If any of you haven’t yet tried MSN’s Instant Answers yet, your missing out on something that’s pretty cool. For those of you who have no idea what I’m talking about try searching for babe ruth home runs on MSN. You’ll see an instant answer at the top of the search. Combine this with Google’s new quick product links and this could be a great rifle in the competition for search relevancy. With the new trend arrising of the major search engines instantly copying each other’s successful product rollouts lets assume that these two technologies form together and become a standard among the 3 giants(Google, MSN, Yahoo).

There could be many possibilities for this.

Each search engine would want to expand their answers as quickly as possible. This would mean they would need contributors as well as incentives for the contributors. Now if they paid us to contributor, sure I’ll do it. Otherwise they could offer the webmasters a link to their site in exchange for an answer. This would sound like the more plausible solution. I think this would be a great service to both the surfer and the webmaster. The webmaster would get to prove his expertise in an area, and promote his site on the subject, and the surfer wouldn’t have to surf from site to site for an answer to a quick question. As for the shopping sites, the more products the better. I’m already seeing a jump in traffic since Google started putting my site at the top of every search for the products I sell.
What other possibilities could come from this?