The Official Blue Hat SEO Heckler

I got an interesting comment in the What is Blue Hat SEO page that i thought I’d take a minute to comment on.—————– an0n Says:July 29th, 2006 at 9:54 pm

Sorry, but the suggestions suggested on this site are plain unfair. While they might not be against the rules of the search engines, doesn’t mean you can be greedy or unethical. You are the patent system – legal but unfair.

Case in point: your spam blog ‘hack’

Hee’s an example of being unfair, but not against the rules. I disagree with your site. I won’t be ‘black hat’ against it, but I’ll use your own style to get what you want. So I shall feed you some advice that will do the world a favour. The advice are ‘instructions on how to delete this site’:a) if you have access to your WP folder remotely, delete the folderb) delete the database or where the actual data is stored

Thanks much and good netting!

————————————————–Despite what you think I’m not going to start ragging on this person, or even disagree with him. Infact I take most of it as a compliment.

Judging from a few other comments he has left; I get the impression that he is a White Hat Fanatic. I’ll explain. SEO is a lot like religion in several rights. There are religious people. People that follow a religion but still respect the rights of others that don’t believe as they do. Then there are religious fanatics, that feel it’s their duty to force everyone believe what they believe, one way or another. SEO holds the same principles. There are whitehats and blackhats. There are white hat fanatics and blackhat finatics. Simply put, the whitehat fanatics hate the blackhats because a blackhat site somewhere down the road outranked them. Blackhat finatics hate the whitehats because they are the are the ones that report their sites and get them banned.

Personally I’m on the fence on this one. I simply don’t care either way. I don’t hate blackhat sites because blackhat sites don’t attempt the competative markets I do. I don’t hate white hat sites cus if they get one of my blacksites banned, all well. I factored SE life span before i even invested in it.

An0n brings up a valid point. Are these Blue Hat Techniques unfair? Obviously being fair is subjective. Are using these techniques unfair because they allow you to compete with large sites like Some would say having a million dollar a year SEM budget is unfair. Are they unfair because the other webmasters competing against you aren’t readers of BlueHatSEO? If you’re that concerned about being fair email your competitors with the link. I bet you won’t. The only thing I see unfair is the fact that there are 300+ million sites competing for a term and only 10 will get 90% of the traffic. For pete’s sake people use this site as a tool to level the playing field. Make it fair for your sites to compete with all the rest of the bullshit in the industry.

Obviously An0n is frustrated, and Freud Eli might know why. It has been beatin’ into his/her head that content is king. I realize the concept of content is king is so incredibly popular that I’m probably going to get a ton of grief over this, but I really don’t care because saying content is king is like saying having a light car wins you the races. It’s true, but you’re going to want some horsepower before you run with the big dogs. That horsepower is appling advanced SEO tactics. Sorry if that conflicts with the idealist world of “natural linking.” Fucking communists. How disappointed were you when you were first learning about SEO and you asked “How do i do good in the search engines.” Then some person replied “Build good content and get some relevant links.” It’s not a bad answer it’s just not a very useful one, and it’s definitely not satisfying.

That is why I built Blue Hat SEO. I believe it’s a better answer to that question. Now how do you plan on me continuing to answer this question with the website deleted? Perhaps I should convert the blog into every other SEO blog. Where I just rant about new Google products coming out, and avoid actually teaching anything. I’m sorry to say this but there is a serious lack of resources available to webmasters after they pass the complete newbie level. The demand for advanced webmaster knowledge is definitely out there. I just built what I wish already existed. If there is anything I can do to stir up some dust so it’ll finally happen I’m more than willing.

Thanks for donating your input an0n. I really do appreciate yours and everyone else’s comments.
