5 SEO changes that are impacting your Google rankings in 2021

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SEO is essentially the practice of using certain qualitative content principles and technical improvements to improve your online traffic and rankings on SERPs.

The basics of an effective SEO strategy includes Keywords, Metadata, link-building, wider technical SEO

It isn’t always about trying to go for the most popular search terms and expecting to be able to compete with the big fish right out of the gate. It’s about knowing your audience and trying to provide the content, information, and overall service they want/need. With that in mind, here are eight SEO tips that are just as effective now in 2021 as they have always been.

SEO tactics that we should be paying attention in 2021

  1. Write for humans first and search engines second
  2. Use targeted keywords in all the right places
  3. Focus on user experience (UX)
  4. Focus on building relevant links
  5. Format content for Featured Snippets
  6. Remove anything that slows down your site
  7. Pay attention to Google algorithm updates
  8. Improve existing content & add missing subtopics

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