There have been a few discussions lately on why Google does not police the Adsense scraper sites. Even when you click the report button on an obvious Adsense spam page Google seems to do absolutely nothing.

An Adsense scraper site is a site that has no useful content. It may have several random paragraphs of “content�? in order to provide Google Adsense with keywords for the contextual advertisements. In other words it scrapes other sites of their content and keywords.

These Adsense scraper sites that do not rank well in Google due to their devaluing rank very well in MSN and Yahoo. The theory is that Google in essence allows the Adsense accounts to stay active so that MSN and Yahoo indexes become overpopulated with “Adsense Spam�?. This makes their indexes less useful than Google’s.

Even these spammed “Adsense Pages�? provide Google with two things. They provide a free advertisement to webmasters to join the Adsense fun, and they push down the relevancy of their competitors SERPS. Facts be faced Google was the inspiration behind this web spam trend. The more it becomes a seemingly unstoppable force the more it appears that Google will profit the most from it.

This article was contributed by Rob from Chat