Why Google Damnit?


Call me crazy, but this doesn't make sense right? That's like starting a boxing match against Mike Tyson. Not only do they change their algorithm a bazillion times, but EVERYONE is going for them.

Why not be a contrarian?

Bing, yahoo, yandex, baidu (China man!), so.com, I think you get my drift...

Are you going to go to a ski town and hope to pick up a girl? No your going there to pick up a guy!
Here is Jacksons male to female ratio.

For singles ages 20-34, Teton County’s “Ratio” is 61 percent men to 39
percent women. In comparison, for the United States as a whole “The
Ratio” is 54 percent men to 46 percent women. ~ source

Sorry I digress, just wanted to let all you gay male webmasters, I'm talking to you Handsome, you defiantly are not gay,, and my female counterparts where you should go when a dry spell hits. Did I mention you go for the winter and stay for the summer?

Ok, enough with the snow references, fuck it's cold here.

Right so yeah, why not go for will use bing as a example.

Now I know what you are thinking, there is no traffic. Right, I mean who in their right mind would want any amount of 100 million uniques a day traffic for free? Yeah only crazy people.

So you say, "Right but nader what you mean that's not enough to make money", yeah I mean cause ya know mostly are from first world countries, the worse type of client in the web?

Yeah I guess not.

So I conceded, 100 million is not enough, cause I mean the odds that they will find your long tail keyword, probably tiny. there yeah long tail it fucking blows. Good luck. So if you have to go up and box mike tyson why the fuck would you train against a picture of him?

No, you go for the big boy terms in the small search engines. The one's you know that a lot of the old "Spam tactics" still work. Or where a exact match domain still carries some weight.

And then one day, when you are playing around trying to rank in bing for one of the big boy terms, "(insert something here that you think a lot of people search for, ie "Blue Hat Seo" or more realistically "Games")" you might land a upper cut in google. By mistake, and those are the best mistakes to make. But a mistake none the less :wink:

Now don't even get me started on amazon vs ebay vs etsy vs ah dude you get the idea..