness, family, pets, crafts, etc.

If anyone has specific suggestions of things they'd like to see on a site that I build with Lektor, let me know. Actually, if anyone has some content and some links they'd like me to publish, I'm happy to put it on the site. I don't know that it'll help much, these sites have no page rank and I'm going to publish the URL here, but whatever.


The truth is in the Gif... make one :wink: