Upon request I have decided to open up the Blue Hat SEO Forums. These forums are exclusively for the loyal readers of BlueHatSEO.com. They will remain invite only. So if you consider yourself savvy in the SEO world and would like to a place to communicate with other experts in the field without having to deal with the millions of newcomers out there. Feel free to register an account and I will approve your account. Everything on these forums will be confidential so we can share tips and secrets amongst the other members safely without fear of them becoming public.

I do ask one thing. If you join the forums, remain as active as possible. This shouldn’t be too hard, but I do want to ensure the regular posters against leechers. I consider membership to this forum as a privilege and highly beneficial if people treat it right and follow the rules.

I will also be very limiting on who is allowed to join the forums so please don’t feel outcast if I don’t accept your registration.

Blue Hat SEO Forums