How To Overthrow A Wikipedia Result
A busy ranking artist runs into this problem quite often. I ran into it again the other day and figured I might as well show my Blue Hat peeps how to overcome the same problem since its a fairly popular problem to have and there is a simple solution to it.
The Problem
Your site is holding a particular rank and a Wikipedia page is ranked right above it. The specific ranks don’t particularly matter, but much like Hillary Clinton in the primaries you can’t possibly live being beaten like that. You have to drop the Wikipage down a notch and you have to continue moving up.
The Simple Solution
The simplicity of this tactic actually depends very heavily on the Wikipedia entry. Either way they’re all very beatable, but some are easier than others. In fact as mentioned I just ran into this problem recently and I managed to knock the competitive Wikipage entirely out of the top 20 in just two days using these steps. First you need to understand why the Wikipage ranks. Most of these pages rank for 3 reasons.
1) The domain authority of
2) Innerlinking amongst other Wikipedia entries boosting the page’s value. <- Particularly the *See Also’s
3) Inbound links from most typically blogs and forums. <- An observant person would not only notice the high percentage of links from blogs/forums in contrast to other types of links but a strong lack of sitewide links from any of those sites.
You obviously can’t do anything about the domain authority of but understand that it’s pages are like a tripod; If you knock out one of the legs the whole thing falls (pun). Well now that you understand why it’s there right up above you like a towering fugly friend of the girl you’re trying to hit on the solution becomes obvious. Knock out reasons two and three.
1) Using your favorite link analysis tool (I prefer the simplistic Yahoo Site Explorer) find all the pages that link to the particular wikipedia entry that come from the domain.
2) Go to each listing and find the reference to the offending Wikipage. You’ll find most of them in the See Also section or linked throughout the article. This is where the simplicity that I was talking about before comes into play. Listings such as “Flash Games” or “Election News” are easier because they’re so irrelevant. When people are searching Google for terms such as these they’re obviously wanting to find actual flash games or election news, not some faggy Wikipedia page saying what they are. The same concept applies to other Wikipages linking to them. Just because the author put the text Cat Food in the article or the See Also doesn’t mean its a relevant reference to the subject matter.
3) SLOWLY remove nearly all those bitches! Be sure to leave a good convincing reason for the removal on the editing reason. Remove as many as possible but strictly limit yourself. I understand Blue Hatters have a tendency to overdo things but you’re just going to fuck yourself if you quickly go through each and every reference and mass delete them. If you don’t know how many you should remove, then keep it to no more than 1-2 a day. Remove the references with the highest pagerank first if you got a ranking emergency and switch IPs between each one. This will either knock out one of it’s legs or at least cripple the leg a bit. Which leaves you with my match and exceed philosophy.
4) Find all the blogs and forums that link to that Wikipage and go drop a link in as many of them as you can. Match and exceed. I’m not going to dive into the nofollow talk on this one or talk about the benefits of links via blog comments. Just realize your goal in this instance isn’t to get more links it’s to get your link on the same pages that link to the Wikipage. As mentioned above you’ll be dealing mostly with blogs and forums, you’re in the same niche as the topics they’re talking about obviously and you probably won’t have any sitewide links to deal with so you won’t have to go through any link begging pains.
5) Try to drop your link into the article. This is common sense.
Side Note
Wikipedia’s domain authority isn’t something Ý0µ should be entirely worried abouṪ. They’re site and µrl structure actually ßÊcomes favorable to help deaden some of the heightening factors.
OH FYI! There is now a Printer Friendly link on every post on Blue Hat by popular demand
Can’t dropping a link to a wikipedia page get you black listed and maybe even put you into a G penalty?
Go back to reading Shoemoney, john chow, zach johnson, dave naylor etc. We’ll welcome you back when you get a bit more experience.
Who are those guys?
Shoemoney? and John Chow? Those guys are the ones making the big bux with blogging, and off course other online ventures as well.
As far as the wiki overthrowing, man… it seems really hard to do, hehe.
Man, some of the people commenting on this blog must have had pretty mean parents when it comes to dishing out names.
Have you not tried bombing in a load of gutter spam links into a wikipage? It’s likely to make it rank better, but sometimes pumping some bilge in will tank a site.
i had heard about shoemoney and john chow those guys are really great.
Can’t wait for tis one
Ich mag deine Artikel, der einen guten Artikel ist Oh!
A good team:)
really nice to see this one.
you shouldn’t make fun of Jane. i’m sure she will learn from reading this blog that you can’t get blacklisted for simply suggesting a link in wikipedia is not legit.
True i agree with you, we should not offending the newbies. Great articles el
Who are they?
I think it can but im not certain.
I guess Google will never let a site ranking better than wikipedia. Is that a problem? Not really as everybody knows that Wikipedia isn´t commercial at all.
I partly agree with you in this regard(but don’t agree 100%)
the reason for this is that i believe google has given a HIGH MANUAL PRIORITY ADVANTAGE to sites like wikipedia, , etc.
I don’t fully agree with this, you can overtake wikipedia with higher Rank backlinks and more targetted onsite optimisation. Most backlinks to wikipedia are built into webpages and not actually in blogs and forums so editing can be difficult. Overcoming wiki on keywords is hard but do able, just not this way.
Kitesurfing Lessons South East
oh yeah you are right wikipedia isn’t commercial site i don’t know whether it is possible or not.
Although this is a very informative post I don’t think I would dare follow your method. Yes, people are saying that it is OK but…
This is like “Who Dares - Win” mate. If you dont take these calculated risks, its highly likely that you will remain at the bottom of the table for those results.
Most backlinks to wikipedia are built into webpages and not actually in blogs and forums so editing can be difficult. Overcoming wiki on keywords is hard but do able, just not this way.
WOW! Genius. Going to try this later today.
Although our Chicago limo service doesn’t have to put up with competitors like Wikipedia, I still like the idea and I was wondering if will work with other types of websites.
Wikipedia have always seemed so formidable, i never imagined you could overthrow this goliath
This really is some bue hat stuff!
I guess Google will never let a site ranking better than wikipedia. Is that a problem? Not really as everybody knows that Wikipedia isn´t commercial at all.
Good thing I already made to the best commenter of all time.
Where did you hear this from?
Dont know. Probably the Author has done from self experience.
I wanted to thank you for this great read!! I definitely loved every little bit of it. I have bookmarked your site to check out the new stuff you post.
Not at all. it wont blackhat your link.
Its easy to drop a link in wikipedia.
Why? What happen to those two guys? I heard that Shoemoney and John chow are great, then whats the problem?
Alot of the techniques he uses are blackhat. Using any blackhat technique is risky.
Yeah, it won’t get you blacklisted if you do it subtley, (if that even is a word?)
Right. it sucks but its true.
yehey!!! thanks for this one!!!
It will cause wikipedia blacklist, however, google won’t mind I guess. It’s because all wiki links are nofollow and nothing hurts google.
very interesting article, man!
Yes Jane, you are correct. If you link to Wikipedia, or get a link from them, you’ll generally find your whole domain algorithmically banned within a couple of hours.
I’ve never had problems outranking Wikipedia pages - as an observation, has anybody found a deep-page within Wikipedia that gets Sitelinks within Google? It seems to be Google is aware, that Wikipedia is rarely “the” source for a search and is a general repository of knowledge and thus never seems to get cemented #1 rankings.
If I could see an example of the above, I’d be very interested.
Are you being sarcastic or am I not understanding what you are saying?
He’s just being sarcastic
no having a link on a wikipedia page or linking to wikipedia won’t get you banned.
I love the commenters here don’t get me wrong, but some of them…wheww.
Wow! I couldn’t stop laughing when I read those first few comments.
Till then,
PS: Be sure to renew your domain name Eli, as I want to keep seeing this blog! It’s set to expire in January!
For a minute there I tought you were serious Mark. I’m glad it was just sarcasm.
I have a couple sites with outbound links to wikipedia but haven’t got banned. so i feel your thinking is wrong!
well you must know some magic tricks that we are not aware of
great post indeed.
getting a link from Wikipedia and uour domain is banned within a couple of hours ???? So if I want to crash my competition, I just need to get thel into Wikipedia? I don’t think so.
Is the ban you receive permanent or a sandbox type thing to give the editing process time to occur?
Nice article though, I definitely know what instance where I’ll give it a try!
“Is the ban you receive permanent or a sandbox type thing to give the editing process time to occur?”
i don’t understand why your site will get into sandbox or banned by getting a link from wikipedia. i had a website on “online university information” and got a couple of links from wikipedia for a short period of time. I experienced an increase in SERP during that period. but as my links were removed by editors later, i soon noticed a fall in my SERPS.
I’m assuming something is a little unclear here?
I see no reason why a site should be instantly banned from receiving a link from Wikipedia? If that was the case I’d be adding links from Wikipedia to all my competitors immediately.
this is what i have been trying to say in my previous comments. infact getting a link from wikipedia is very beneficial despite it being a no-follow.
Nice article by you definitely I’ll give it a try for our blog.
nice article indeed.
Now that would be black hat seo for sure
It is known that spamming wikipedia will put your site in a blacklist which IS shared by Google. But dropping one link to your site on a half-relevant page is not going to do this as I’m sure many people try this daily.
But anyway, what the hell has that got to do with this article? He doesn’t reccommend dropping links to your site from wikipedia at all. has been on the wikipedia blacklist ever since my how to spam wikipedia series of posts.
Is there seriously a Wikipedia blacklist that is shared with Google? I’ve never heard of this.
wikipedia blast is not a good.
Ya i have some confusion and i do not understand about bluehat seo. That time this catagery struggling for a great position so i watch it.
what is the confusion.
And you sound suitably proud of the fact too!
yes, you are right.
James, you write that “It is known that spamming wikipedia will put your site in a blacklist . . . .” Can you site any authoritative source for this? I don’t believe this is true.
blacklist with google or wiki?
blacklist with google.
@Jane: Why would linking to wikipedia get your site banned? Ofcourse it doesn’t fool, millions of pages link to wikipedia daily.
no, it wont link.
Regarding #3:
How are you going to “remove nearly all those bitches!”
Am i missing something or what?
The suggestion you are referring to is to edit the Wikipedia pages and remove the links.
It simple but Are you thier?
Yes you are.
great man.
Oh yeah!
I like deleting links to competitor sites and replacing them with my own.
I was looking for a #1 ranking where the current #1 was a subpage of a big and popular site. That particular subpage sucked, however, and had offensive and intrusive advertising, which was my entry point.
I did pretty much what you said to do, although I did it over the course of two weekends. I put in about 150 links to my site, and managed to replace maybe 60 or 70 links that pointed to my competitor.
Three months later I get the #1 spot, and a TBPR of 5. Not bad at all.
I LOVE IT. This strategy totally works. Thanks!
no, it wont works.
Are you saying your ranking improved by spamming Wikipedia with links to your site?
So apparently, adding links to Wikipedia didn’t get you banned. That would be ridiculous, as that would discourage ANY site from being in a Wikipedia entry. If no one wanted their site in a Wikipedia entry, Wikipedia would crash and burn, as they would no longer be seen as having thorough information as many of the links in Wikipedia are very relevant to the entry.
Angela from Aberdeen
good backlinks from wikipedia.
“and managed to replace maybe 60 or 70 links that pointed to my competitor.”
but how on earth could you get those links to your commentator removed. it would be nice if you post the method of removing links!!!
That is bad bad and i think u are doing black hat seo.
Good going a little elbow grease paid off
paid off little.
That’s sound interesting.
I would definitely like to try it one day
Thank Eli
Could you expand on 4 a bit. Is matching all the links for Co Citation reasons?
Why doesn’t no-follow matter? (i know you said you didn’t want to get into it - but I’m asking nicely)
Someday I’ll make a whole post on nofollow, but for now the point wasn’t as mentioned, link building it was to get your link on the same pages as the wikilink.
nice. I look forward to it.
no, i look backward.
I have been waiting patiently for another Blue Hat gem, and alas, on my 27th birthday, I get one.
Hmm. Still kinda confused as to how you can justify to the “Wiki-police” that you’re deleting those internal links? From what I’ve seen (see the “Discussion” pages) most of them are pretty damn rabid about ANY changes being made to pages, even links being delinked etc… They’ll want a plausible explanation which might not be so easy to give.
Finally a great question!
I actually somehow forgot to put that into the post. It’s very vital that you put a reason for edit when you remove the see also’s. Put something like Reference didn’t match topic. Removed it or something that’ll convince the other editors that it was an edit related to relevancy. Kind of use your intuition when writing it. The better job you do the better chance you have of knocking more of those links out.
Simple solution: Use “Trim internal links to reduce overlinking. You can help, see [[WP:Overlinking]]” as the edit summary.
“I’ll take that one step further. Start by spamming the crap out of the
Wikipedia page in question with internal Wiki links — add links to as
many Wikipedia pages as quickly as you can, they should be barely relevant.
In my experience, adding a huge volume of internal links all at once can
trip a Google filter and make the page disappear from the SERP (at least
for a little while).
Then in a day or so you can go back (obviously from a different
IP/account) and remove all those links PLUS many of the original legit
links in the name of cleaning up after “the spammer”. Just make sure you
don’t look too obvious. ”
i found this on,-for-SEO-spammers-td20702972.html
sorry, i didn’t see that this comment was infact first posted here below. so moderator plz remove my previous comment.
is it sorry.
You are right detail…..
More good advice
More good advice man.
I have tried few tricks but no sucess. seems this will work
Owner @
Admin Support
Interesting article Eli. I think point 4 about finding the blogs and forums that link to Wiki and dropping your own in there is the key point and also one of the main tecniques that can easily be used to out rank any competitor. Anyway, a great read as always.
Another great article.
For some inside info on Wikipedia, check out their recently released Annual report for 07 - 08. Actually some pretty interesting reading.
Brad, what’s so interesting about it? Can you give us the bullet points?
no man.
I didn’t see anything in the Wikipedia Annual Report of interest to this topic but it does have some interesting information—facts you wouldn’t expect for Wikipedia. People can check it out here if they want:
Yes, point 4 is interesting, but difficult. Point 2… it is very bad if anybody will erase info from wikipedia
As mentioned in the article and the other comment. Just give the other editors a good justified reason for making the edit. The reasons can be any or more of the reasons in step 2.
You are right but if any information is wrong so anybuddy deleted it.
yes, of course.
Cheers for the post Eli.
At the moment the only way I am trying to outrank my competitors is analysing their links and literally copying what they’re doing. I know they are just using blog posts and forums so I can easily just match.
I would really like a post on nofollow. Is it true that nofollow helps SERPs but not PR.
Hey Eli thanks for the helpful article, you make some great suggestions.
Wikipedia has got more information than required..
Hope to try that out soon.. otherwise usually my gets deleted.
wikipedia is great.
i dont think that blogs in wikipedia get banned. In fact i see some blogs from the same niche as mine featured in Wikipedia and they stillperform better than me. as a matter of fact i was thinking “to open” a page over there…
Now I see why this blog is called “blue hat seo” and not “white hat seo.”
This is a good tip, especially when used in moderation and within the Wikipedia TOS (e.g. removing irrelevant links).
My bunny sense is tingling…
Thank you. I have announced this your post in russian forum of webmasters and SEOs.
no, is it not announced.
Nice article.I guess I could apply these tips to outrank other high authority sites too.
I’m trying to think of sites that have a comparable link structure…
is it link structure.
Great article. A little deceptive but I guess it is not all fun and games when it comes to generating traffic.
It’s not just “little deceptive”. It’s a real Blue Hat SEO (though some of the tips of this page I’d call black hat rather)
Eli wears more hats than the mad hatter
Fantastic tips, I too have run into this, time and again, will try your steps, thanks!
I’ll take that one step further. Start by spamming the crap out of the Wikipedia page in question with internal Wiki links — add links to as many Wikipedia pages as quickly as you can, they should be barely relevant.
In my experience, adding a huge volume of internal links all at once can trip a Google filter and make the page disappear from the SERP (at least for a little while).
Then in a day or so you can go back (obviously from a different IP/account) and remove all those links PLUS many of the original legit links in the name of cleaning up after “the spammer”. Just make sure you don’t look too obvious.
This accomplishes two things: 1) you might succeed in knocking the page off Google’s front page for appearing to have gained a spammy link profile and 2) it gives you a legit looking reason to remove existing links on powerful Wiki pages.
Now that is a bluehat tip!
Good addition to the article Melanie, you think like a true “Blue hat’er”
Now THAT’S what I’m talkin’ about. I was reading down the comments, and for a minute I was thinking: “What the hell happened to the intelligence level of BlueHat readers?” but you get the award for the best (and smartest) comment. Thank you for the awesome tip.
Aww shucks. Thanks guys
Great tip Melanie! That’s the best comment so far. I’m going to try it today and see how it works.
personal checks
so simple, yet so brilliant!
yes, brilliant.
Some interesting tips there which even a dumbo like me might be able to have a dabble with. I’m a long-time reader and share your disdain of Wikipedia if not your skill in nobbling the damn moderators whose kingdom it is.
The link in my name above leads to a rant on the subject instigated by some fool deleting a whole article I’d written because he’d staked out a claim to that corner of Wikipedia. It has some funny pictures in it you can spam the mods back with (briefly, I suppose…) which you might find slightly amusing.
Anyway some insightful comments, very many thanks, I might actually try them, but I doubt the mods will let me get away with anything, tenacious sods…
Mhh, I like the print feature. Is that a plugin or just a css mod you did?
Very cool article….
I also use spyglass tool it also show backlinks like yahoo and pagerank, age and kind of value for each domain…
cool spyglass tools.
Ha ha this is great writing. I love it. And it is the right method to take, though I would build about 20% more links from the same blogs and forums and then build additional links through social media site submissions. :0
great- I had alreay figured out the last part and discovered that you don’t need to take many links from the wiki page for it to drop.
On a info site of mine they were stopping me - so I contact all the inbound links - about 200 - I got ten of them to switch there link from wiki to me and another 10 or so added my link - the wiki page is now in my mirror.
Never though of the internal stuff on wiki though - I can see this getting me into trouble…
Nice strategy - very simple and actionable. I’ll keep it in mind next time I’m trying to outrank Wiki.
Another great post Eli. I realize this is off the topic of this post, but have thought of talking about geo-targetting. IE, getting ranking in another country code. or Uk
A good post. This is the first time I’ve stumbled across your blog and I have a feeling I’ll be up all night. It’s good to come across some advice that actually makes sense.
I avoid Wiki, but I’ll pass this on to my husband who has actually edited for fun and would know exactly how to word edits.
Nice article. A little deceptive but I guess it is not all fun and games when it comes to generating traffic.
It should be noted that if this method is used to improve the quality of Wikipedia entries, this method is entirely within the Wikipedia terms of service.
This is a brilliant and easy to understand article. You’re a genius when it comes to stuff like this!
Like Carrie above said, this is my first visit too, and I’m already in love with this blog!
I would however like to see the QUIT thing up again, as it seemed like a really awesome tool.
There is SQUIRT and QUIT is available for squirt members.
SUPER THANKS for this tip. I am one of those people who really don’t like Wiki in the first place. (Administrators need to take a class on how to socialize for starters) But the fact that they are beating me in rank for one of my sites was really getting to me.
Now that I can turn the tables a bit, you have made my day… Thanks again.
Oh man, this is going to be a LOT of fun.
Anybody know of any automated way to add links to a Wikipedia result?
I never realized that it could be quite simple really to dislodge Wiki from their seemingly unbudgable spot but now you explain this quite clearly i can seen that it is quite easily possible. Thanks for that.
It is confusing though, why so many of the commentators seem to think that dropping links to Wiki will get you banned. Why should it. Millions link to wiki everyday i would think?
You may be missing the point. The point is to remove links from Wikipedia pages that link to the page Wikipedia page that you are competing with. That way, you remove the “link juice” coming into the page you are competing with. Of course, this method does not address the links from other domains that link to the page you are competing with—there is nothing that can be done about those.
Thanks for that explanation.
thanks explaination.
Just as an FYI, search engines purposefully place Wikipedia results in almost ALL of their result sets for as many queries as they can. This is information from an insider. They are basically “rounding out” their pages with an obilgatory result from either or wikipedia. And as the article states, the page may not be all that relevant.
So if you’ve ever wondered why this seems to happen as often as it does, that’s why.
Just sharing a little bit.
Thanks for sharing ‘insider information’
I actually believe in what you say. I do think wikipedia has been given a manual priority benefit by the google administrators.
Hmm, I never thought Wikipedia was any special.
wikipedia is special.
Great stuff as always!
Is there an alternate route or tweak to help this work against an or article?
I’m not aware of any. The problem with and is the content on their websites is entirely controlled by company editors—we can’t edit pages on or
Your idea sounds interesting, but I wonder if the Wikipedia poiice would pay a blind eye to such changes made - especially when you make similar changes to many pages in Wikipedia.
Great post!
But I am VERY interested to find out if there are similar strategies to knock out and pages. Both of those sites seem to get very special treatment from Google.
I would think that a similar strategy of duplicate and expand would be fairly effective. RoR/About/Wikipedia are just big sites with lots of internal juices to spread around.
Hi Eli,
Wikidnapping is where the idea was explained last year.
This was a theory I came up with last year. The reverse is also called Wikijacking. Rand Fishkin wrote an article about my theory last year also.
Wiki Bowling, lol. The opposite, the wiki whack, eg. beating out your competitors with wikipedia is also doable.
Oh yeah, Kris Kross forever, lol.
But if you are beating out your competitors with wiki whack, and they are competing with you, aren’t you using Wikipedia to beat yourself?
Another thing you could do is to deoptimize the offending wikipedia page, just be nice change a few lines without changing the meaning and add some more useful information (wikipedia is a coolproject
i dont think this is feasible because to overthrow a wikipedia page using you method would demand changing the specific wikipedia page TITLE which is not possible easily.
Nice solution……
nice solution.
This is so going to get widely used. Then Wikipedia finds out or some other way and does something. You really like to play with Wikipedia don’t you? Haha..
Im so happy to see your site, thanks for all the information you shared.
Fantastic tips,I enjoyed reading your post.
Thank you. I have announced this your post in philipphine forum,this is a nice forum.
Thats a great post and thanks for the information.
This blogs is really great! wish i can create same as your blogs.
Ya i agree with you and i think this blog give us some new information..
Great, nice post keep up the good work.
Cyrus, why are you spamming this blog with your comments? Rather go comment on other articles if you just want to get on the tc list.
Great tactics. Its so obvious, yet so brilliant! Thanks again Eli.
That’s great information. Actually I also read the usefull information from
This is same as spying on competetors backlinks. According to me, nothing special is written in that article at!
I would like to add, that another benefit of ranking wikipedia pages is that you can use them to get a link from a competitor entry to your website, without even pushing your own entry if you have one.
Wow, I never thought of that before. thanks Tech SEO.
The best SEO solution is to become Secretary of State. I’m sorry, I got caught on your first comparison.
is it, that’s nice.
It’s a brilliant idea, all is fair in love and war … and SEO, you’re actually doing the internet a favour by removing the garbage links, haha
Thank You for your great post and thanks for the information.
Too bad Wikipedia is so heavily monitored.
However, without Wikipedia being “heavily monitored,” it would be useless sight full of spam.
Im so happy to see your site, thanks for all the information you shared, please continue posting all the information you know.
This is one of the most informational blog I have come across so far.
True,this is a really cool site, more power and keep up the goo work.
This has to be one of the most useful piece of information that i’ve been read.
A great article!.. It describes the procedure in step by step, very nice. I think it will be most useful for all
That’s fabulously creative and I certainly hope your idea gets the full attention it deserves. May you live in interesting times.
Are you all ethically bankrupt? You are advocating being dishonest and manipulative and almost all of the responses are “How wonderful and clever!” I do not find this wonderful or clever; I find it reprehensible behavior, akin to scam artists.
To Tracy walker,
This is bluehat seo, and if you are not comfortable with it, then just move on to another blog on whitehat seo!
More and more bluehat goodness. keep it coming.
Thanks for the heads up. Just so you all know there have been a plethora of new bots and tools coded to pick up on this. If too many of the same link starts getting removed (no matter how gradually) we will find out about it. Try again maybe?
Thanks for this great post. I’ve ever hated it that wikipedia is always on top of the google search score. And all in all I don’t like wikipedia at all, okay there are sometimes useful articles but most of the informations you find there are really dump. So I’ve often tried to score upon wikipedia, but I didn’t find a way. So thankfully find your blog about this. Now I could try again, and this time I’ll win.
Hmm, I have tried this using proxy servers to mask my IP but haven’t had any success! Great idea though!
I tried to remove some internal wikipedia links with no success. too many watchdogs. was reverted after a very short time.
Most probably you didn’t put a “reason for edit”, so they were all restored back, or that you removed links which were apt to be linked from on those pages!
Try it with the attribut noindex, nofollow!
nofollow for wikipedia internal links?
i guess they just see that someone edited it and they go in defense mode.
Oh sorry Jan: I haven´t read your comment correctly!
Haha kinda sneaky but effective. Never would have thought of this, cool idea.
@ Jan: some important wikipedia pages can not be changed by one person. Every change has to be controlled and accepted by at least 2 other persons.
Innerlinking only works by pages that are not important.
@ Bluehatseo: I think those tipps can be a bit dangerous, don´t you think? It´s not a black hat seo tactic anymore but quite black hat to link the own site in wikis.
Hi I recently tried somthing like this with wikipedia I made a page for my company and put alot of good content on the page about outdoor toys which is the product that we sell and at the bottom I put a small link to us just saying this is our site wikipedia then contacted me saying I was advertising on there systems and straight after that our pges dropped off googles rankings where we were at that time in the top 3 for most searchs Do you think the wikipedia thing might be at all related to my site dropping in the rankings and have you got any ideas on how to get back up
Are you wondering whether your site was penalized by Google because you created a link to it from Wikipedia? If so, I doubt that is the reason Google penalized you.
As you may read in my previous comments, i don’t think that getting a link from wikipedia is harmful. infact its very beneficial and helps in increasing the SERPS of your site!
Very informative article. I’m trying to learn more about “bluehat”, if you will. Things that are not standard fare for white hat, but things that will not get you banned or labeled black hat. Thanks for the insightful thoughts.
Blue Hat SEO always has some gems. Sometimes I forget all about it and then when I come back there something new and valuable, unlike blogs that update frequently but never actually say anything.
Even if specific methods don’t work for you and/or are “shut down” I think the idea is to really get thinking about these tactics and come up with some strategies of your own. It’s not what you learn but what you do with it and not being told what to think but learn how to think for yourself and run with things.
The comments are also great just to see the various reactions.
It’s also interesting that I said 1+1=2 but I “didn’t pass math” lol. Maybe I entered that wrong.
nice post, very informative.
Yeah, I have tried to implement some of these tactics, but it’s too early to see what’s going to happen. Even if it doesn’t work it certainly has given me ideas to apply to other sites.
And I think, that with Wikipedia it is not necessary to struggle - senselessly. It is easier to make the ideal site on the necessary theme and to put on him the link with Wikipedia
Just found this via google, been reading a few articles and really like your blog… The articles are pretty well written =P
Keep up the good work =P, I’ll try to keep checking back…
I’m assuming something is a little unclear here?
I see no reason why a site should be instantly banned from receiving a link from Wikipedia? If that was the case I’d be adding links from Wikipedia to all my competitors immediately.
Great post, just loveit!
Good Post! I agree your post but i feel point 4 is difficult to understand for me.otherwise the story is excellent.I really love it.
Thank for your post
I’ll second that V_v
Nice post! and I do have a good time reading your article. Thanks a lot.
The RSS reader in My Yahoo thinks that your most recent post was “added one year ago”, more specifically the 16 Aug 2007 post named Updates Coming.
At least My Yahoo allows me to add the feed for your wild ‘n’ crazy blog, which is a courtesy it extends to only a select few… bugs? Nah…
You might wanna check this out; I can’t be the only one they’re picking on… can I?
Thank you very much for the heads up! Keep up the good work.
Well, I’ll like to say just one thing and that is, nevr mess up with good sites. You should always respect them and never try to do anything wrong with them
ha ha ha. I didn’t realize you could do this. Good to know.
After reading this post, I decided not to do it against wikipedia alone but to all of my competitors… I see new hope.. thanks a lot..
thanks for sharing
usefull info
very nice and informative site.. keep it up..
Very interesting read! Thanks so much!
Very useful information.
i consider wikipedia as a tough competition. They are domineering for some keywords
This idea/tip is very interesting
I am bit annoyed seeing the wikipedia page(s) above mine in Google SERPs.
And I think, that with Wikipedia it is not necessary to struggle - senselessly. It is easier to make the ideal site on the necessary theme and to put on him the link with Wikipedia
Wow tthanks very much I see why its called Blue Hat - now to go make it happen.
Well folks, what do you think? Where’s Eli? He’s either building some giant new scheme to conquer the interwebs, or he’s slumming it on his new island while meaninglessly large strings of zeroes pile up behind a nine in various bank accounts….
I’m calling it. There is no SEO Empire part 2, never was. It’s a myth. Or maybe he’s waiting for someone else to post it. Or maybe there is no “Eli”, never was… he’s a replicant, and this whole blog was created by a hyperintelligent AI content generator.
Eli? The entree is boiled dog.
“meaninglessly large strings of zeroes pile up behind a nine in various bank accounts….”
this is a very funny & intelligent expression of what Eli earns!
Awesome post I’ll have to try this.
I dont get this problem, but i enjoyed the read anyway.
Your posts are always detailed and helpful
Just what the Doctor orders for me. I have a headache with a wiki page in my niche. Guess I should not be worried about it after following the mentioned steps.
thanks for this article. its always good to get you perspective on how to do things. i had my own ideas on how to lower the wiki rankings
Although it is great from an SEO point of view, it is very tough to defeat wikipedia.
I agree, when it comes to wiki, there are so many links that pouring in from so many different sources it seems impossible, however those clever individuals will create a service or niche that would own even wiki.
Limousine Service NJ
This is a really difficult feat to manage. I really love reading your posts, but I always find myself at the “damn if i perfected that, that’d be great” phase. Keep up the great posts!
Update: I actually just checked one of my websites, and saw that the Wiki result is lower. But it’s hard to determine causality when there are so many other variables to consider.
Thanks for the amusing “why didn’t I think of that” moment.
Interesting advise, I would not have thought to edit the Wiki article.
I love Wiki and its not difficult to add your article to it if its reliable!
Very helpful post, Thanks! I’ve encountered this problem in the past, but I didn’t attempt your suggestions, I just worked to build links for the site that I was trying to rank. I’m going to do what you’ve suggested next time I run into a Wiki page in my way!
I think we should all no-follow all Wikipedia links.
I agree. Why should Wikipedia - who blocks all link juice going out - get link juice going back in to them? They’re already a great resource that millions of people go to for all sorts of knowledge, so why should they get the top 1-2 results for half the Google searches out there?
FYI: all external wikipedia links are now no-follow.
great advice, i’m gonna try it out.
point 2 and 4 is interesting, But I do not fully agree with this.
My blog is not very old yet i have already run into this problem. To be honest i was just going to give up on the keyword because i thought i had no chance of out placing a wikipedia result. This however is something i will try because if it works the rewards of all the potential extra visitors could be massive.
Thank you. Will check out other blog posts for more info.
Hey,i havent faced these type of probs in my career, but if it happens, then i will surely follow this tactic, thanks.
Just checked your print feature. works great!
Thanks for the post! It is very helpful!
What a nice advice. I will surely try it.
I’m going to do what you’ve suggested next time. Hope it works. Thanks.
Fantastic post. We have so many products that could be considered ‘generic’ so often Wikipedia does dominate our native listings.
Great print feature by the way.
…Thats an interesting technique. What ip switching software do you use?
I guess i have to give this technique a test and see if it works for me. Thanx
Definitely worth a try. Thanks.
Awesome post good work! This is worth trying!
Thank for advice. It is definitely wort to try. I am getting on to it.
its reall blue hat seo
Here is the 161st comment in this post; to wish you a very happy and successful new year.
Hi friends, nice to meet you. Thank for your sharing article.
Metaspring, now 163. But the quantity does not mean quality
Yes quantity does not mean quality but when there is such an overwhelming response it does have to count for something!
@Metaspring, I agree with you. Quantity does not mean quality but it is some kind of measure.
Happy new year to you too.
Precisely, there is a very great deal of appreciation for an original and creative tactic here.
Amazing, I wonder how effective Wikipedia really is if this is how simple it is to enter anything you want.
Great advicce. I have been sat around 6th for a particular search term for a long time now and am hoping my renewed link building campaign is going to create a chance to leapfrog my competition into the top 3.
I think this tactic is probably dark blue hat, but given my priority is to be above wiki then i will definitely give it a go.
Simplicity and great effectiveness of it are evidently seen.
Eli my men, where are you? I’m so waiting for another post from you. SEO Empire Part 2, pretty please?
Wiki = nofollow
Its often that Wikipedia is the highest ranking page, actually to often if you ask me.
I would really enjoy if google would pay less attention to sites lik wikipedia.
very interesting
Hi there,
Does anyone have any befor and after examples?
Or has anyone done this yest?
I also use link dignosis to find good links at wikipedia
I use linkdiagnosis tool from fire fox…
Can’t dropping a link to a wikipedia page get you black listed and maybe even put you into a Google penalty? I’m not sure about this.
I hear the same thing with regards to getting blacklisted.
yes,So do I .But I am not sure it is really true.
Very amusing article, I enjoyed the read!
I have actually been following this advice and I have seen some nice results. I am wondering when Eli is going to give out the secret about overthrowing a .gov or .edu ranking
Its good to read them. To my knowledge, I think “Link Diagnosis” is the best tool which comes with Firefox.
- Dave.
Your article is really worth to read. I Found your sites very interesting!
Hello, we have a project in Germany with the keyword LR. We have tried everything possible to be better than wikipedia. Nothing has helped until now! I´ll try your tipps!
Thanks so much for the advices that I found here. keep it up.
As long as you can stand the pain of feeling evil =D
WOW that a big statement to make. Wikipedia is one of the most authortiy websites on the internet. It could be possible to overturn the results but very hard.
Yet another awesome SEO technique. Thanks for this, I just might use it
Wikipedia links are nofollow ! I do not see the logic in removing the links from wikipedia.
Make no sense at all. And it’s not ethical either.
All links to internal pages in wikipedia is dofollow. only external links get a nofollow.
I find that you can easily rank above Wiki by just building a reasonable amount of links to your site. Up until now I never had a problem.
It’s always pissed my off that the wiki pages did so well. Yours is an interesting take on how to take care of that issue.
I get the impression that these folks at wiki act like many at dmoz.
More and more bluehat goodness. keep it coming.
The information in your blog is very interesting and excellent. Thankyou for providing valuable information.
Thanks a lot for the cool information that I found here. It helps me a lot.
Im just having trouble outranking smaller sites right now, let alone the bigger sites with lots of PR and authority. It is really hard. thanks for the info!
thank you for sharing these tips with us. I haven’t been using wikipedia much lately, it makes me wonder if I’ve slowed down on my researching??? Hmmm….
Well, another thing I am curious about though regarding wikipedia is, did they finally reach their target of donations? I’ll go check it out don’t worry.
I wonder how many of commentators read actual post.
Wiki - huge site but how much can you believe is fact anyway?
Does anyone know anybody who has actually donated to Wiki??? Is anybody out there………..
If you do your basic SEO you can probably outrank Wiki 90 times out of a 100.
Did anyone have success by this?
I had. Try it and you´ll see!
Interesting concept, but doesn’t Wikipedia nofollow their links?
I pretty confused with this concept. Some people say posting on wikipedia is really good thing to do. It will increase your traffic, but I think wikipedia is nofollow website. any successor yet.
haha i really like the idea. F’in Wikis are always beating me in the serps and now its time for them to pay for it.
it s a very nice place
Another good one article..thanks for posted here.
Really informative as always Eli. Still waiting on SEO Empire Part 2
what a impressive article. last days I didn’ t read post like that. I am now your blog’ s follower thanks for this useful blog. you are now in my bookmarks.
So is this site dead or what? I’m thinking of dropping it from my RSS reader. What’s the buzz? Tell me what’s a-happenin…
Great post, I am going to have to try it out now. I get so frustrated when Wiki ranks higher than my post.
This is the article that I want. This article is very good. This article is very useful for me. Thanks
Great old post, what’s happening with more recent posts, all seems a bit quiet on the site?
Thank you very much for sharing a very interesting concept. Keep up the good work.
Great post, I am going to have to try it out now.
Modifying wikipedia is always a bit of a gamble as depending of the subject there are crazy zealots that would remove even really useful linka.
“Modifying wikipedia is always a bit of a gamble as depending of the subject there are crazy zealots that would remove even really useful linka. ”
I believe this to be the practical truth Joe!
A Great tatics, it is of utmost importance for the seo.
Great article and great idea thanks for sharing
Eli, great concept! I’ll try that to improve my rankings.
Realy its good way of getting high renk but we should also consider the objectve of Wikipedia as it is not a profit making organization but if we try not to make profit then it would be very dificult for us as some of us have choosen it as a career.
Anyhow, we should follow the simplycity as the Wikipedea follows and we should try not to advertise much on our website.
Thank you! my parents have this site “” and sell therefore porcelain. On the french google, they are alywas ranked second. I ll work on it for them! i ll let you know,
Thankyou very much, olivia
Hahaha, I like the style of writing here. No bullshit. Good hints.
This is some good advice. The SERP pages are being squeezed more and more with properties like Wiki, Squidoo, Hub pages etc ..
Thanks for this nice advice..i wanna try this hint to “fight” in “kampanye damai pemilu indonesia 2009″
Great advice thanks, although is number 2 really that different to number 1?
I think it’s almost the same.
Thank you so much for the pieces of advices. Keep posting!
Great advices! thanks a lot for sharing!
thanks. this is important things.
This article is like a mine giving gold for free, I mean you give away all that cool SEO advise for free. Hats off man!!
That needs a bit of work but will pay off really well.
I just wanted to say that you are a total douche nozzle. Your science is flawed! half the twisted shit you try to pull off as SEO doesn’t even fucking work!
nah… I’m just kidding
You are a fucking GENIUS and an inspiration dude…for real
I am exactly the same opinion. It´s really a pity that he doesn´t write anymore in the blog.
Love the comments on here, although I didn’t see an answer to the question about whether there’s any point in knocking out links in wikipedia if they are nofollow anyway?
Why have you stopped writing in you blog? You are one the most popular SEO Blog in the world. I find it´s a pity!
The amount of work being done lately eats up alot of time. I’ll have to get eli a bottle of sailor jerrys and have him finish up a post. =)
Thank you for the tip, was completely of my opinion.
This in unethical.
However the competitor is probably loading his links into wikipedia 1 day at a time and so . . . .
Would be espacially useful if you had a site on page 2 and this method got you onto page 1
In fact your article and opinions are very right. But in the reality it´s more than difficult to succeed in overthrowing a wiki result.
I think Wikipedia has such a trust level that it´s quite impossible for a commercial website to top it!
Nice information mate, thank you for sharing.
True i agree with you, great info.
Nice article.
A good information, maybe possible for some nisches keywords.
I try to overthrow Zürich (switzerland´s capital) with my website
It´s almost impossible!
great advice, i think il look into this 2morrow. one of my niche competitors is referenced on that damn site
great tactic, thanks for sharing!
is this method still working. I’ve tried it a couple of times now with no success.
Guys - No joke!
Actually wikepedia itself gets banned every single time it links to anything internal as well as external! Last time I linked to them also all of my competitors websites were immediately promoted to No1 positions on Google and Yahoo! for all their top key-words.
Something really dodgy is going on with that domain!!!
How’s that help to overtake the Wikipedia SEO?
When typing SEO in Google?
That’s awesome.
I have had this problem in the past and just found that consistent link building beat it eventually…. But not in 3 days.
I have also never edited a wikipedia page but should start doing that.
I do think that (theoretically) the internal linking done in Wikipedia become the major contributions to its ranking in SERP, plus its domain’s age. These 2 factors is what we always called “domain authority” factor.
Nice SEO trick to know, unethical, but nice
I guess we will shortly see the complete rejection of wikipedia as this kind of damage begins to take its toll on the integrity of the site.
It is a pity really.
Dennis Foreman
Nice SEO trick to know, unethical, but nice
I guess we will shortly see the complete rejection of wikipedia as this kind of damage begins to take its toll on the integrity of the site.
It is a pity really.
Dennis Foreman
Best idea! good Seo trick !
lol.. wicked stuff
Wiki Bowling, lol.
This is seriously of great help! Why didn’t I thought of them in the beggining? I am wondering, are these what you have thought or you consolidate from elsewhere?Great one!
Great article, hard to though. Dy the way, Eli, when will you post something new for us?))
I guess a lot of people will face this problem. Thanks for the useful solution.
Verny nice and useful. Thanks for that
It all depends what you are searching for. Last year our Web Design site went above Wikipedia for a short term for the keyword ‘web design’, which we were absolutely fanatic about. But then it dropped. It does need a lot of search engine optimisation work to get it there, an even more seo to keep it there!
Very good post, thanks.
Well I don´t think it´s possible to overthrow a wikipedia result.
IT is possible to overthrow a wikipedia result with enough hard work. It has been done many times before.
I can see that this technique will totally work. Wikipedia is often a trouble for people optimizing celebrity fan sites.
I am not entirely sure about removing the links from wikipedia pages, what if just the anchor text is change to include ‘Wikipedia Entry for so-and-so-topic’?
I never thought that it will be possible to overthrow such “giant foe” on search engines. it seems impossible but I will try your suggestion and get back here if what will be the result. But I guess I will really gone to a “tons of pain” before I could really overthrown one.
How many of you have overthrown Wikipedia for your results? I’m interested to know how effective this is….
Very creative technique, Eli. One thing to keep in mind also are pages from other language sources. Target that too.
Awesome idea! Takes a lot of work and patience though. One page I’d like to beat has over 500 links from other wikipedia pages. Could take me a while..
it’s quite interesting one once i saw the title, And you have given an awesome tips inside it, Such a pleasure to read this blog.
Thanks a lot mate, I really wanna try this out, If i meet any problem or doubts, I’ll let you know here mate.
Great article. That is a great idea. I tried that and it helped me a lot on my drug rehab sites. Thanks a lot.
nice posting,very resourceful.Thank you for shearing
interesting !
Thank You For Amazing Information
I Stumbled
Nice post, but shouldn’t bash on newbies asking questions in comments.
Man, this is golden, you should be selling this info!
Cool! I love this. This post caught my attention because those “wiki” pests rank above me in just about every keyword. I will try to fix this!
Hey man, Thanks for giving this for free, as free webmaster SEO tools said, you have to sell this useful information.
So that it takes some attention of the people
awesome information; a good read
Thank you for your sharing.
nice post, very informative.
It isn’t too hard to get above Wikipedia, our website has been above it for the term ‘web design’. As you say it does require a lot of work externally, but i would be careful about getting too many links from Wikepedia. It is highly thought of, but i don’t think it is always necessary for good Search Engine Optimisation.
This will come handy in a few niches heh heh
tnx! Very good post!
I am in the process of trying this and so far nothing happening. Will keep you updated!
Its really great post to read , Nice one for seo
dude, you are good. never thought of that but the method is great. I just hope wikipedia won’t ban too fast for this one.
Interesting article and weird also, anyway nice to drop in and looking forward to hear your new post.Cheers
Great article… hopefully will help me with a problem I am having at the moment.
good post
good post
witty AND verbose commentary from you HGH, great job..
The “What links here” link at the side of the Wikipedia article lists all of the links from other Wikipedia articles, so it’s better than Yahoo Site Explorer in that respect.
Few of my sites have problems with wikipedia articles though.
I learn new insight when I read your article.
I love it and I will come often for more.
Info Ibu
Is it really okay to remove links from a wiki just for SEO purposes? Maybe I sound polyanna here, but that doesn’t seem okay to me…
Also - What’s with all the spam comments here?
Very good post specially for newbie
thanks for writing this
Great post. It never ceases to amaze me how technical seo can be. Great advice
I agree. It’s amazing how technical SEO can be. SEO has become a careful science.
Great I didnt think that you could get over this problem
excellent article. This could be considered sabotage and it’s scary thought that someone could be doing to your pages also!
Hey Eli!!
will you ever write a new post here… kindly let us know.
Is there any other place on www where you are blogging or answering forums aor somethin else..
waiting eagerly for your response..
This post complements what you said at another… I think using both ideas are very good… in one way, you may be have new links from Wikipedia to your pages, but also, why not get some at second level?
You explain this quite clearly quite easily possible, It is confusing though, So many of the commentators dropping links to Wiki, That way, you remove the link juice coming into the page you are competing with
Haha, pretty sneaky but I love your thinking! Please post more often!!
Sneaky tactic, but i would love to know how many hours it took to delete many of its back links from other wiki entries?
I can’t comment with url, Any suggestions??
It’s possible to rank better than Wikipedia, but it’s very difficult too for the reasons you mentioned above. If you just follow their links and do same it won’t be enough, be imaginative and do better
I have just come across this post and have been having the same problem for one of my keywords. I’m going to give your advice a try and post my results in a week.
Why should I overthrow a wiki result? I mean at least 90% people know that wikipedia is no commercial result. In that case I see no concurrence and no need to lose my precious time in optimization.
This is a problem a lot of SEO consultants come up against i’m guessing. Any ideas are good ones to achieve a goal.
I gotta give this a try for sure, although the one wikipage that I am trying to over throw the guys handling it seem to be really really attentive to detail, hehe. But its a learn experience I suppose!
I actually am interested to know how to get links from Wikipedia. Even if I have placed informative content on the page, Wikipedia does not appear to accept it, because it is a commercial website at last..
I guess Google will never let a site ranking better than Wikipedia but you should remove the link juice coming into the page you are competing with, it seemed like a really awesome tool.
I thought it was the other way around. Great post, thanks.
oh man, you’re a genius…but i’m too scared to do that…
Those were some good tips that I think I could add to my link building arsenal
I wonder how come those ideas come to your mind!!
The singular and plural keyword targeting was a major area I was having problem with but your post clearly explains how to do the right kind of optimization.
Ahhhhhh. Got it! I, too, was having problems with the singular and plural as well. Thank you!
Nice tips. I will go to this one by one I was doing some experiments on my end to topple wiki. Good thing I read your article. 2 thumbs up to you.
All the tips which you have given are very usefull for me.
That’s just nasty! Thanks for the tips.
Wonderful article , thanks ! tips great , very help me !
Interesting concept. I have found the “wiki patrol” is active in some areas and asleep at the wheel in other places.
It has been interesting to read the discussion and various ideas.
Granite Headstones
Thanks for all the tips, this is a great article, I enjoyed reading and learned a lot from it!
I want to learn more about wikipedia’s way of the inner linking.
Great tutorial
often just making the internal link juice a little less helps a much in ass kicking Wikipedia
We have tried to get a better place than wikipedia and were successfull, unfortunately only for 3 weeks. Now we are at least 3 positions under wiki.
Luckily we don’t have to contend with wikipedia for any keywords we are targeting, but if the menace starts showing up, will use some of the ideas to knock ‘em out!
I know this is old, but that was an awesome post. It’s just got so many good in it.
Oh, and your writing style is great.
Sorry for “bumping” the thread. Just wanted to say thank you for some awesomeness
More goodies plz!!
I didn’t know that there’s a way to throw off wiki… thanks for sharing.
This is is brilliant, can’t believe I didn’t think about this in the past. It makes sense that if you take away all of the interlinking from irrelevant pages and match links on blogs and forums pointing back that it will potentially push your link up in the results above the Wiki result. Obviously it isn’t a guarantee, but it’s a way to combat the obvious domination of Wiki in the Google results. Nice gem!
I find that you can easily rank above Wiki by just building a reasonable amount of links to your site. Up until now I never had a problem.
“I find that you can easily rank above Wiki by just building a reasonable amount of links to your site. Up until now I never had a problem. ”
Well sure you can. You can rank above anyone if you just build a “reasonable” amount of backlinks.
I have tried Your method but wikipedia is still TOP1
i will try
This is almost war methods you are suggesting
Well, it is kinda war. A lot of those wikipedia articles are CRAP - I have pages on which the article is far superior to its Wikipedia counterpart. Why should I let humanity suffer the disgrace of encountering second rate information in the no. 1 spot; just because Google’s algorithm is CRAP and can’t tell good content from bad any more than it can tell what a web page smells like?
I guess a lot off editors from wiki dont like this. You must be sure not to remove links that really need to be there. Else they will just put them back.
I am behind wiki and It doesn’t seem to bother me. People read up on it, and go the next result. Wiki is great but people want more content that is original, everyone has seen a wiki page.
I’m fighting with wikipedi for a lot of word.but it’s hard.that wikipedia son of the google.
Thanks for the Wikipedia tip. Real useful for my linking structure.
At present the only way I am trying to outrank my competitors is analysing their links, is that a good way ?
As per my experience, you cannot beat an existing website by just analysing their links. Because there are certain factors such as domain age which is highly unmodifiable. So the best approach would be to build multiple long tail websites and try to rank them rather than just trying all your SEO efforts on one site only.
How come addding links to wikipedia not get you baned. I dont beleive that.
I think content will always be king. Much easier to rank for too!
Those first few comments were surely pretty scary, I thought id have to redo all my seo.
I hope your idea will work but there is always danger of being penalized by Google.
So far I feel that this is one of the best posts by Eli.
BTW I enjoyed reading the whole post, as well as replying to other’s comments.
Interesting advise - But external wikipedia links are now no-follow right??
Wikipedia external links ARE no-follow.
I think its not a big deal, you can easly get rid of it
is this work? did someone had try his bluehat strategy?
But i like this tips, i would try
Nice Info
It´s a good artcle, but not really realisable. Especially because Google is now coming with its own info service.
The Wikipedia technique actually works. Althought its very likely to be more complicated in my opinion. But never the less they technique works.
To my opinion, I don’t think we should spam websites such as Wikipedia. I think those websites should remain as close as possible to an educational reference… It would be sad to see it filled with junk, don’t you think?
I wasnt aware this was even possible, Does this still work do yuo know or have they wised up?
Wikipedia doesn’t really have much of a way to combat this as that is kind of the whole point of the website. Good idea!
I never thought about using Wiki articles in this way. I don’t think I will ever try fighting for a keyword as sought after as Clinton, but this technique might come in handy sometime.
Jeeze - great article. I must admit, I do like the comical was it is written too - very refreshing.
nice article
gold secrets
Ok , I read this article now three times and i enjoyed it each time and got something new i think i need to read it more and put it in practise ..let us see
1st read - fell of my chair
2nd read - laughing alot
3rd read - now it makes sense
Wow this post is old but people are still responding. I dind’t go through all the comments but has anybody experienced somebody adding the references you’ve deleted? Also what kind of reason should you be using to allow for the removal of those bitches?” title=”Long Island Basements”>
I really love this dinosaur.
Really nice article, I didn’t know about this but it is a great idea to increase the visit of your internet webpage.
I will try today and I gonna see. Hope that it will work for me too…
Thank for advice. This could be worth trying…
Eliminating links from a wiki article would be way too hard to do without being caught. What good reasons can you possibly have to remove a valid reference?
Looks like alot of work. Might be worth the effort.
Man wiki is the final frontier. If one can really do that then you are in the captain seat
Wikipedia is such a dinosaur… it’s great when you finally overthrow a result!
Looks like a lot of work maybe I will give it a try for my weight loss blog
I read this article now couple times, really good info thanks
now that’s something smart. I’m sure to give it a try to try n get better than Wikipedia.. Here i cm!
It’s not that easy as it sounds but for sure it can be done with the right amount of backlinks and correct ancor test. But maintaining it is another story.
I wonder why some sites of mine actually outrank wikipedia….you CAN outrank WP in some cases. Just be confident and spam blogs with li..uhm i man work on your backlinks
This is almost war methods you are suggesting
Looks like alot of work. Might be worth the effort.
Rome is not built in a day, it takes effort and work to overcome it. Do this right and you will get there.
Thx for the nice article!
I enjoyed reading it. Looks like a lot of work but i think it will show success.
I must try this in next week. A lot of work must be done…
I stumbled across this blog by accident and fell instantly in love. I think that it is impossible to climb high in the serps as a white hatter and being a black hatter is risky even if you know what you’re doing. We are all a bit blue hat.
These ideas will affect the rank of Wikipedia results, but some Wikipedia pages are so strong that even these methods will not uproot them.
could be a little tough keeping the editors from seeing what your doing, but a good article.
These days I think it would be hard to over throw a wiki result.
Has anyone tried this recently?
An interesting technique. I don´t know if it will always work, but nevertheless it´s something to remember. You never know enough.
Damn, this is some great information for us, I’ve been trying to get over the Wikipedia hump for a while now…
Whoops, screwed up the URL.
some of their methods tstand their ground, it takes much more effort to over come this. Trust me…
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The amount of time you have to use depend on keyword, and the numbers of references.
I think in SEO we should just consider staying with one keyword at a time. Dont try to do SEO for too may keywords, that will not give you good results.
I have a hard time believing that the editors would not catch it.
very nice article. thanks for the good tips!
A google technique i found here. May live long SEO
Anything is doable with the right time commitment, but Wikipedia pages are so strong (as mentioned by other commenters here) that if you’re going to do this, you’d better be committed to putting in lots of time. Whether that time invested is worth it or not depends on the search term.
I totally agree on this matter, it is hard to beat Wikipedias but possible. But is the effort worth the while? I think that is the real question.
I see no reason why a site should be instantly banned from receiving a link from Wikipedia? If that was the case I’d be adding links from Wikipedia to all my competitors immediately.
Dazzle White
Thanks 4 the infrmatn….But it seems like hard wrk 2 me…tanx!
I’m glad that Wikipedia isn’t threatening any of my websites serps currently, but if it starts I’ll surely use your methods to knock them back down.
WoW! Those first few comments are super funny.
it is very hard to overthrow a wiki page.
This is a great strategy! I will be testing it out very soon!
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Thanks for the steps. I ever wondered why my Site ranks after the wiki site, but now i moved infront of it.
Best regards
Great information! Motivates one to know that we are able to compete with such a high ranking website. Thanks for the info!
I’m glad that Wikipedia isn’t threatening any of my websites serps currently, but if it starts I’ll surely use your methods to knock them back down.
With being fairly new to linking,it’s good to get info like this. Thank you
I could see this working in a small niche, but the reality is you are investing a lot of effort into bumping one site. And as people search for things they become of Wiki and get a sort of banner blindness to it. Obviously it would be better if you could outrank them, but if not then it’s best to utilize your resources where you can don’t you think?
Quite a good post!
Hey, great post, really well written. You should post more about this. Shoulder
Yes, it would be a lot of work to do this in a large niche. You probably would be better off building backlinks to your own site instead. Sure, it´s annoying that Wikipedia is about everywhere, but if Wikipedia is gone, someone else will take the place and then you still have to outrank this site.
I like the idea of using wikipedia against itself.
Its good to read them. To my knowledge, I think “Link Diagnosis” is the best tool which comes with Firefox.
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Thanks for all the tips, this is a great article, I enjoyed reading and learned a lot from it!
thanks for the read,nice article
thank you
Thanks for the solution. It really helps solve the problem.
Very Interesting!
I will try this out for a few of my domains which are in the same condition..
Thanks again!
Radhakrishnan KG
lol when you explain it like this it makes you think: ‘why haven’t I thought of this’. Good strategy! It may be hard, but you’ll just have to try and see if it works.
Hey, thanks for this. I will start to apply this technique to one of my blogs.
THis is great, I always see wikipedia at the top of almost every search I do…they are a SEO giant and we need all the help we can get!
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Would like to hear of anyone that has used these steps to their advantage.
I am posting here because this page links to a Wikipedia page I am trying to dominate. Just kidding. LOL
Eli, I always like your posts, also when people talk about them other places.
I need to visit here more often.
dominating a niche is very hard, you need lots of backlinks.
Sweet! I love this website!
these are really impressive posts,i think more information should be shared here, i have been thinking about this topic and i would like helping the readers who are interested to have some information.
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Its very nice posting
Eh this tutorial came a bit late. Because I already over-linked wikipedia for one of my sites keywords. But next time I will definitely use this tutorial. Thans for shearing
LOL@Hilary reference. Very informative post.
SEO Consultant
Hell of a guide .
PS: 475 comments , never remember getting so many on any of my post !
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Cunning little idea. Now I see why you call it blue hat!
I’m not convinced that ranking behind Wiki is so bad though, I do wonder how many people just ignore the Wiki entry and work their way down.
All the tips which you have given are very useful for me.
Thanks mate
Thank you for this tip. Will start with this tonight still. I have this problem with one of my sites and I’m really want to knock it from the 1st page. (and from position 1)
Thank you for sharing this!
What is meant by wikipedia’s domain authority and I love the Jane comments sorry everybody picked on you!
Thank you for sharing this technique. Wikipedia has been a pain on my side for a while now. Time to change the game.
Excellent and clever tips. Wikipedia seems to be everywhere. Thank you for sharing.
Great Article but considering its a bit old, this technique may not be needed. As observed by many SEO Experts, once the Caffeine update has been fully integrated into Google’s algorithm. Wikipedia will automatically lose its position on the SERP by an average of 2-7 positions.
Here’s an article describing more about this expected phenomenon : Will Google’s Caffeine disrupt search rankings?
Regards Tech Frog
Thank you for this great article, it may be a bit old but most of the information is still great for today!♠
I hadn’t thought about outranking wikipedia (haven’t had to yet). But this article does give me a few linkbuilding and competitive link intelligence ideas.
I am not sure how effective this would be, the keyword I just checked from one of my niche’s has over 2,000 internal links according to the site-explorer tool. That would take me an age to knock out at a rate of 1-2 per day. I do however like the match and exceed step
I’ve been able to achieve this on many occasions. Love throwing off Wiki!
Thanks for the wiki trick.always looking for a way to get through that door…
Wiki is Google’s buddy, if you will. They love each other, and do everything together, so its good enough for me. I also like yahoo site explorer as the link tool. Nice post, thanks!
I doubt that it’s worth your time. It looks very time consuming and in my experience people tend to ignore Wikipedia results if they don’t look for general information like explanations and so on. If somebody is looking for stuff he can buy online he will simply ignore Wikipedia because he obviously knows that he can’t buy anything there
So I think you should not simply try to outrank Wikipedia no matter what. I guess it’s recommended to study your keywords and target groups first.
Gonna try this out. Cant seem to beat a few authority sites
Some of my sites have been able to overthrow wiki, others haven’t. I think there’s a degree of luck involved. On a separate note, why does Google rate Wiki so much? Anyone can edit it!?
Sounds like a great deal of work and hassle to implement for a site that is not in direct competition with a site selling a specific product. I believe if time is of the essence then it could be spent on other more important areas of SEO. Just my two cents worth though.
Everything is clearly explained in this blog so it is the best blog according to me …… Thanks
Omg, so many comments. I’ve read through some first comments. This article and commentators are very valuable, thanks.
Many people here mentioned that you could get banned or sandboxed by google if you put your link in wikipedia. Well, I had backlinks at wikipedia for several months and I didn’t get somehow penalized. Got pretty great portion of visits from there.
Again, great article.
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Everything is clearly defined. Therefore it is so easy to read for the visitors.
WIKIJACKING! I f****** love it!
Wow! It is really fabulous. I am impressed.
Jeez, this is actually a fantastic technique in order to remove wiki results-it is all pretty much down to the internal linking structure of wikipedia which is causing their ranking positions to be high, the way they smart link pages with relevant anchor text is very strong-knocking them out is key to SEO on your own site if they are above you.
Thanks a lot for this.
The post is really helpful for the readers because everything is explained in simple way …….. Thanks
Thanks for the post, really really motivated me as some of my niche sites are all dominated by Google. I’ll try to find my sniper gun and take them down those wikipedia sites, will be a fun game for me haha google sniper review
Thanks for this great post, but I have a question - nofollow link. I started a new website, I placed only one nofollow link to it, and it was indexed in only few days. So even nofollow links are actually followed?? Why are they called no follow?
I do not completely agree with this….you can overtake wikipedia, with higher rank backlinks and more targetted onsite optimisation… but most backlinks to wikipedia are built into webpages and not actually in blogs and forums so editing can be difficult…JMHO
Kim Murphy
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i’m not so sure about this as well. loads of high ranking backlinks such as .gov and .edu might make a difference though…
im not so sure about this either.. having lots of high pr traget links might make a difference such as .edu but its not going to be easy!
For me Wikipedia is linking the page from the highrank page and once the page crawls it crals back to the new page.thats a wise idea…
Oliver Concepts
Who cares? Wiki doesn’t do anything but educate.
but actually nofollow links also counted by Yahoo but not Google. Discussions are still in hot whether it is worth to do on follow or nofollow links.
Oh I see it seems perfectly honest to do what you’re saying here. You’re only helping wiki by removing the links to sites that have nothing to do with the wiki info. Then dropping a link to all the blogs linking in is just straight up a good idea.
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I’ve heard some stories thatn it is possible to toss a wikipedia result with enough due dilligence. Obviously it’s been done quite a few times before.
Superb commentary. I don’t personally have this problem but I’m sure it could be a pain.
I never thought it could actually be possible to overtake Wikipedia. You really are a genius Eli!
I will try this one on my my blogs, hope it works really well… Thanks!
Great article, and great idea, thanks. I will try it now…
Thanks for giving out this precious information. Would really need to dig deeper to find out the real solution.
I liked the content on this site. Would like to visit again.
Consider for example the great Wikipedia user Essjay. He achieved a high position of trust on Wikipedia claiming to be a tenured university professor with two doctorates in religion. However, a real religion expert would have little time to spend on Wikipedia. But by lying about his credentials, he was able to achieve power on Wikipedia. I seriously doubt something like that would happen at Encyclopedia Britannica. And what did James Wales do when the New Yorker blew the lid on Essjay? Wales defended Essjay and even gave him a job!
Hahaha…awesome technique…
Lot of people have started hating wikipedia actually…
Hmmm…. interesting idea, but I’m not sure if it will work under all circumstances….
It sounds like it might work but wouldn’t you have to have a very good reason to remove the sites? Wouldn’t the editors catch you adding your own?
Wikipedia is always there damit
So many good niches I found I have dropped because there is a wikipedia page haunting in the first position. Soon when my experience is strong enough I will try to implement this technique kindly given here and take wiki down!
Awsome article, I love to read your blog, bookmarked…
You have an interesting idea here to beat wikipedia result, but im not sure if this will work under all circumstances….
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Never heard of Blue Hat SEO…. aware of white & black. New is a new conecpt for me altogether…
Bookmarked your blog for further reading..
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nice! you could achieve this with a little gray hat thingy… great and informative article mate.
Ryan Chapman / Web Designer of Small
Business Websites
Takes some dedication and stealth but all things are possible.
Great, great informational website.
@ Andy: some important wikipedia pages can not be changed by one person. Every change has to be controlled and accepted by at least 2 other persons.
This type of thing has also become a problem with much more malicious sites ranking ahead of businesses. A gossip site for instance ranking ahead of a person’s business for a search on their name. Is there any strategy for knocking those kinds of sites off the first page of Google?
I been to wikipedia since im college it helps me a lot… hope thier is a downloadable version
Thanks for sharing. Just didn’t wonder we can actually get results from wiki in such a way.
Don’t forget the “normal” optimisation techniques - good keyword density, title and description relevance, alt tags on images, etc. Every bit helps.
I agree with your post and this goes to show that link juice matters. The higher the page ranks linking to your sites the more valuable Google see your sites. Good insight.
Thats awesome. Definitely bookmarking this page.. I just got my first site on page one.. SEO is pretty cool!
I have had my eye on this technique. Lets say i would like to edit the Wikipedia entry, do i need to wait some time before knocking the legs of the links or can this be done straight way?
I would love to try this out. Always looking for more exciting and fun ways to build backlinks. BTW, can anyone, other than the author, confirm that the method is working for him/her? Much appreciated!
WikiPedia has blocked me from ranking #1 sooo many times in countless niches, and has even turned me away from even entering a niche. Great info in this blog post and I will be sure to implement your steps shown.
It’s all about the links and unfortunately, Yahoo explorer doesn’t show all links. Hence, you’ll never find out all those links which truely matters in Big G’s eyes and thus, difficult to dethrown the wiki page.
Guys, some of you really need to understand the difference between sarcasm and real remarks
The technique described here is perfectly legal, and ingenious too
I’ve been trying to use this tactic but it’s hard when the term is so well established on wikipedia.
I usually dont go after a niche when wikipedia is first(before deciding I check the links of course) but I havent yet found a niche where wiki is first is worth the effort, but I am learning and the day will come that beating wiki is no problem
great post …thanks
Good post! Overthrowing a result like that needs a good amount of work.
When you do not take ambitious goals you do not achieve a lot.
Is that why wiki is banned in some schools ?
Jane, you don’t have to worry about be placed on black list by bloging or placing wiki links. Because, in that case, competition could do same with your site, and nobody would be safe any more
Yes, you are right man.
you being sarcastic or am I not understanding what?
Superb post. Definitely worth the read.
Everything is beatable just need more backlink and have a good link popularity for the chosen keywords.
All these tips came in very handy.
Bahia Feliz
Great post. I love any ideas to take down wiki. The fact of the matter is you make a great site and get a crappy wiki article above you that surely people don’t click on anymore! But they do…
Hmm, great site is not a matter here.
fortunately, Blue is my favourite colour!
Sneaky, Sneaky!
Your right in saying that the Wiki is irrelevant however, I believe they store you IP address which can lead to being blacklisted.
If you are worried about getting blacklisted, simply use the good old rotating proxies.
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Good tips for getting above wiki
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Great blog. It’s very difficult to find useful proxylists on the internet
I think it can but im not certain.
How, can you be certain?
Great ideas! I will definitely put these to use. I kind of despise wiki as what they publish is opinions a lot of the time and once something is published, whether it is true or not, it is difficult to get it removed no matter how untrue or damaging the false claim is.
I tried this and it does work … multiple ips is easy by apartment buildings with open wifi
wow this sounds like it should work i will definitely try it!
This is truly makings of an evil genius. Match all their external blog and forum links, and then slowly remove all their own internal links. Truely great idea.
LOL! I agree. Great post and thank you very much for sharing this strategy.
I tried link removing in Wikipedia but someone kept putting them back in. I guess the technique is becoming too well known.
I tried to get the wiki page on targeted advertising down a couple of pegs. Unfortunately it didn’t work
It is really informative post,..i will try it. But i dont know more if it is give backlinks.
According to Rand Fishkin, CEO of SEOmoz, his Wikipedia listing on the “search engine marketing” entry generates more traffic than his first page ranking on Google for “search engine marketing.”
Nice article! Thanks for sharing
Very useful, thanks!
Hahah yeah man. This is excellent. I’m trying to rank for two keywords and wikipedia and wikihow are above me - ill try this out
Thanks man
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Thans for the article
I’ll have to make good use.thanks for answering it.
Oh at least someone is posting!!!
Nice idea. Will give it a go next time
This strategy is a real time killer, but I’m sure it’ll work:)
“not some faggy Wikipedia page saying what they are” haha - great article, thanks!
“Great information, thanks!”
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Very interesting, I can comepletely use it ^^ Lots of props to you for giving this information out! Will post back after I tried this hehe
Oh yeah, could u pls like give us some great reason examples to be given to wiki in order to remove those links. Just some examples would be great =)
Websites favorited
Bring back EON8 to Wikipedia!
Unfortunately, I have no idea what you are speaking about relative to the inner structure of Wikipedia.
I am a florist who can type. That’s about it.
If there is something I can do at that level, I am all fingers and at your service.
never heard anything about bluehat seo…thanks for this useful post…bookmarked…
Nice way to rank yourself and also a great lesson in SEO!
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lol… nice stuff.
thanks… never thought of point nr 2, have to try it out!
Nice article… thanks…
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Wow that was helpful! I have been trying to get above wikipedia for a long time! Now I’m unstoppable!
Interesting strategy. I never heard of that before. I understand the dilemma with wikedia crowing the space in the top 10. I have tried to optimise for a couple of sites without success.
Remember that Yahoo site explorer isn’t a complete list of inbound links - but it is a good start.
I tried to create some pages on many wiki sites other than wiki media recently, it looks like spamm, but some got high rank and it can give us one way back links.
The problem is it will cost some time because many wiki sites don’t allow us to create pages.
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thanks for sharing this tips. I just hope that people will use wiki sites for the sharing a good public knowledge and nothing more.
Sam @ Father of the bride speeches
Interesting advice.
Yeah if you find a good source on yahoo with quality links inside, heaven arrives
and you can almost rank on anything
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I would love to see if wiki allow us to create pages just like hubpages or squidoo. Thanks for sharing
soon will try this out for a few of my domains which are in the same condition..
good idea my friend
I really enjoy reading your article. Keep it up the good work.
Great i think i may try this after some more info of course.jdm
It is very hard to overthrow a wiki page.
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Hmm, great article, can i have some more infos please?
Very helpful articles, i already bookmark and will come to see your new articles soon.
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Unfortunately, my ecommerce site doesn’t compete with Wikipedia - but I hope to be able to use this tip in the future.
I have found this article on a twitter post, and I had to read it. This article will open people eyes in this type of industry.
Thank you for sharing, really interesting.
Wondering if your site was penalized by Google, has created a link to it from Wikipedia?
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Oh I see it seems perfectly honest to do what you’re saying here. You’re only helping wiki by removing the links to sites that have nothing to do with the wiki info. Then dropping a link to all the blogs linking in is just straight up a good idea.
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some of their methods stand their ground, it takes much more effort to over come this. Trust me…
Interesting stuff! Is this still valid today?
Nice article, but do you think ist “bluehatseo” it seems to be very “black” ;o)
I would not want to get blacklisted from Wikipedia.
Thanks for sharing. I enjoyed reading it. But…spamming Wikipedia. You think this is a good idea, especially for the long run? Maybe you are successful for a short period of time, but I am pretty sure, if you decide to use the strategy, you will be penalized in the future.
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I have found this article on a twitter post, and I had to read it. This article will open people eyes in this type of industry.
Thank you for sharing, really interesting.
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This is the first time I heard of a blue hat SEO - a brilliant and straight forward idea you got there. They put it in, you take it out.
Warm Regards and respect.
Am i gonna be blacklisted by Wiki?
Great! I always just gave up when trying to compete with Wikipedia. I had no idea I could just win by knocking their own feet out from under them.
I’ve never thought of this idea! Very interesting.
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I thought Wikipedia couldn’t be toppled. Now this gives me hope…Thanks
Good advices! it’s hard to beat strong wikipedia results, above all cause often they have many links from sites. It clear that a hard work has convenience only for a great return for job, you ust to be sure that have first placeas give you money in return!
The comments are also great
Ive never used blue hat seo technique before but it has a style and i think the technique is good. thanks for the post.
Me to, i though Google owned Wiki? So how could anyone tople Google?
I think the technique is good. Very useful information thanks a lot. Now i know what wiki about or useful to us.
As i know about Wikipedia is a free online encyclopedia. But its great i know more about wiki here. Thanks the info everyone.
Yeah - funny thing here - I’ve been studying how someone built up their google ranking with this very technique and posting on the same blogs & forums as they do to increase my rankings.
And how ironic is that I come across a blog post explaining my technique to me as I’m using it?
It’s like I’m at a Carnival in the house of infinite mirrors. I don’t know how I got here anymore or just how deep the rabbit hole is.
Crazy man!
Now I’m going to do the obligatory anchor text back to my website that no one visits even though this will be no-follow
Such is life.
Laid Off
Seems quite risky to me. If you get banned from logging into wikipedia what are you gonna do then!?
Overthrowing a Wikipedia result is pretty difficult, but it can be done, great guide. Especially on small/micro niches.
Then in a day or so you can go back (obviously from a different IP/account) and remove all those links PLUS many of the original legit links in the name of cleaning up after “the spammer”. Just make sure you don’t look too obvious.
great article! thats something i didnt know
Don’t think those tricks are the way…
I think overthrowing wikipedia woul be extremely difficult, but then look at what happened to the early search engines when Google came along!
…why do you accept all this spamshit here?
heres something i didnt know, ive never heard of blue-hat seo, its quite interesting
This was one of the most interesting SEO strategy i have ever laid my eyes on, thanks a million! Literally…
Yea, Wiki needs to step aside once in while, ya know…
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This is one of the nice tips which are given above so its valuable for the newbies like me anyway Thanks for the beautiful stuff…
Wikipedia seems like it is always there when going for keywords, so they are the ones you will always have to contend with. These are some good tips, especially posting links on the same sites Wikipedia has links. With a bit of effort they can be dethroned.
You can definately take wiki out of the picture, you need to remove the legs from it one by one.
I just wanted to add that it isn’t always worth worrying about a wiki listing abouve yours, especially if your selling something as most people recognise wiki as an informative site and will move on to the next listing in the serps.
Match & exceed!
I can nearly always defeat wiki, the tips above are helpful and part of what I do but there are a few other secrets!!
Bluehat? I thought there are only white, black and grey hat. Or do you mean bluehat in terms of shades of grey?
I doubt that you can outrank a wikipedia page, too much authority I guess. However, I outranked a wikianswers though.
So maybe there’s a way to outrank it:)
This idea sounds very very interesting, but I wonder if the Wikipedia police would pay a blind eye - especially when you make similar changes to many pages in Wikipedia.
A great article by the way
Diane Gale
Advances SEO tactics - I had no idea such thing exist!
Really interesting and useful stuff… thanks for sharing
Thanks for sharing this tips and tactics
I think the technique is good. Very useful information thanks a lot. Now i know what wiki about or useful to us.
Wikipedia is a pain in the butt! Even if their articles are complete crap they can still dominate. It’s kind of a farce actually. Just goes to show that G has no idea what “quality” is, really.
FYI Eli, according to Google toolbar, this page is in Arabic…
Wikipedia is almost always the definition of quality..
I love wiki its so good from a research point of view.
After reading this post, I decided not to do it against wikipedia alone but to all of my competitors… I see new hope.. thanks a lot..
How does blue hat compare to black or white?
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Thanks for this simple solution
I think i do not regret reading your post. It is really wonderful.
I have always heard of balckhat and whitehat first time I heard of bluehat awesome post!
I think that Wikipedia cannot really be considered as a reliable source if you’re researching for work or school, but just to check general information it can be pretty accurate, and it’s easy and quick.
Thanks for sharing. I’ll test your 5-steps out and let you know how they work for me.
Yeast Infections
Thanks for sharing! thumbs up and bookmarked
When editing Wiki, I also recommend getting a login or, even better, using several.
AFAIK, only the absolute top cream of the crop are able to view the IPs behind usernames. The regular editors and moderators do not get that ability.
I like this post. Now that i understand how to us wikipedia, I’m certain I will use it more. Thanks!
Being as competitive as I am I’ll be using this strategy when needed.
Thanks for this trick. Now I will try to implement it
thanks for the tip, go bluehat
I want to take this opportunity to say that I really love this blog. It has been a good resource of information for my SEO work. Thank you so much admin.
Most times I avoid trying to dominate pages that have wiki content because even if you push the to number two they might still get more clicks than you so what’s the use.
No matter how unreliable it is, wikipedia is still somehow informatic for most of the people. BTW good technique up there.
A few nice tips to have a go at over the next few days! Thanks.
Unbelievable text…My website is in a very competitive market and I’m doing well, but many times my pages suffer from those Wiki articles…
Yachts and Superyachts and the whole yachting industry are much better explained on my pages!
Iv always managed to get a few links from wikipedia you just need to have the right relevant content and try and sneak it under the radar.
Great tips man, thanks.
Thanks for a great post. I never kenew wiki could be bumped off like that. i’m going to try it.
Great idea! I will definitely put this to use!
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Great post and great tips! thanks.
This is an interesting post, I helps.
thanks for sharing nice post,It is really wonderful and informatics.
I’m pretty new at this affiliate marketing. But definitely thanks for the advice. Going to delicious bookmark this site and follow you for more tips and information.
Wow, this tips are very helpful. Thank you so much Guys!
Man wiki really spurs you guys to discussions. I tried your method and some fa*** kept reverting the pages where i removed the link…I think it was the wiki bot or something..
It is not true that you will ban with max link with wiki. Al thought it is really tuff to get link from wiki.
This post is kinda old but it makes a lot of sense even if you are not after outranking any pages from wikipedia. Yahoo site explorer is already giving you all the information you need how to outrank any site in the search engine, you just have to take action.
Nice post, btw.
yes, i agree with you above ^
good post
Go back to reading Shoemoney, john chow, zach johnson, dave naylor etc. We’ll welcome you back when you get a bit more experience.
An interesting approach to it. I am very optimistic. A lot of great information here, thanks for sharing.
It is true, you can never beat Wikipedia at the very beginning. Yet the more brainy you become the more easy dodging them is. It is quest and if you like fighting it can be raising your adrenaline’s levels
and people, comments should be deprived of any malicy
I have tried posting some articles on Wikio but never managed to find them after..
I scrapbooked your steps, in case I need it someday
. So far I never found wiki as a top search in my niche.
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Usualy Wikipadia pages has not many inbound links. Copy the links of your competitors plus add 50-100 your own links - and voila!
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In time you would jump ahead of the wiki entries doing large volumes of SEO work.
it was nice post and give very useful information
I am trying to overthrow a Wiki page now, its really tough to do! I have had loads of quality backlinks and still I can’t! But thanks I will follow some of your tips. Thanks for sharing.
Thank you for shring this. I’m printing this article for my reading. I will be using this tips in future.
It still works?
Great information! Motivates one to know that we are able to compete with such a high ranking website. Thanks for the info!
Thanks for your info.
Nice information, I’ve got to try this
Nice Post. I always wondered how wiki came up with such good results when you google the keyword. Now I understand why. Thanks for this information.
My first time on this site. I am just starting to forray in to black hat, blue hat and other hats. Just for the sake of experimenting at least. Will c ya all around.
This is a pretty shady technique. But, it is BlueHatSEO, afterall.
I have certainly seen affiliate marketers beat wikipedia before. But, I’ll focus on my building up my white hat network for now as it’ll keep me busy for a good while. Good read though.
thank you, very nice info
Thanks for this information. It is hard to compete with wikipedia.
Thanks for this tipp to get wikipedia kicked off
It is useful for visitors,so thanks.
I love your website and it has been a Godsend for me. Thanks for everything!
you blog is so good ,how did you can do it !
Great post - And we all know how hard the wikipedia results can be to top
thanks for such a nice info
thanks for such a nice info
Well I spent a while applying your methods but i just can’t fight wiki and am still 2nd. I don’t know. I guess I should try harder but for now wikipedia looks like a big rock standing infront of me.
Interesting, thanks for the post.
Great article. I am still a beginner in SEO. How do you effectively remove pages that link to Wikipedia?
The link in my name above leads to a rant on the subject instigated by some fool deleting a whole article I’d written because he’d staked out a claim to that corner of Wikipedia. It has some funny pictures in it you can spam the mods back with which you might find slightly amusing.
I really enjoyed reading your article, funny writing style. But i think beating wikipedia is a lost cause, and getting back links from it is even harder i try to focus on more broad terms that wikipedia doesn’t cover
A very informative article.
Beating wikipedia is not that hard, and no google will not penalize you for being in wikipedia (your urls)
I thought links from wikipeda were nofollow anyway?
Never thought of wikipedia as such til I read your post. Anyways, thanks for sharing that with us.
I m agree about wikkipedia’s note.
nice article.
This is really interesting, not something I would have normally tried to do. Thanks tons for the information in these posts.
I really thinks this website is number one for information
Thanks, I am trying to learn more about google rankings
sharing a new Cosmology based on a Relativity Ratio.
great stuff u write here guy. Many Thx
i am now convinced to do more link building in blogs and forums. I can’t apply that wikipedia strategy yet. But thanks for the article! link building will really help
It disturbs me always the Wicki the first and mostly also immediately the second place occupied. Man has no chance in it past come up. THX
Excellent information! Wikipedia seems to always pop up at the top of search results. Using this info could help me overcome that.
this is great for medical related sites because wiki usually has the top spot for those keywords
Well I spent a while applying your methods but i just can’t fight wiki and am still 2nd. I don’t know. I guess I should try harder but for now wikipedia looks like a big rock standing infront of me.
Wikipedia has done so much for online community. The recent stricter enforcement of rules is necessary to achieve the goal of a real, online encyclopedia.
I don’t think it is a good idea to spam wiki. I think they are in some kind of partnership with google.
Well i’m going to put this to the test to try and knock wiki off the top spot for some of my keywords!
thank you
gonna try this out
Its a pleasure reading your post.
This is almost evil
Gotta try it …
Hey this is a good post, I haven’t actually tried to beat wikipedia, they don’t really have me out ranked for any of my phrases, but I do a lot of searches and I do see that stupid site ranked in a lot of stuff. I think they should be banned from Google =) I mean most people if they want Wikipedia information will go straight to the site, otherwise we search Google right? I usually use Wikipedia to find information on a TV personality or some famous person, I would instantly go to Wikipedia if I wanted to know how old Tom Cruise was (hoping he falls off the face of the planet soon), if I wanted to find out how to buy Top Gun I might search Google, or maybe Amazon. I guess some internet users might like Wikipedia for the information and search Google for that and then click through, but overall I like to use Google for other things. I feel the same way with, their information is usually useless, and it is very generic but they are everywhere.
nice read. i always hear blackat and whitehat and now blue hat. LOL
Very nice tips. This will really come in handy. Thanks.
@Avio karte: first time for me either..LOL, but anyway, nice readings, thanks for sharing it.
Thanks for the article. It was super informative and definitely helped out! I recommend this method for sure!
This unique seems to me dissimilar set of post…one who don’t grasp about present before may effectuate pertinent tidings from this post…well i wanna estimate that The wise how u tried to explain some posts at here seems to me different.
I’m gonna try this soon, looks interesting with this way. After all, sometimes wikipedia doesn’t match with visitor in some case.
Great article! But how big is the risk of angering google’s algo?
The suggestion you are referring to is to edit the Wikipedia pages and remove the links.
I really thinks this website is number one for information
i LOVE this. thanks guys.
i used this guide to over take a wikipedia link in my niche. very helpful guide
Its very bad to copy any content from wikipedis Google can crawl the copy of content soon and the page rank will go down.
I also need to beat competitors… Sometime, I feel that backlink is not enough, I have great backlinks, but I wonder why I still loose from the other competitor…
Pretty crazy strategy. Not sure I’ve got the guts.
I like your style of writing but I think you are crazy. I’m not sure if that’s such a Blue Hat SEO technique.
I m agree about wikkipedia’s note.
Nice technic…, i’m gonna try it…
good idea, i’ll try it
Thank you so much
Sounds interesting. I haven’t actually run up against a Wikipedia result yet, but in the future I will definitely take note
Great, thx for posting, beating wikipedia, its hard
Great article, I’m going to have to try this!
Fascinating post, I’m going to have a go at the whole blogging thing.
New technique ?? Awesome, innovative, I ll try this methods.
When I read the title, blue Hat ? i wondering, what is that ? finally I understand why it is called like that. Why Blue Hat, not Grey Hat ?
Luxury Perfume
A little unsure as to how to explain to editors that you’re deleting those internal links? From what I’ve seenmany of them are pretty damn strict about ANY changes being made to pages. Esp link links being delinked etc…
Wont they want a plausible explanation? I’m not sure that will be so easy.
Hey, this is a great idea.
I will destroy all the wikipedia articles that are my competition.
I like your style of writing but I think you are crazy. I’m not sure if that’s such a Blue Hat SEO technique.
Like every seo “trick” this one will eventually be picked up by the powers above (Google). That said I don’t see anything wrong with doing it in the meantime…
this is cool article. great info found through angela , thanks
very very interesting discussion. to me you go after wikipedia just like any other site or blog. takes time but doable and possible with the tons of automated business solutions out there. just have to find the right combination of manual and automated work. great article . thanks for sharing gregory burrus
Great post, thanks for sharing.
Trying to get the best backlinks.
Not very easy. Trying forum postings but, have to wait for them to be approved.
I am looking for the fastest ways to create backlinks.
Nice Post i must say!!
Great post. I love any ideas to take down wiki. The fact of the matter is you make a great site and get a crappy wiki article above you that surely people don’t click on anymore! But they do…
Cool insight on what to do to out rank a wikipedia page. Now its time to test the steps to see how good this works.
Kind regards & good health,
Darren C.
Thanks for the article. It is definitely hard to outrank wikipedia, and other big sites, but hopefully my sites will.
I have to agree when I say that it is hard to find article of such quality so I must thank you for this piece.
Its always hard beating Wikipedia but with article, it will now be possible. Thanks for sharing it.
This article is like a mine giving gold for free, I mean you give away all that cool SEO advise for free.
Frankly I come here by using the link analysis tool of Yahoo Site Explorer. The blue hat trick sounds interesting, which is always something I am looking for to get through the door. Wikipedia is google’s favorite. It is very hard to beat them. Getting link from Wikipedia would be a smart idea.
very nice trick, thanks for this informative post
well a very nifty trick, ive been searching for info such as this in how to overthrow site like this since its pretty hard to be a competitor of this sites.
I hope that this system work now, I will try it.
thanks a lot for your step by step guide
I like your article, but i have tried playing with wiki and at first i could not make it. Finaly..i did it, i was happy as kid getting a candy…but after some small amount of time my site got in sandobx…
So i dont know if playing with wiki is good idea
Holly cow, this is amazing information!!!!
Nice article,Thanks for sharing.
I have to say”The trick is outstanding”
Wow this is perfect.
I’ve been trying for months to get that damn wikipedia result beneath my page.
Hopefully this works.
How To Overthrow A Wikipedia day this difficult problem, you think good, I’m in practice
مشاهدة باب الحارة 5
Is this really works?
I should try then..
Thanks for the tips
Very awesome tips,I ll try this method
My question was basically the exact same as Jon Waraas’.
When you are targeting a keyword with this networked approach, how tight of circles do you make? Lets use appliances as an example niche. Would you make a site about refrigerators, one on microwaves, ovens, ranges, blenders, etc. Or would you make one on refrigerators, one on refrigeration techniques, one on history of refrigeration, one on cleaning refrigerators, refrigerator repair, etc?
Some say if you put a link on a Wikipage your site will get banned? If that is the case, can I enter a link of my competitors website and get their sites banned?
Say I’m sitting on #10 and at #1 is a Wikipage… can I place a link on that Wikipage of the sites #2 to #9? When those sites get banned, I shoot up to #2?
Does it work this way too?
Amazing article. Anyway now we can beat Wiki.
Great post. I like the idea to get into the Wikipedia. Practical implementation issues on a superb site and get a crappy article on the Wikipedia that you make sure people do not click anymore, because I see wikipedia always on top of google search points.
And all in all I do not like Wikipedia at all, not how things sometimes are helpful, but most find the information you are really down. So, I’ve often tried to score as wikipedia. So lucky to find your blog about this. I will send your article to the pounding of my readers, and you will be with me and try this problem,and hopefully it will be effective and achieve success.
Thank you very much, Madam
I wonder if the Wikipedia police would pay a blind eye.
Thank you very much
Anyway now we can beat Wiki
Great post as always, Eli, I like how no challenge is ever too big!
Dude that is just sick!
That info will definitely come in handy. I’ll be referencing this on my personal blog.
My hat is off to you for this one
Dog Illness Diagnosis
there is no way you can beat wiki, just play along and use it lol
You have got a valid point here. I was never able to overthrow wikipedia but your tips can work.
Your tips are helpful. Thanks for sharing this.
so simple yet brilliant!
Thanks, this is the info I have been looking for!!!
super article
Is it ok to do that, Do you do it yourself?
Eli, do you happen to have a wikipedia page dropping service?
Just had a #1 keyword knocked off from a page which has just appeared from nowhere. Pissed Off!
Wow really?! I’m going to have to test this one out. I used to work for an seo firm and it was always hard to get around this. Will come back to let you know if it worked for me.
Very cool little article will be looking for more info here…
Very informative. I’ve been doing some research on wikipedia and this is something very useful. Thanks
Excellent info. I’ve done some research on Wikipedia and I think this very useful. Thank you!
I start doing this for a friend of mine. So far so good!
Wow very nice post all to excellent search on Wikipedia thanks for sharing.
How can you get links to your website to stay on Wikipedia? I have tried a million times to get a backlink from them, and yet it seems it is ALWAYS removed almost immediately. It’s like people sit there and watch specific pages for any competition, and remove it. lol
are you sure this method can work?
i should try this method for sure …thanks LOL
Loved reading the article!thanks for sharing it.
thanks for sharing, i’m sure i’ll try it soon.
Yeah, I like this. It’s actually pretty common sense type things to do, but as Voltaire said common sense is not so common. The analogy that Eli uses here, the tripod, is a very apt one to use but then again I’m sure Eli and the rest of you knew that. Fortunately I haven’t had to deal with an issue like this, but I feel more secure now that I know what to do should it ever become an issue.
Oh my god, this information is gold!! Thank you sooo much for this excellent post!
This is awesome but I can see how this can go sideways if you get carried away with deleting related links.
Anything is doable with the right time commitment, but Wikipedia pages are so strong (as mentioned by other commenters here) that if you’re going to do this, you’d better be committed to putting in lots of time. Whether that time invested is worth it or not depends on the search term.
This is a very interesting post
I haven’t even though about Wikipedia getting in the way before. It provides a good explanation on what to do if you do find yourself in that boat. I wouldn’t have even thought about those “work arounds” Thanks for posting this.
Wow what a sneaky way of gaining rank. Whatever works I guess.
really nice and good post.
Well, your conclusion is quite OK, but it’s really difficult to apply.
That is a great idea and this information is gold
I thought that a page from a Wikepedia is unbeatable. I’m so glad that I came into your blog by sharing it on the forum that you are actively participating.
It sounds like mission impossible, but in theory it is possible to beat any site with the correct backlinks
Excellent advice, its amazing that the best tips are always the simplest….
Thank You For Excellent Amazing Information
Excellent advice, the theory is definitely workable, thanks a lot!
I am sure this post has helped me save many hours of browsing other similar posts just to find what I was looking for. I just want to say: Thank you!
Thanks for sharing the info. I learned quite a lot.
I Hate the word “Waiting”
The most important thing is the quality of the backlinks.
No so sure about this, In the good old days it was all about the numbers, but even today numbers combined with anchor text still works really great
I agree with RFID Tracking. Quality of backlinks is really important.
This is cool stuff Eli - people think life is easy when you’re a billionaire but being below Wikipedia for your own site is really annoying and the big G can’t be bribed or sweet-talked with my homespun wisdom and witty banter !
I think, you should keep on updating of blue hat seo.
Yeah it sucks. Wikipedia being ahead of you in the rank really is a bummer. Hopefully search engines could do something about it
You said so. Being outranked by wikipedia is just so ironic.
Hi there,
I completely agree about the Wikipedia problem. But you might try to drive traffic to your websites by creating back links on .gov sites.
Found recently a nice website with a lot of tips and tricks to drive this kind of traffic as a traffic siphon to your website because site shave a high PR.
I tried it myself and it worked very well. Actually I was surprised.
Good luck and keep up the good work.
Great. Does it apply to various BIG sites too?
Thanks for the share. In my experience, adding a huge volume of internal links all at once can trip a Google filter and make the page disappear from the SERP (at least for a little while).
I really don’t know. I really don’t fuckin care either. What ever you guys think.
Cool with me
I visited your blog for the first time and just been your fan. Keep posting as I am gonna come to read it everyday.thank you for your post
Great review. Based upon your comments, I look forward to reading and seeing the information. Thank you for sharing your opinion of How To Overthrow A Wikipedia Result with us.
I’d never thought of targeting sites in this way. I’m going to give it a go. Thanks
Nice information mate ! Very usefull, i’m gonna try this right now. Check out my site ( ) , it has a similar review.
Interesting comments, especially about getting into Wiki. Has anyone actually successfully tried this? Thoughts?
Does this really work, the theory is great. Will give it a go and post back.
Nice info, thanks for sharing, I’ve been reading lots of your posts, and I strongly believe that you know really well about what you’re writing.
I continue to run into this problem as well. The domain authority is so high on wikipedia, but I think through intelligent backlinking I can knock them off the top spot.
man, that is vicious stuff! …. but really cool
Thanks for the very informative post of yours! I found it interesting one and give time to read it and I should say I really enjoyed it so much! This is always be a good tips for us bloggers who wants our site to be in the top rank! Thanks to you and looking forward to another great blog post! Keep sharing!!!
i really like this blog coz it provides lots of useful information from different themes..thanks a lot !!!
I like it. I always think of them as an immovable force. Its nice to know they can be beaten.
Question of the day
yep, sometimes those Wikipedia page ranks can create a bit of trouble. Thanks for this piece of advice!)
really great blog. More Infos please.
This has been very helpful indeed.
Je voulais juste ajouter que ce n’est pas toujours la peine de s’inquiéter d’une annonce vôtre wiki abouve, surtout si votre vendre quelque chose que la plupart des gens reconnaissent wiki comme un site informatif et passer à l’annonce suivante dans le SERPS.
Thanks, very helpful!
Good going a little elbow grease paid off. Thanks for sharing
Thanks for your post, info and hard work.
Great tips, does this really work?
Thank you very much for sharing knowledgeable article. Keep posting.
Great idea! I will definitely put this to use! thanks for sharing.
Thanks for your post, info and hard work.
I find it very difficult to outrank certain wikipedia pages in Google but others are very easy. It just takes time, slow and steady wins the race.
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Thanks for your post, info and hard work.
well thats an amazing SEO Promotion trick… well this will be really usefull
thanks a buch
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Dude Im trying to integrate AdSense with WordPress Difficult but it can be done
Thats actually pretty smart. Never thought about the see also’s. It always drives me nuts when wikipedia ranks in the top spot though with no back-links. They have such high domain trust.
I agree; it’s very smart. Thank you for sharing.
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It seems interesting.Maybe I will try. Marketing is at last finding solutions.
Go back to reading Shoemoney, john chow, zach johnson, dave naylor etc. We’ll welcome you back when you get a bit more experience
WOW that a big statement to make. Wikipedia is one of the most authortiy websites on the internet. It could be possible to overturn the results but very hard.
It isn’t too hard to get above Wikipedia, our website has been above it for the term ‘web design’. As you say it does require a lot of work externally, but i would be careful about getting too many links from Wikepedia. It is highly thought of, but i don’t think it is always necessary for good Search Engine Optimisation.