Podcast Versions:
Printer Friendly: Part 1
This is exactly how I make money online…
This blog has a lot of great tips and techniques to help the average webmaster break beyond their barriers. However they are nothing more than skillsets. Skillsets are worthless without direction. For that reason before I’m done with the missions I want for this hobby (blog) I want to lay down 4 corner stone strategy posts. This is the second behind my SERP Domination post which taught the power behind numbers. As mentioned in my Log Link Matching article every technique on this blog interconnects like a well connected puzzle and fits together perfectly to form an ultimate SEO strategy. This is that strategy. In that spirit every post before this one builds up to this post and every post after is a follow-up to it. By now you hopefully have had time to browse through the archives and digest all the past posts. This will give you the necessary skillset and more importantly mindset to put all this into practice. I’ve always preached that there is no rules in SEO only loosely enforced guidelines. So it’s time to take the Jalape�o peppers the rest of the industry have given us out of our asses and prepare to tear this shit up. Its time to build our own SEO Empire.
First things first I need to lay down a few laws to live by. These are the laws of the game I live by and in all candidness I think its a great place for you to start with as well.
The Law Of The Land
1. Learn A Server-side Language - Starting out you will make several dozen small investments. Once you get the hang of it, you’ll make hundreds of investments. Eventually you’ll make thousands and even tens of thousands of investments. If you can’t hold your own with some sort of programming skillset you will find it difficult to generate a return on those investments. You’ll have a million excuses running through your head on why you shouldn’t or shouldn’t have to learn how to program, but you’re not puppy roadkill so myself nor anyone else will feel sorry for your shortcomings. When I started my company I worked 9-13 hours/day 7 days a week between the company and my day job for a solid two years. I spent my lunch breaks reading printed off programming tutorials while trying to explain to annoying passing by co-workers who had no idea I was a nerd why I was doing so. So save the excuses for your mens therapy group. Although I understand how hard it is and I really do feel for ya, I’m not an excuse sympathizer. So take a week of TV time out of your life and learn PHP or Perl and some MySQL or other database language. Hell, crack an O’Reilly book open in a coffee shop or something while wearing glasses and a strawberry pink bandanna, bitches will think you’re cool AND smart. Get the basics down, the rest will come through nothing other than experience.
2. Every Site Must Pay It’s Own Rent - I’m going to quote this a lot throughout the article. We’ll be creating a lot of sites. Some of which will have a sole purpose of link building. Even those sites must make some form of profit. Even if to only cover their own hosting and domain expenses. Every site must be able to pay its own rent.
3. Get A Server - I don’t care if its a small VPS (virtual private server) or a large dedicated host. Everyone has to start somewhere. Don’t start your SEO empire on shared hosting. You loose time getting it setup, you loose investment money with higher hosting costs/site. Invest in a server. My favorite place to get servers is Softlayer if you’re needing a recommendation.
4. Make A Friend - Find someone to help you through the little problems. You’ll face tons of them and you don’t want to get hung up on any single one. Sometimes just having a second set of eyes to glance at stuff every once in awhile can be a huge benefit.
5. If You Wait For Results There Won’t Be Any. - Very important law. It takes the average site 6-8 months to show its true potential. If you build and wait for it to do well by the time it does you will have not have made any money and even worse yet any progress. To build a proper SEO empire you need to be always producing. From this project on, all your analytics, stats, measurements of progress will be the checks in your mailbox. I know its a tough habit to break, but its necessary.
What I’m going to do is go over an overall strategy on how to make money with SEO the Blue Hat way. It’s not necessarily a plan. It’s a strategic method for not only making proper investments and profiting but building a strong platform and the resources necessary to succeed in any future projects you take on. With a proper strategy and structure you will be able to accomplish just about anything in this industry. Some of the stuff will be fun and high profit some will seem mundane and low profit, but keep in mind that it is all necessary. Amateurs skip to the stuff they see everyone else making a big profit off of, but what they don’t realize is the pro’s are only pulling this stuff off because they took the necessary time and energy to build a proper foundation and resources to pull off the big money stuff. So I’m going to step through the entire process with you. It’ll be long and complicated in parts simply because it’ll utilize every ounce of SEO knowledge you have including all the past posts on this blog, but I’ll keep it simple and easy to understand. When we’re finished you’ll have all the knowledge you need to become an SEO pro. This I promise you. Just follow along and understand everything before you move on. Take your time and jump back to references anytime.
Lets begin…
We are quite literally going to be building a business for ourselves. So that is the metaphor I’m going to use throughout this article. We are going to start from the ground up until we have a big skyscraper full of profit, scalability, and robust business practices. First things first, we’ll need a chunk of land.
The Land
Find yourself a nice flat piece of land to build on. It will have to be well laid out and stable. It’ll also have to be as large as you’re comfortable with and have plenty of extra land next to it for when you want to expand. This will be where you decide on where to buy a server (or vps) and domains from. You don’t want to be switching hosting providers a lot so pick a place that has plenty of server packages that range from affordable to extravagant. The same goes with domains, don’t just go with the cheapest. Cheap is great but pick a place that gives you plenty of options and allows for easy management of domains. You’ll be using them a lot. For my servers I use an inhouse datacenter and for the last 7 months have used Softlayer for additional servers. They have good packages and their support is phenomenal. For domains I use Godaddy. Also, I made sure to call them and got a special rep for my Godaddy account. This allows me to buy domains in bulk a lot easier, faster, and cheaper. You WILL be buying a lot of domains so don’t worry about overshooting your volume estimates to them. Much like buying land for your business get your server and domain purchasing to last. Once you got that complete its time to start construction. We’ll begin with the foundation.
The Foundation
The foundation of your SEO Empire is the most important part and its worth the time to get it right. The foundation has three primary purposes.
1. Indexing and linking power
2. Be permanent.
3. Generate enough reoccurring income to afford another server and lots of domains regularly.
Since the sites have to be permanent that means you can’t build your foundation on blackhat sites. It has to be 100% whitehat. Duplicate content is not a big deal but the sites have to look fairly good and have tons of pages for indexing. They also have to be specific enough to pull in some longtailed search traffic and generate some money either through contextual CPC ads or affiliate offers, or both. The easiest way to accomplish this is by building database sites. Databases are nothing more than scraped or gathered content stored neatly into tables in a database (ie mysql). Mysql content databases are fairly widely available. Many are sold for cheap on Digital Point and Sitepoint. If I may make a recommendation check out SEOcracy’s site. He’s my trusted main man behind the monster that is called the Vault inside SQUIRT, which at the moment is the largest content club on the net. To be successful at creating database sites the idea is to set a goal for yourself. A good starting goal is to have 1 million pages indexed. This means you’ll need at least 5 million records worth of databases. Thats not necessarily true. You can mix up the database content to make semi-unique content. Just make as many pages using the content you have available to yourself as possible. Throw them up on nicely organized sites do some quick indexing methods and go build another. Remember rule number 4. If you build these sites then sit around waiting to see if you reached the million page mark you’re going to be waiting a long time. Keep building and never worry about over shooting it. Its definitely better to have too many than too few. And remember, you can always spin the database content to make it appear more unique and helpful to the surfer. Sometimes I love to use census data to spin off new statistical numbers just for the sake of BS. The content doesn’t have to be 100% correct. It just has to look good. Likewise, even though you’re using duplicate content you can always change up the keywords to match a more specific niche. Just like in my Madlib Sites post.
So whats the point of all this? In a word…dispersement. Later on you will be creating loads of “money sites.” The money sites will be highly focused and designed specifically to convert at astronomical levels, usually to an affiliate offer. They however, with little or no real SEO value, will have a hard time ranking. This means they need LOTS of links in order to be effective. Lets use some simple low and round numbers to make my case.
Lets say you make 10 database sites with about a 100,000 pages total. In the end you manage to get 10,000 of those pages indexed. Accompanied by some ads those 10,000 pages in the index will make you plenty of money to buy a new server and more domains. This will allow you to make money sites. Each page of the database sites will easily allow 10 outbound links while holding their high SEO value, but for the sake of the example we’ll only put up 5 per page. That means you now have a total of 50,000 links at your disposal. If each money site requires about 1,000 inbound links in order to rank for their terms than that means you can build up to about 50 money sites. Given how high converting they are (Basically landing pages) and the fact that they all now rank; That comes out to some serious fuckin’ residual cash. But let’s not get ahead of ourselves…
After you have collected a solid amount of databases start building. You want to be quick and efficient about it so the first two or three you build is very important and will take you by far the most time to finish. I started this endevour by first building a huge collection of easy to implement and clean templates. There’s plenty around for free. Try checking out the Open Source Templates website for a few to get you started. Design the structure behind the site to cascade in categories. IE. say I want the main page to list *these* unique fields. Then each of those pages to display all of *these* unique fields within the matching field. Set it in a loop so you can go as deep as you want since not all databases have the same number of fields or will have the same amount of fields you’ll want to actually use. Once that is done have it display a basic template for how you want the ending pages to display. Which may or may not use all the database information. For instance if you are designing a real estate website. The main page will display all the unique states with links to each one. Once they click on a specific state, say Oregon. It will display all the cities in Oregon. Once you click on a city, say Portland, it will display all the real estate companies in Portland. Once you click on a specific company, we’ll use REMAX, it will display the ending page which will have all the contact information for REMAX IN PORTLAND OREGON. <-your longtailed phrase and remember even the other pages will bring in search traffic such as Real Estate Companies In Portland Oregon and Real Estate Companies In Oregon..etc. Throw in a quick template that semi matches the topic and boom you’re done. Submit it through SQUIRT or QUIT. Once you get the basic setup down they all become VERY easy and very fast to make. It may take you an entire week to create your first three but once you got a good setup going you can easily generate 3-10 large database sites/day just by yourself. I like to start building with the big databases first. It’s an efficiency thing. If about 10%-20% of the pages actually get indexed then the large sites using the large databases are more worth my time. Once those are completed and I’m struggling for more content I can start using the smaller ones. The niches also don’t really matter. Who cares if you have no need for a site about basketball stats for all the players? Build it anyways. You’ll make money off it, and it’ll be a valuable link even if you never build a single money site related to basketball.
So before you even begin, make yourself a goal first. I originally made my goal of 1million pages indexed. Which took me about a month of building to accomplish (yes I worked very hard, but I got it done). After that you can always build more and you never have to worry about interlinking or putting them on separate IP’s. Although if your server comes with multiple IPs by all means use em. Fill the fucking server till its running on only one leg. Most Redhat Linux installs reserve 10gb for the /usr partition which means you have a lot of space to fill with your MySQL databases. Use it all, and if you build two database sites that are fairly similar, SURE interlink them, might as well. Once again I’ll remind you NEVER wait for the results. Build until you reach your goals. It’ll take 6-8 months for those sites to get fully indexed and perform as per expectations so use that time to build the rest of your SEO Empire’s basement.
The Basement
Basements are imperative to a strong standing building, especially when you plan on building it tall and you do! Some skyscraper basements can go over 100ft underground. Thats over 10 stories! If you want your building to stand tall you will want it to go deep and wide. These are your roots; They will hold you strong. Welcome to the world of Blackhat my friend.
Forget right now all your biases and all the bullshit you’ve heard. I’ve had several posts in the past on this blog talking about Black Hat vs White Hat for this very reason including a nice parabole. It’s all bullshit. There is no difference between the two. The day the search engines start giving a damn about your business’ profit is the day you should start giving a damn about theirs. You got the volume of links with your database sites but you also need volumes of links from unique sites. That means creating lots and lots of sites. Theres only two ways of doing that: Autogenning and Automation. These are the two vehicles that are going to get you there (catch the pun?) and we’ll start with the first, autogenned sites. Also known as Gray Hat. I have a great post on how to accomplish these types of sites called How To Be A Gray Hat. Give it a thorough read but we’ll want to go even one step further. We need ways of supporting our blackhat sites with these gray hat ones, and the best way of doing that is to find a good crutch CMS. Proper Use Of RSSGM details the idea behind this the best. Although I love using platforms such as Article Dashboard, Mediawiki, and Wordpress you can really use anything that is popular and trusted. Make yourself very transparent to the search engines and let them know you’re just another retarded platform site such as a blog, article directory, link directory, software directory, funny videos/pics site, or even a review site.
These sites all have three primary objectives
1. Launder links and/or help with indexing (links/indexing power goes up the building not down).
2. Host Blackhat sites (orphan subdirectories or subdomains).
3. Make money (remember the rule, every site has to pay its own rent).
You’re probably asking why host blackhat sites on them? The reason comes from an ol’ experiment I did about a year ago that still holds true today. I put up a few orphan subdomains (no links from the main site) on a trusted domain with a trusted platform. For those that are curious it was an Open Realty install with imported MLS data. The subdomains had very clear autowritten dictionary content. I say very clear because not only were the sites butt fuckin’ ugly and heavily interlinked but the content could only be understood by a drunkin monkey. Hey it was a first attempt, your first girlfriend wasn’t any better looking. Naturally the sites got banned, but the oddest thing happened. The main site didn’t. It didn’t even loose rank or get penalized. Previously I thought this luxury of no-penalty-passes were reserved for large authority sites such as Blogspot, Hypermart and Geocities. This sparked my curiosity so of course I switched it. I put the spammy content site up on an older main domain and put the legit CMS content on a subdomain. Guess what? They both got banned. Fair enough, so I duplicated the experiment again but this time I left the main domain blank and only put up the legit CMS subdomain. I left it for awhile, everything was good, then I put up the spammy main domain. The sites were identical the ones of the previous experiment, only they had a slightly different result. The main domain still got banned, but before it did it performed extremely well in the SERPS. It blew the other one out of the water. This leads to the theory of the one way street. Which if you think about why, you’ll realize its not some random chance. It’s necessary so legitimate sites can’t get heavily penalized because of some parasite hosting. Wouldn’t that suck for Harvard.edu to get banned? There’d be quite a few complaints flooding Google if there weren’t measures in place to protect it.
One Way Street Theory - Primary domains can pass a penalty to subdomains. Subdomains can’t pass a penalty to a main domain unless the main domain holds a relation to the subdomain (ie. a link).
I like to build these sites in “platform groups.” Meaning I’ll design a structure and build a self installer. Do some keyword research and pick a good solid amount of niches. It is very typical that I’ll pick a good 100 niches for every platform, although nothing is set in stone. Then I’ll buy a bunch of domains and extract all the sites then run them through my indexing tools (Once again SQUIRT or QUIT). You ever wonder how those “experts” claim they have 4-5 figures worth of sites and how they manage them all? Well its honestly not that hard and if you actually looked at their sites you’d probably be shocked because they look pretty good and probably perform well to. The revenue generating capabilities for these types of sites honestly aren’t very good, but they make up for it in sheer numbers and as long as they generate some profit its all good in the hood, because honestly, as far as the business goes, they are under ground. You don’t put the customer front in the basement you put it in the sky and on the ground. These are however, fantastic leverage for all your future sites because they generate you a ton of links and lots of diversity amongst your niches and keyword sets. They are also the only thing that allows you to successfully support your Blackhat sites without risking your white hat ones such as your foundation and money sites.
The Black Hat sites come in two forms, the spammed and the hosted. A good example of hosted black hat sites would be Blog Solution sites and YACG sites. The advantage of hosted blackhat sites come in the freedom of structure. You’re not limited to what type of site it can be. Also, the automation is easier. You deal more with cpanel and script installation automation which is more tangible and easier to manage than some of the inherent problems with spammed black hat sites such as captchas. If you are hosting your own blackhat sites you also stand a much smaller chance of them being deleted. You still have to deal with complaints going to your hosting and advertisers, but theres workarounds such as How To Deal With Narks. The downside of course is the costs. You have to purchase lots of domains and to have a decent hosted blackhat site network you need to start off with at least one server dedicated to it. A BlogSolution setup can easily eat up a solid server with less than 200 sites. Hosted blackhat sites are however a very solid investment worth doing.
The reason I say this is because you have to think about traffic curves in SEO. If you take the average content site (nonviral) and watch the traffic growth you’ll notice it’ll move in stages. Rolling over hills and bumps rather than linear growth. Just upon the initial deep indexing the first 50-100 visitors/day tend to be very easy, quick and can be accomplished with little or no link building. Even though that mark tends to come very fast with little effort the second mark of about 250-350 vistors/day tends to take quite a bit more time and effort. Just because your site got a 100 visitors/day in the first 3-4 weeks doesn’t mean in 6 months you’ll be getting around 500-600 visitors/day. In fact its very unlikely especially for a black or gray hat site. So practice this as an investment strategy. After doing a couple test sites if you end up coming to a similar realization that given a keyword list within the same competitive/traffic hemisphere if you generate a hosted black hat site within 3 weeks that site can be getting 100 visitors/day. If those sites pull in an average 2% CTR and pay about $0.15 a click then by the end of those 3 weeks that site will be making approx. $0.30/day. Your results will vary of course, but in all candidness my hosted black hat network averages $0.25-$1.00 per day per site. So that 0.30 is a very good example. That’s not exactly a Vegas hooker in your wallet but think about this. The domain costs you about $10/year and if you have this on a server with the rest of your network it costs you about $15/year per capita for hosting (yet another reason why I insist on law #3). Projection math is dangerous but by all account that site is making about $109/year. Minus the expenses that comes to $84/year profit. Now understand that I NEVER like to do scalable projection math. It will never ever ever work out to be accurate. If you think in dollars you will end up with pennies. All I want to know is, is this site going to pull me a profit? I don’t care how much. I just want it to be able to follow law #2; Every site must pay its own rent, plus a little extra for growth. The actual numbers don’t matter until we get in the scale of 500+ sites. Which is when little dips and bumps tend to smooth out. Speaking of dips, lets talk about the biggest dip of all…getting banned.
One of the more popular statements you’ve probably heard is, “if you do black hat you will get banned.” As much as search engines love the fact that people are actually buying into that misconception it doesn’t excuse it from being the biggest load of bullshit in the industry. I’d let Paris Hilton rub her crotch on everything in my fridge before I’d ever admit that it’s true. Before we go any further in our investments this statement must die and I’ll tell you why.
1. When a site gets banned from the search engines YOU do not get banned. Only that single site. To say “you” will get banned is an intentional twist of wording intended to scare you and prey on the inexperienced. It’s under acceptable use because it assumes that webmasters only have one website and will only ever have one website. While this may be true, WE are not Webmasters we are Internet Marketers. Webmasters are hobbyists. Just like painters or wood carvers who also sell their work. Internet Marketers are business men and women. Let’s allow the webmasters to follow whatever rules and scare tactics they’d like, we’ve got a business to run.
2. Getting a site banned is not a big deal. We’ve all heard the stories about the big successful black hatter who had it all then suddenly one day his sites got banned and his business got completely ruined. Really? What was his fuckin’ name? I’ve never actually met any cases like that. Black hatting is all about rebounding and experimentation. You do what works while it still works. Facts be faced search engine antispam algorithms are still in the ice age its not about keeping ahead of them, in fact moped speed will do just fine. Just as long as you’re moving forward. To throw up hundreds of black hat sites based on what worked last year is like leaving your big screen TV out on your lawn all night. I couldn’t imagine stupidity like that actually exists…I digress.
3. Being banned is not the end. Whenever a site of yours gets banned, its very easy, you figure out why it got caught by comparing it to a site that didn’t get banned. Fix the problem and move on. Even then its not permanent. You could always just delete the site, put up a heading tag with your keywords in it and in a few months it’ll usually reappear (yes that actually works). That’s if you even want to, sometimes traffic from the other engines it wasn’t banned from is enough to keep the site going and profitable. All else fails you can always wait a couple weeks to a month or two for it to get unbanned and forward the domain to a newer more white hat site to up its link volume (yes that actually works). There is no real end to a black hat site.
4. Getting banned is rare. It’ll happen once in awhile when you’re first starting out, especially if you’re using generic publicly sold packages and leave a bunch of footprints, but after so much experience it virtually never happens. Which leads us to the topic of footprints with interlinks and a concept I call upward linking.
Upward Linking
I wanna take a moment to talk about interlinking because I think this is where I differ in opinion from many others. When it comes to certain specific SERP Domination tactics in regards to money sites, I think interlinking between a cluster of sites is a good thing simply because you’re dealing with directly related sites which pushes the relevancy of the link. However in the general schema of building link authority I try to avoid it mostly because it endorses unnecessary footprints which lead to lower sticks and a lowered investment value. The reality is, in the general platform clusters interlinking is virtually worthless. In example let’s say you layout a large cluster of keyword specific sites under no particular niche using Blog Solution. Sure a few interlinks will help boost the ranks of the sites and raise their profit by a few bucks/month, but since these sites aren’t our true money sites and are already worth their necessary profit their focus can change to link inventory. Understanding what search engines mean when they talk about bad neighborhoods its necessary to abolish the idea of interlinking between common platform clusters. This is why I like the idea of upward linking. The deeper you build your SEO Empire’s base the wider it becomes via more and more autogeneration. Kind of like the roots on a tree trying to reach as much nutrients as possible. So understand that while your hosted blackhat sites make money they inherently have a lower conversion rate and income potential than your higher up sites such as your database sites. Therefore if you use the hosted blackhat sites to push links to your basement and database sites where you can achieve higher rankings and more profitable affiliate programs your income potential becomes much higher in the end. The same thing holds true all the way up the building. Your database sites are going to provide huge amounts of link volume, and with help of your hosted blackhat sites, link quality to the sites higher up. The higher up you go on the building the higher quality of neighbors you’re working with which means more ranking potential with competitive terms and more earning potential with your choice of monetenization. So on your next link building campaign try thinking in terms of upward linking rather than the asinine questions like “who will link to me?” Once you have a site that you want to rank first look at the quality of the site as it pertains to the levels on the empire. Pick a level of sites below it and build a bunch just for the sake of producing links to that site. In its simplest form what a lot of pro’s like to do is create a nice niche landing page. Then they generate several blackhat sites through either hosted, spammed, or even parasite hosts. They use those sites to build the necessary volume for their niche site. The niche site pulls in the real money and the rest just have to pay their own rent (usually through a method of cloaking or contextual ads). Even though this is a very Neanderthal way of simplifying it; It shows why upward linking works. The true explanation though comes in the mathematical linking structure I laid out in my Blue Hat post on Raising Your Page Rank Internally. Once you understand why Google’s pagerank rises as a single page pushes a link upward then horizontally to be pushed upward again you can see why this would work on a global scale. If you push your blackhat sites’ linking power up it pushes the power of the clusters above it higher. Once those much more powerful clusters push link power upward again it gains in momentum until when you’re ready to finally cap it off with highly converting and competitive niche money sites there is virtually unlimited ranking potential. This is what upward linking is all about, but before we talk about going higher let’s dig that basement even deeper with spammed black hat sites.
Spammed Sites
Spammed blackhat sites have phenomenal potential in both revenue and link inventory. They are also a great investment. This is because they are basically the penny stocks of Internet Marketing. In fact a lot pros make their entire living off just spammed blackhat sites. The reason this is even possible is because they cost virtually nothing to produce. To produce a couple clusters of spammed blackhat sites is fairly easy, but you more than likely will need to know how to code. If you don’t you’ll have a harder time getting the tools you need to pull it off and it’ll increase your initial and ongoing investment costs. Remember when producing the tools, you’re not going to make a million dollars this month from spammed blackhat sites. If the volume you are comfortable producing can’t pay its own rent than by all means find a new solution before moving on. To produce a spammed blackhat sites you’ll need to first produce a very large keyword list. Try to span just about every niche possible. The reason I say this is because spammed black hat sites are in a sense the ultimate keyword research tool. They don’t just tell you what keywords to shoot for with your money sites they give you direct money potential stats. We’ll discuss that concept more in depth later. For now we’ll just talk about what a spammed site is and how we can produce more than John Chow produces dirty looks at a modeling convention. In the gist a spammed site is simply finding a free hosting provider such as Wordpress.com, Blogspot, Hypermart (loads of free hosts out there) or any other place that allows you to host a page or site for free. This also includes landing page type sites such as Squidoo and even Myspace. Then you just produce a site for free on it. Monotenizing the site is really just doing whatever you can. For instance Blogspot doesn’t allow Javascript so you can’t put Adsense on them, but you can however put IFRAMES (may change after this post is live). So you can still put the Adsense inside the frame by using the frame feature in the account. Likewise Wordpress.com doesn’t allow hardly any form of scripting so you are limited to mainly affiliate links (CJ and Share-A-Sale has some great feeds you can use). Free hosts that use subdomains are awesome for creating spammed sites because you have a much higher range of platforms you can use. Just be sure to use large hosts because not only are the smaller ones more on the ball with despamming their smaller number of accounts, but slamming their servers with 10,000 accounts when they only have about 5,000 total is just cruel. Rob and I like to create freehost bots we refer to as ants. The queen script uploads all the ants to the freehosts then the ants all execute and self install the sites by pulling a list of keywords from the queen script. It’s very efficient. Another good route is to take common platform hosts and search for abandoned ones. For instance you can download Wordpress MU and install it. Then look for common footprints it leaves on the main page. Then do a search on MSN or something for the footprint. I like to also use the extra search parameters to look for age:60+. That way you stand a better chance of finding ones that got setup but never used. Then create several accounts across hundreds of installs. Throw up your monetenization and upward links (to your hosted blackhat sites or higher). This also has the added bonus of creating lots of separate class-c IPs and dispersing your investments. This is very similar to my Abandoned Wordpress Accounts posts one and two, but slightly more open ended. When generating spam sites try to think like your script will look. I like to first create an account and step through it while taking notes of every step, cookies, and other id’s the whole time. Following the steps in my Fastest Way To Make Money Online post works great. Just remember when creating spammed sites you got 3 goals in mind.
Objectives Of Spammed Sites
1. Create large upward link volume to the rest of your sites.
2. Generate profit and push incentives. When your affiliate programs ask about your sites always point them to your clean whitehat or database sites. They’ll like them a lot more. It’s okay to have a nice network of spammed sites and money sites pushing higher lead and sales volumes working in the background, but between the two you got yourself a good push for higher payouts and incentives.
3. Keyword Research. Create a way to monitor what sites are doing particularly well. I talked about this in a couple of my Black hat VS. White Hat posts. There are lots of golden keywords out there that can’t be found by any other way than ranking for shit like Cheap Hot Dog Bunny Food then realizing you’re getting a ton of traffic for a two-three variation. Especially watch for banned sites. Being banned is a huge benefit for these types of phrases because its often times some dumbass trying to protect their golden keywords from all the weak black hat sites. So once one gets banned check its traffic and what keywords they were ranking for. If you find a golden keyword just build another white hat money site for it and push all the link quality to it so it can start getting ranked without fear of being banned (perm redirects work best if possible). I know this can be hard to monitor all these sites, since they are on different hosts but you always have frame and link stats. So you can redirect through a script or monitor the keywords on your frames. Also referrer stats on your contextual and affiliate ads works. Just don’t spend forever being a stats junkie with spammed sites. They’ll come they’ll go don’t wait for results before building more or you’ll never see those results.
I like to use spammed sites as a way of making a couple big bucks really fast for fast investment boosts. It’ll plateau and level off to make a little residual cash but whenever you get spurts of big cash consider getting a few servers and domains paid off before you rush off to buy that Benz. Just like the links I like to keep the investment cash moving upwards. As far as income goes per capita spam sites perform very poorly. Their power however definitely comes in numbers.
A Few Things To Remember About Spammed Sites
1. Always use a proxy. They’re like the security cameras in your SEO Empire. They may be expensive, hard to get and a pain in the ass, but there is no substation for a good anonymity plan. Always keep your black hat projects secure with proxies.
2. NEVER use your own shared server. I’ll say this one more time in case you didn’t take it seriously. NEVER USE YOUR OWN FUCKING SERVER! Use your home computer, use someone else’s computer. It really doesn’t matter; Just never use the servers your other sites are on. You never know when a proxy or something is going to slip to transparent or anything. Just play it safe. If you’re getting hate calls in the middle of the night from your DSL provider thats a lot better than your server provider asking about 10 gigs of socket bandwidth you just used.
3. Automate everything. Even if you’re only planning on creating a hundred or so sites make sure every aspect is either automated or sent to some Indian dude to handle. The extra time taken to do things right will always turn out to be worth it down the road, even if it is years down the road. Which brings me to my next notable.
4. Modularized all your scripts. Be sure to take some extra time to make things easier for yourself on later projects. For instance Rob and I created a Wordpress plugin. It allows anything we code to interact with any wordpress install, including wordpress MU and Wordpress.com in single lines of code. Its a HUGE help! Do the same thing. Building a library of code snipplets and custom modules you’ve created will make your lives a thousand times easier a year or two down the road.
5. Use timed cronjobs and delayed server-side processes. Set it and forget it is always the way to go. Just be sure to test everything thoroughly so you don’t cause a big mistake.
Moving On..
Of course there is a lot deeper you could go with your basement levels. You can jump into parasite hosting and many other spammed sites techniques. There is also a Black Hole SEO technique that involves hosting that I eventually want to write up into a post and share with you guys. However keep in mind as deep as you go there is still money sites available at this level as well as some incredible investment opportunities. In fact I’ll share one of my favorites with you now called Cycle Sites.
Cycle Sites
Cycle Sites have a double function. They make lots of money from a very little investment for a short amount of time. Then they recycle themselves to become monstrous link launderers. The downside to Cycle Sites is they tend to use a lot of server resources while they are making money, but on the plus side they usually only make money for about 3-4 weeks then you dump them and idle out, and they use virtually none. So the cycling process is actually a good thing because it means you can continuously do it. I have an entire server dedicated to Cycle Sites. The one server has been more than enough to produce literally thousands of them over the course of the last year and will continue to be all I’ll ever need. Here’s how to build one and why.
How To Build A Cycle Site
1. Download this custom install of Wordpress I compiled.
2. Buy a domain related to a generic niche. Notice I said niche, not keywords. The site won’t be around long enough to make money from search engine traffic. So the more generic the more useful it can be later to your higher up sites.
3. Point the domain to your server and have a script that sets up the account, uploads and extracts the Wordpress install, sets up the mysql database and completes the installation.
4. Write an “ant” script that logs into the Wordpress install and activates the WP-Autopost plugin and Adsense deluxe plugin and configures them.
5. Have the script automatically select a random template from the list available.
WP-Autopost plugin - A Wordpress plugin that’s no longer available. It pulls a list of RSS feeds you specify and automatically makes scheduled posts using the content. It also posts a trackback request on every blog post it copies.
Adsense Deluxe Plugin - A Wordpress plugin that mods the template and automatically incorporates Adsense into it. All you have to specify is your publisher id.
6. Import a huge list of rss feeds. I like to RSS Aggregators such as Google Blog Search: microsoft. Notice I searched for Microsoft. Microsoft.com and blogs.msdn.com has a ton of “golden sites”. Which means one trackback link gives you tons of traffic (I even got a couple that give me 700 visitors/day alone).
The majority of your traffic will be coming from the trackback links it posts. The sites should have no problem pulling in plenty of traffic from just that. If you get the right RSS feeds imported they should get between 500-1,000 visitors/day within the first week. I’ve had a couple hit a few golden gooses on trackbacks and recieved in the upwards of 10k visitors/day (needless to say it crashed my server cus every time someone would visit it would try to pull the rss feeds). Your Adsense ads should pull in a decent 2-5% CTR on all that traffic. Also, I modified the WP-Autopost plugin so instead of just putting their content up it says __Name_ put up a great post today on __post title__. Here’s a quick excerpt ___post content___. That reduces a ton of complaints you’ll get for potential trackback spam. Now keep in mind, these sites WILL get complaints. Not only to your Adsense but your domains and hosting as well. So be sure to put up a fake hosting provider in your name servers. That’ll give them someone to complain to and will make them happy. This is also why you’ll delete the sites after only 3-4 weeks. During those 3-4 weeks you should make at least $1-$10/day per site. My Cycle Sites make about $5/day on the average. The few people that I’ve shared this with and have put it up on crappy shared hosting still managed to pull about a $1/day, and usually I can tell them to keep adding more feeds to it or add a few sites VIA subdomains to be more cost effective. If the sites aren’t making enough money just add more feeds or add more sites to subdomains, that’ll usually fix it right up until you reach a happy medium. This is where the investment comes in. Build a batch of these sites on their own server. Once they cycle out use half that money for domains and build another larger batch. Do that until you got the server capped out. Each time you dump a site just throw it up on a blank page with its keywords and maybe put in a couple ads to keep a few cents trickling in. This will use up very little server resources, so once you cap out…lets say for example at a 300 sites. Every time you cycle out a batch throw up another batch and close out that batch. It’ll keep the server constantly moving and making profit and you’ll be getting all these new domains for virtually free just off your profits plus some extra for your higher level projects.
This is where the real trick to cycle sites come in. When you create a high level money site at the top of your empire instead of going on a big strenuous linking campaign just go back and look at what niches you have available in your cycle sites. Lets say you build a money site about Dogs. Go back and find all your domains that are related to dog or pet related niches. You’ll notice after the 3-4 weeks of them being live and after a couple months of sitting they’ll still have plenty of sticky links. In the spirit of candidness my average Cycle Site has about 300-600 inbound links at the end of their stickiness cycle. So if my money sites need about 1,200-1,500 related links to rank all I have to do is spend 5 mins and redirect about 3-4 Cycle Sites. The money site instantly has all the links it needs as well as a bit of initial traffic. Not only did I make a solid profit, but I got instant success to any money site I create. Shoemoney was quoted as saying something along the lines of, “there are no secrets to success in SEO. It’s just common sense.” Bull fuckin’ shit. I say common sense plays a big part but I stand to bet he’s never made a Cycle Site before in his life. Once you do you, you’ll most certainly realize there definitely is secrets in SEO and rankings. You just have to find ‘em , because rankings don’t come any easier once you got a good Cycle Site network working for you. It is important however to remember their purpose. It’s easy to continue the sites for longer than necessary because of the money temptation, but this will eventually come back to bite you in the ass. I’ve lost servers, I’ve gotten in trouble with my fiber provider, I’ve lost Adsense accounts, I’ve even gotten charges from Godaddy because of this. Many bloggers don’t understand what an rss feed is and think you are stealing their content, even though you are careful with your wording and your link to their site, they will still complain. It’s best to have them just complain to your hosting provider (actually your fake hosting provider) and then have the site gone in a couple weeks. They think they’ve won and they don’t see any point in continuing. So if you get your timing down, you’ll make far more money in the end if you don’t get greedy. Also, automation is your friend. Don’t waste your time maintaining these sites. At the absolute most all you should have to do is copy and paste a list of domains and the associated keywords into a textarea and click a button to get them all setup, then uncheck all and click to deactivate the previous ones. The faster and easier you make this process for yourself the more time you’ll have for your even bigger money projects.
Let’s Take A Moment To Review
I’m not going to bother taking the time to find it but John Chow had a post recently asking the question; What’s better, a few big sites or lots of small sites? His argument was, look at all the people who are obscenely rich and popular in the industry. They got rich because of a single large site.
I won’t pick on John too much but I think that’s a naive way of looking at it. Just like in Wall Street. How did you get rich? I got rich by buying 50,000 shares of IBM back in the early 90s. While that may be how they made the majority of their money, thats not how they became rich. A couple million dollars didn’t suddenly just pop into their wallet for them to make that kind of smart career booming investment. They first made lots of small and stable investments which worked as a crutch in every aspect of financing, disposable resources and experience to make that big investment possible. The same holds true for the Internet Marketing industry. You don’t get rich ranking for something like mortgage loans. You get rich by developing the resources and investments necessary to be CAPABLE of ranking for terms like mortgage loans. That is why it seems that successful projects and rankings comes so easy to certain people while others struggle their whole careers. It’s because it IS easy for us. However we had to pay our dues and take the time to make it easy on ourselves instead of perpetuating the workload hoping for that one project to stick. Raise your hand if thats what you’ve been doing.
So no matter what level you’re at, make sure you really study the article above and make special notes of the “oh shit moments.” There’s plenty of ‘em upon close inspection. And build a good foundation for your SEO Empire. You don’t necessarily have to use database sites to build a foundation like I did, but it definitely is my strong recommendation. You’ll find out why in the next post. I couldn’t possibly tell you now because its mostest top secret at the moment……….Ah fuck it. I’ll just tell you. You’ll be building your first phase of affiliate and contextual ad “mixer” sites. In a sense they are monstrous Madlib Sites completely geared around generating affiliate income and spilling off to contextual ads. Likewise you don’t have to build the blackhat portion of the basement exactly like I suggest, but you’ll find it very useful when we talk about One Page Wonders and the concepts behind why single page sites with little content can and do rank. How to create landing pages on steroids if you will.
So by now the foundation and subterranean portion of our business is looking really good. This is going to be a huge benefit to our higher class projects. It’s fairly quick to build a solid foundation and basement simply because starting out the numbers aren’t important. It’s the scale we care about. We can build 10 foundation sites, 100 hosted black hat sites, and 1,000 spammed sites fairly quickly with a modest budget. With five links each and using strictly upward linking we now not only have a fairly solid profiting business but quite a few links available in our inventory(depending on how you scale the upward linking). Which is enough for quite a few high converting money sites in the end. But let’s not get ahead of ourselves. We got to build this bitch up first. Which means thats our next topic. So if you haven’t taken a bathroom break yet, nows the time.
Few Notes:
1. Put all your questions in the comments please. I’ll make a follow up post shortly after. Theres a lot I already want to cover in the follow up.
2. If you were wanting to make an mp3 version of this post with your fantastical voice, feel free. Send it to Eli at BlueHatSEO.com and I’ll edit it in. First 5 make it. Be sure to give me a place to link to for credit.
3. I’ve already started working on Part 2. I’ll continue to post here on Blue Hat while I work on it. I also got some great guest posts in queue.
I can leave a comment faster then flash gordan.!
Notice the skills!
I’m just replying because i wanna be cool and be higher than the guy lower than me who said 2nd. I want this comment to be read.
plz how do i make munz?
My responce can be found here:
(Yeah, I replied to get my comment further up!)
Maybe not a lot of emphasis was given to the fact, that to rank successfully (SEO) you need to keep uploading fresh original and informative content.
Web surfers can make a website fail or succeed in the end!
Yes, I agree. Google pagerank changes over time.
It does mate, PageRank does change overtime
yes i’m also agree with it page rank changes time to time.
it even changed for facebook. dropped from 10 to 9!
a current list of pr 10 pages you can find here:
check pagerank
So what if PR changes over time, that’s normal for all things being put into perspective with other stuff. If you had onle one web site in the world, it would have no PR, as there would be nothing to compare it with. If you have a hig PR but then you don’t do a thing with your web site, someone will be better than you and your rank will go down.
what happened to you link?
Yes what did happen to your link?
I completely agree about this. I really like your tips.
Very nice article, i have to fav this!
i have to print this…
WOW, this is a very long article, right?
My best suggestion is to stop being so lazy. If you can’t be bothered to type out “long” words like “please” and “money”, you don’t stand a chance.
lulz i thnk ur gey! suk my dik LOL
Go away
I can not follow your suggestions. They work maybe in the past, but scraping content from other sites against individual content?
I agree with you Stefanie. Do you think this is the only way?
thats not a good reason to leave a comment…..i think his synopsis of the seo empire was a great one, and appreciate his willingness to share i wish there was more info related to the healthcare field though such as a Masters in Health Administration
This particular subject matter is something that I are already evaluating for a while now and your own perception is actually fantastic. Many thanks for spreading the following information
love your work!
i like boobs.
Look what crawled out of detroit.
ne lan bu
The post is written in very a good manner and it contains many useful information for me. Thanks for sharing.
In my opinion, your posting is very useful to everyone. Because we
find life is more meaningful after reading it. Thank you!
YOU may get banned if you are leaving “footprints” on your site, such as affiliate / adsense codes… which you must be doing to make your sites pay for themselves.
Recently Google have identified and banned entire networks of sites… thousands of sites in one swoop, not just individual sites which is what you imply here….
You need lots of IP’s and domains registered from different sources… Google are a registrar… hiding WHOIS will not do the job….
In short you need to distribute your sites far and wide and cover your tracks… putting lots of GH / BH on a dedicated server is a bad plan IMO. That method may have served you well in the past but I doubt it will serve you well in the future.
I was going to say how have you not got banned from adsense?
however after reading your post I was wondering what did you do to get another adsense account?
after you get a bunch of complaints about your adsense account they’ll take a look at it. It takes surprising amount of complaints, i know every time I’ve gotten an adsense account banned i had to recieve at least a 100 complaints before hand. Then if your Adsense account has several white hat and clean sites on it, they’ll send you a warning. If its all blackhat then they’ll just close the account, send you an email as to why and then payout all they owed you. Getting a new account is way easier than ppl make it out to be. I’m imagining half those people saying how hard it is haven’t even tried. All you give a shit about is getting cashable checks or bank transfers (the taxes portion, and mailing address stuff is easy). Whats the problem? I’m not sure
a lot of times they’ll even know that you have two accounts and still not even care. I’ve even reregistered under the exact same credentials as a banned account and i still have the account today.
Google only gives a shit about money. If your complaints are taking up valuable staff time then they’ll look into it. Other than that, as long as your making money they really couldn’t care less.
That was pretty quick mate lol.
I wish I could get my sites indexed that fast
Been 1 week and my new blog http://total-fta.blogspot.com still ain’t indexed.
That’s terrible
Best CRM SEO post ever !
I’ll second that
SEO is the mainstay of any IM strategy. It boils down to the fundamentals.
Oh my God, this is the longest post I have ever read in my entire life.
very detail and well structure article about earning money online. I think it’s really important you said that every site has to pay its own rent and wait for maybe around 6-8 months to see some great positive results.
Nice Trick Man. I love Seo Empire.
ha ha ha
Can’t wait until you come out with SEO Empire Part 2 that is going to be an interesting read.
Very interesting article i am pleased to
read it will be very useful information keep up the good work
this is a very nice article, man!
very good article man!
Cool one man!
oh com’n!!
damn thats to much to read… i have to print this…
But its worth the read! And even worth the ink to print it out
Awesome can’t wait to read it
Thanks for your hard work Eli.
I’m going to read this tomorrow I hope.
I’m going to read this on the shitter then wipe my ass with it.
hmm… i guess you can buy the printed version next week in the local bookstore?
this fucking math thing is throwing me off
Was the same for me!
the maths side of seo is tricky
I just wanna know if i can post my affilaite code to link to the book in amazon?
Holy Crap Buddy,
What is this, Gullivers Travels?!?!?!
Ill let you know what I think of this after I finish reading it sometime next week.
oh if anyone needs free business cards PM me.
The Marketeers Guide to the Internet. - in this book the answer about ads, googles universe and everything is 31337.
It might be a little harder to wrap your brain around it than PHP, http://www.way2banks.com/ but it has an efficiency and elegance that gives me wood.
Hey Eli, thanks for the post… just a quick question, have there been any resources out there that you felt were invaluable when it came to learning PHP, Perl or any of the other coding languages?
For Perl http://www.cgi101.com/book/
And lots of stuff on cpan
Also for CSS http://ncdesign.org/
Mysql I bought a book called Perl DBI - to mysql.
Thanks for that Rob, appreciate it… into nerd mode I go!
very nice article man! I love it!
Cock off. Apparently I can’t do maths…
Anyway -> cpan.org for Perl and if you’re serious about Perl just buy ‘Programming Perl’ it’s the bible
dude forget about Perl - it’s almost dead and fucking hard to program - stick with php
Perl rocks. Sorry. It might be a little harder to wrap your brain around it than PHP, but it has an efficiency and elegance that gives me wood. Everytime I program something in perl it makes me happy. The LWP library is unrivaled, and for server-side automation, like the kind that Eli writes about, Perl is probably the best choice. Sorry andrew, but Perl is not dead. Not even close to it. Take your PHP fanboyism somewhere else. Why impose a value judgment on other people? Huh? Huh?
I agree, Perl rocks! I started off coding in Perl and it’s still my favourite language, although I haven’t coded in it for ages, instead using PHP. Perl is really very similar to PHP in a lot of ways, however I think for website programming PHP is definately better. LWP stuff and cronjobs/robots Perl all the way!
another nice hindsight blog to read
Here’s a decent link I found about building a database driven websites using PHP and MySQL:
Are these large posts how you compensate for your penis size?
Uhhhhh~ LOL!
Great post Eli, that was well worth the wait.
Been waiting for this post a long time… laptop + this post + #2 potty time = utopia.
ROFL….I HATE that I know EXACTLY what you are talking about [and suspect others do too but won’t admit], but I am going to be one to print this out and read it in bed…under my table side lamp. I did skim the article and the points in bold are dead on so I cannot wait to read this.
Very nice article. As I’m building my knowledge in this arena, this helped fill in a few holes I had questions about. I specifically liked the idea of upward linking rather than interlinking.
Would have been a bit easier to read if there were more paragraph breaks, but then again the more that keeps people away from this information, the better imho.
very nice
THIS IS AWESOME!! Definitely worth the wait, and man have I been waiting
I have read through the whole thing and plan to print it and read through it again, and then ask some questions. You mentioned building large database sites as a start. Anyone who is interested can find some free databases (including some large content ones) at http://mydatamaster.com to get you started, and new ones are regularly added.
Thanks for putting all the work and effort into this Eli, can’t wait to read Part 2!
Hey Eli, great post I’ve been waiting for awhile for it too! I had a few question about starting my own SEO empire, is there by any way I can have a chat with you over AIM or MSN? #4 of Law of the Land you said to make friends…
sure shoot me an email
Fucking gold. Enjoyed the post, will print it out and come back for more.
Correction: Blogspot allows Adsense/Javascript. In fact they _want_ you to use Adsense
What are some other places to find a lot of good feeds?
How do you make SEO friends? Money?
Making friends 101
3 Ice Cubes
1/2 glass of jack daniels whiskey
1/2 glass coca cola
3 ice cubes
1/2 glass of captain morgans tattoo
1/2 glass of coca cola
1 glass of straight jack daniels no ice
You know what the main ingredient is in whiskey? Water - you don’t need any more of it (ice)
Go into irc.webmasterradio.fm #webmasterradio mention that year part of team darpa. They’ll send you an invite to a secret channel.
What_the_hell! That post is just… fucking.. crazy! I’m gonna have to read it a few hundred more times with my programmer present to understand it fully I think…
Looking forward to being even more confused by the next article. Keep up the good work and as always thanks for the information!
you know I keep meaning to learn one of those new fangled computer languages. Maybe some day.
“bitches will think you’re cool AND smart.”
Thanks for writing about me Eli
always like your posts eli. gives fuel to my own ideas.
I finally read it! I’m off to build something badass.
great post, one day I’ll act on it
i already has on my site (mimilla.com)
Fantastic. You have by far the most entertaining SEO blog I’ve ever read. Does it really take 1110 sites to make something like this work, or would a small scale 111 @ 100 -> 10 -> 1 work for starters. I have 50+ niche domains sitting around that I could start working on something with. Thanks for the ideas.
thanks a lot Eli, your advices are really contructives..
damn, since i read your posts i improved my english like i never did !
What a great post!
Is it really better to get my own server or VPS compared to getting a host with multiple c-blocks?
Will multiple c-blocks help with indexing?
Ugh, my brain hurts!
Cheers for the post Eli. I’m gonna go lie down now.
Great post!
How do you register your domains, private?
Blue hat seo is a true seo empire
This is insane info!
It’s the first time I visited your blog and I felt like the ultimate newbie and just read a book.
Thanks for kicking my butt into the idea of building many more sites to suck money out of my traffic.
Even the small sites that hold people up by the ankles and shake them until their last cent falls out of their stained pocket are worth building as long as the site pays for itself.
So I need a funnel of traffic and links from other sites to drop these suckers onto my money mangle sites. I’m starting to get it I think.
Looking forward to reading more.
Dude! Googlebar shows Pagerank 8?? WTF!
I’m showing 4 - Your PR bar must be stuck. Restart your browser.
Hey eli, as far as upward linking is concerned, does google discredit the fact that 10,000 pages from the same domain are linking to a couple sites?
To follow up on this, let’s say you have lots of inbound upward links to your money sites coming from sites all on the same server/ip/cblock - are you saying that in your experience these links are still effective and not discounted?
Great post as usual, well worth the wait
Just one question; are the Foundation (Database) sites and Basement (Grey/Black hat) sites meant to be on separate vps/dedicated servers?
Goddamn. God. Damn. I feel like one of the citizens of the airport locker in Men in Black and just realized everything I’ve been doing is small-time shit.
Great post Eli,
When you link to your money sites from (for example) your RSSGM sites, would you link from every page or just from the front page of each site?
Freaking amazing post dude!
Easily some of the best writing online. Amazed to see this level of detail (for free or for a fee). Keep up the good work, and thank you for opening my eyes to a new form of online marketing.
As usual, a phenomenally instructive post, Eli. I learned a lot and can’t wait for part 2.
I had alot to comment, so I wrote a post about it:
Brilliant. I’m started restructuring the way I do things after reading this last night.
Awesome post Eli…then you get to the comments.
GREAT POST! Thanks for getting this up. I know I have been waiting for this one for a while. Now - time to get to learning more programming…
Great post.
The most valuable piece of advice is right up front, in rule number one. You HAVE to know a programming language, and know it well. A good knowledge of protocols and the way the internet works is just as important. To pull this off, you have to automate…and you can’t do that without a language. Otherwise, you will be paying people like me to write for you.
Myself, I am a perl man, simply because I mastered that before PHP was developed. I recently hacked up a site generator in an hour to generate a pretty sizable screensaver site. I then turned around and used it to generate two other sites. Total time…2 hours. Including getting the content and generating the site.
You HAVE to learn to program, period. Either that or you should have stopped reading at rule number one. Without being able to program, you will never be able to automate. With out the ability to automate, you will NEVER be able to scale, either horizontally or vertically, enough to pull this off.
Well done Eli…I’ll implement this as a whole, but it does give me huge insight into SE’s and how to better my results for my white hat sites. Thanks.
I can’t code to save my life yet I bet I make more money than you do. There’s a billion ways to skin a chicken and this one seems to be the most difficult one.
10.000 spammy sites? gimme a break dude, get real.
Worth the wait, thank you. I’ll probably get fired for spending all afternoon reading it, but worth the wait nonetheless. Cheers.
For people looking for books, I totally recommend “PHP Fast & Easy” by Julie Meloni if you’re a 100% newb.
The O’Reilly PHP book is good if you’re already a coder but want to learn PHP quickly.
The New Riders MySQL book is also indispensible until you get to grips with group by, left join etc.
Last but not least the O’Reilly Javascript book is the only classic if you need to learn JS..
Longest… post… ever…
I just wonder how much people will actually follow through, and I am afraid I know the answer, but the plan is great.
Will take me a some to read it all, and although I’m afraid I will not be among the group of people that will follow through, there’s much information that will help me with my own plan.
well actually thats the beauty of it. No matter what stage you’re at you can still implement all or part of it. Eitherway you’re going to be doing the same amount of work on every link campaign you do from here on it. The argument, as will be explained in part 2 is…link building gains you links and costs money. network building gains you links AND makes you money. It all takes about the same amount of time and effort, in fact some would argue that network building is actually faster. The exception is, network building also makes you income at the same time and provides you with future resources so your future link building campaigns are faster and easier.
In the gist, if you look at the traditional concepts behind internet marketing and the SEO Empire concepts. SEO Empire works a lot better both for the present and for the future. Granted, yes to cover everything in the post is a lot of work. It took me about a year to build my SEO empire. But I would of spent that time building anyhow and building revenue. I just started smartly and it paid off. You can really jump in any time at any level and still see the same benefits from following the system (ie. upward linking rather than link building).
ya feel me?
Thanks for the insanely awesome post, Eli!
There are a couple of software / scripts out there to help with mass uploading hundreds or thousands of websites. I know one is http://www.domain-dashboard.com
I can’t remember the other I saw though. The other is web based. Anyone else out there able to think of it’s name?
When you mention using proxies and home based computers. What tasks are you recommending that for?
Your not talking about hosting BH sites on my cable connection?
Ah found the other one I was thinking of. http://www.massaccountmanager.com/
Feel free to add any other tools out there that could help with this type of operation. Yes, I am a programmer and will do much myself, but if I can build upon what other people started, even better.
all hail the great eli.
,i stopped reading on the fourth paragraph, this post has, and i mean has to be Printed out. Whats funny is this, people bitch so much about what chocolate shoe money is licking this week, but i beleive the people and newbies(me) who stick around to read your blog are going to be the fucking kings of tommorow. 
Enough kissing ass
its just fucking classy, way up there with blogs like the frank schilling ones.
Post pictures next time!
Seriously, a simple graphical diagram of this would help LOTS. Its a bitch to keep this mapped out in your mind.
Looking at the 50 most influential bloggers, guess who is in position no. 45?
me? influential? Thats downright the most scariest thing I’ve ever heard. :0
I love this quote though, “legion of SEO-mad, ethically challenged developers” < -You guys are evil! Thats awesome
I think you just found your slogan Eli -
“legion of SEO-mad, ethically challenged developers” ~ bluehatseo.com
Put that on a shirt and sell it.
thanks Eli
printed that lol. thanks for the sexy post. i just realized how small scale I was
think of a christmas tree with you as the star at the top
‘ you think in dollars you will end up with pennies’
… priceless.
Hey Eli,
Nice post.
“Getting a site banned is not a big deal”
But getting a full network of sites knocked outta the index is a big deal.
Really I don’t see the programming being a huge issue. As long as you understand the overall concept of programming it is pretty easy to pay some indian to do the majority of it.
Great post eli, seriously.
To all the doorknobs who commented on a post you haven’t read: this is why I make a lot more money than you — while you’re dreaming of sitting on the toilet and reading eli’s blog (Senator Craig, is that you?) I’ve already read it, picked out the pieces I can use and went back to work. READING IS FUNDAMENTAL.
Shit thats an incredible post.
Puts what I do into perspective.
Good post. Thanks!
i wonder how many ppl who have read it will actually do anything close to what is written here
This article is incredible. Thank you so much for really sharing a lot of your trade secrets.
I agree, thanks for sharing this with us
WOW! Awesome article. I used every excuse in the book not to get involved in the actually coding/design/”nerdy stuff” that my business partners were already knowledgeable about. However, they presented me with some of the same argument you gave. I am fully convinced it is absolutely necessary to get involved in every aspect of your business as much as possible. This is especially important when doing business on the ‘net. Reap the rewards of knowledge!
Great post. Just a couple of quick questions.
1. Have you had any problems with Godaddy aka the internet police known for shutting down entire domain portfolios over a complaint with one domain?
2. Do you use private whois data?
3. Are you using many adsense accounts? It seems easy for google to be able to link all the sites together if they are using the same account.
4. I’m guessing your not using Google Analytics. At least not one account. What do you use to keep track of traffic and keyword activity.
Thanks again for a great post.
Brent Crouch
i use getclicky.com
1. Do you renew the domains you buy in batch from the “cycle sites”?
2. How do you stop tools such as domaintools.com that can lookup ALL sites on a server?
3. What methods do you use to get back into adsense?
Nice post Eli! This is what I needed, an overall strategy. I have 3 questions if you don’t mind:
- On page 3 you say somewhere “…those 10 000 pages in the index will make you plenty of money to buy a new server…”. I am very surprised by your “plenty of money”. One of my database site, after 4 months, now have approx. 10K pages in G and average only 2-3$/day (AdSense). How do you define “plenty of money” ? What would be a good target ($) for 10k pages?
- Do you always renew your domains? Let’s say you have a banned hosted BH sites that you got re-included and then 301 redirect to a DB site to get the link power, that site now doesn’t generate direct revenue. Will you renew it? What are your criterias to let a domain expires?
- Suppose you drop a domain and that domain got links from hundreds of other sites in your network. How do you manage to change all those old links? Manually it would be a pain. Do you have an automated process to add and update links on every single sites of your network?
Thanks for your help!
JohnWinner, congrats on your first 10k pages indexed. Do it again 100 times and you will have a million pages indexed. 100 x $2.50 x 30 days = $7500/month from your foundation alone. Sounds like it is worth it.
I have taken a look at your site. Maybe you can get a better ctr if you blend the ads better in the text. I would try to get rid off the border around your table with the database text and put the google ads right after the table data so it looks not so separated from the content, maybe a 468×60 banner. I am sure you can raise your earnings if you experiment with the format of your ads.
The google map could be helpful for a visitor looking for the restaurant, but maybe it distracts the visitor from the ads. He scrolls down the page to see what’s more to see there and never scroll up again to click one of your ads. You could try to provide just a link for the map.
Sorry for my broken english, I am an alien.
You can use Adsense on Blogspot.
And one question… you said you lost a few adsense accounts already; did you somehow reapply or just stopped using it?
It has been a long day and I had trouble adding those 2 numbers together to make the post work, but getting banned by Google is not the end of the world. If you are aggressively pursuing a goal, you won’t even notice the minor setback.
YACG rules!!!
naggerads rules!
YACG’n naggerads FTW!
Nice Article!
A question I hope you’ll answer in the follow up.
You said that you’ve lost Adsense accounts, this implies you have/had more than one account.
How did you do that? Can you give us some insights? I know Google don’t let webmasters open more than 1 Adsense account.
I think it would be a nice subject for a post, many Bluehatseo readers seem to be interested in this
Great article, I am about 3/4ths of the way through it. I will post some questions after I done. This is good stuff.
I think too so, great ideas
“Answer the question!” should == “Answer the DAMN question shitmonkey!”
lol, me? I’m putting all this in a follow-up post turd squirrel.
Ha! no “Answer the question!” is what you get when you don’t answer the question! You know “Please add 1 and 2″
haha…turd squirrel…
Lol! Yes we are all stupid monkeys! )))
Eli, this is awsome! Been struggling so long to get it right now I feel it’s got to give.
This information sparked up all the switches and tied toghether all the gut feelings I had.
Be very proud… And it’ll come back in rising advances of knowledge. Please accept my deepest respect. I mean it.
That said… Here’s a question: if the ultimate goal of building a solid and wide foundation of indexed pages is to garner power to link up all the way towards money sites… Aint it so that applying the rule of “every site must pay it’s rent” somehow restrains this power ?
Why would I sacrifice linking power up to my money sites by trying to catch PPC or banner ads or whatever along the way ? Especially if I can afford that foundation… And I have no need to bootstrap it to the top of my goal.
Please let me know if I’m missing something I should not be.
Thanx again for all.
I enjoyed the post Eli; you’ve done a good job of describing some of the networks I’ve come across over the past few years.
Haven’t read it yet, but I am going too
Yes, article is good
Me too
Fantastic article Eli.
Just a question. Why did you insist on building on a VPS/Dedicated server and not using a shared hosting? Is it just because of the limited resources?
Why shouldn’t I start building by getting a new shared hosting account at reputable host which I can always upgrade to a VPS/Dedicated if required?
Dedicated Server - $200/month (On Avg)
Cheap hosting = $4.95 /month
When working with alot of projects.
sites | Cost Dedicated Server | Cost with Cheap Hosting
50 $200 $247.5
75 $200 $371.25
100 $200 $495.00
For MYSQL intensive sites you generally will only be able to put 50-75 projects
up. This assumes the avg site getting between 200-500 unique per day. These are not
“cookie cutter” adsense sites. These are database based 5k+ page sites.
My goal is usually 50-75 projects per website, with a couple of exceptions. The squirt.robstool.com
is a dedicated server just for that one domain “(robstool).” There’s a few development domains
that i use for just making applications.
But back to the money end of this, once you start becoming an internet developer and develop
lots of high quality sites you can see how the hosting is cheaper.
The other advantage to it is your pages generally have dedicated bandwidth. For instance with
softlayer we have 100mbs dedicated bandwidth. Thats 12.5MB/s per second dedicated for each server.
You can server out an insane amount of vistors with decent hardware.
Mid/high level Opteron processors with 10k RPM drives.
Anyhow.. Yep.
Thanks a lot for the explanation Rob.
I was thinking that if it was only the number of domains, a multiple domain setup on a shared hosting/reseller hosting could work.
But now, I can see the bandwidth issue when there are lot of pages and traffic coming to all of them.
I av interesting too, thanks Rob
Hey, if you guys need a solid SEO host, check out what HostNine just released. HostNine reseller central allows you to setup your sites in different servers throughout US and 2 locations outside of the US for .co.uk hosting.
I just found out about it and started this blog dedicated to it.
This means you can host 100 sites with different IPs from one reseller account. They use a customized cPanel backend to do it. I love it!
“Comment by HostNine Hosting”
“I just found out about it and started this blog dedicated to it.”
Alert, HostNine wins retarded spammer of the year award. Definitely don’t host with them. Go with Softlayer like Eli suggests. I use them and they’re service is great.
No wonder it took you so long to update your blog. Looking forward to part 2.
well even though it takes time for Eli to update his blog but still the posts he makes is quite good
Eli, you are a god amongst men. This stuff is pure fucking gold.
Next time I’m in OR, the bud is on me.
Eli, this article is king of all articles. I’ve printed it out and have read it about 5 times (soon to be 6 times) to fully understand it all. it is a lot to digest.
I have one question…
I’m wanting to create a database site for one of my niches however I can’t find a related database. Do you recommend any one for me to use to create a database for this niche? I would really enjoy talking to you to find out more if you have the time.
Bob Schmuck
On the 6th time through take note of his referral to http://seocracy.com/datasets/list
I bought several databases from seocracy awhile back and I highly recommend him also. I’m pretty sure he will do something custom if you need it.
Which language do you recommend, Perl or PHP? Why?
If you don’t know either, start with php. Many popular mainstream scripts are written in php so you’ll have a good base to start modifying and getting to know the language fast.
there are also huge amount of perl modules available for things like scraping on cpan
Awesome post Eli, seems like I have a lot of learning to do about creating automation/autogenning sites!
Ok, so i set up a cycle site. Got some damn fine articles being posted, it’s been up for about 5 days and i’ve had around 1000 Unique Visitors.
Now, my problem is with my adsense. I haven’t had one click through. My ads are in pretty good positions as far as i can tell. But no dice when it comes to clicks.
Any ideas?
I have the exact same problem Bam Bam:)
I came back to re-read Eli’s post to see if I missed anything. I’ve had over 1000 impressions in two days with zero clicks.
I’m going to continue to experiment with ad positioning but I’m not sure if I’ve missed something along the way?
I lie! I lie!
I just had one 7 cent click. I know Eli said otherwise but Mercedes Benz dealership here I come:)
why dream of Mercedes when you can get a Maserati for less money..
This has opened my eyes wide open! Wow!
Correct me if Im wrong but the niche you base a site off of should be broad such as kayaking NOT kayak paddles. Yes? Or do you want to rank individual pages part of a bigger niche?
It just seems like targeting broad shit would meet competition since its everywhere for everything.q
Hi Eli!
Thanks for the brilliant post.
I have a question. Why is it necessary to learn PHP or Perl? Isn’t it possible to automate by using some outside help from guys on Scriptlance?
If so - why (e.g. - gets too expensive, too dangerous)?
Sorry if the question is stupid. I just use this method for years since I don’t know to code. Although it never was for the kind of large-scale project like you describe.
Thanks for any advice.
Buying code is worse than buying a used car… how do you know what your getting?
IMO you at least need to know the basics before you can contract the stuff out…
I see a lot of e-commerce stuff on freelance sites… how about I submit a silly quote, get the job and inject code to say… send me all your customers credit card details…
In this instance, how about I make 10% of links in your sites link back to me….
Gotta be able to read and understand what your new purchase is REALLY doing….
I can’t code to save my life so I must buy it, but I can rebuild my own motor..
If you don’t know how to code and are outsourcing then you have primarily two issues to worry about: 1) trust, 2) efficiency.
1) If you outsource the work to somebody, especially using sites like guru.com, etc, you can’t be sure that the tool actually does exactly what you paid for. There could be all kinds of nasty stuff in it, quietly working behind your back, and you won’t know anything about it.
Then there is the code quality. The prices are so low because people cut major shortcuts to get the job done ASAP.
2) When you rely on somebody for coding, you wont be able to implement changes or fix bugs right away. No, you’ll have to go through that coding person and waste time on explaining the issues, and then he dosen’t get it right, codes not exactly what you asked for, and the cycle begins again. It’s just soooooooo inefficient. (and you pay for all of this)
On the other hand if you know how to program you’ll be able to implement new features and fix bugs right away. There is a world of a difference efficiency wise.
Bottom line: learn how to program. Choose either one of these languages: Perl, PHP, Python or Ruby.
Great article, thanks for the insight. So are you suggesting sitewide links are still powerful for ranking sites in Google still?
Reagarding the “database sites”, how do you handle the url string? Do you create a page for each section (properly named to include long tail keywords) and hide the dynamic code OR do you create a single page and use query string parms to drive the dynamic seletion of data?
Seems like the properly named page would perform better SEO-wise than a single page with parms.
Using a single page with parameters should be equal SEO wise as long as you rewrite the URL using htaccess.
This way each page created looks like a separate page to both search engines and visitors.
Very nice, thanks for the tip!
It’s a good post and a great game plan. I see in the comments above someone addressed concerns with having all your BG/Gray sites on one server.
We keep our “white” sites on a dedicated box along with a few of the ‘fun’ sites we make for digg and social bookmark fodder.
Our BH and Grey sites go on VPS or we do put them on shared hosts just to keep the ip’s spread around and minimize any issues.
Just a thought.
Hi, great post, been reading it about 10 times now. I’ve pretty much coded a lot of stuff for content/keyword gathering, so I’m at the point where I can generate sites, lots of them.
But I’ve found out I can generate a lot more sites than I can actually get indexed. You’re talking about getting 1 million pages indexed, I’d appreciate any advice for doing that in a nice and clean automated way. I’m currently working with
Hm.. this is my first time to land in this blog..
it is good for newbie like me to learn about SEO and how to increase traffic…
thanks for info..
So what level of this empire would Desert scraping be? I am guessing it’s either part of the foundation or could it be the Gray hat part of the basement, below the foundation? In a sense it is a database site that grows and grows by itself. Could serve killer as foundation pushing links up to your money sites.
Actually I’m going to say that it’s probably basement since you mention black hole seo would be part of the basement in the blog post. I digresss…
First off, I must give a lot of respect to Eli. About a quarter of his ideas are truly unique and I’ve learned a good bit from reading his posts on the other stuff he’s “modified” into “blue hat”. So, before I go further, I do respect his hard work in innovation and the time he takes to post. That being said…
Um, I have quite a few questions about this post. I personally believe google is going to start examining the quality of the sites linking as opposed to the number of links much more carefully. Yea, it matters now, but not nearly as much as it will in the future. Also, building 1,000,000 indexed sites? ehh.. I guess. Aren’t we really pushing the limits here of SEO and flat out spamming? Don’t you think if we build 1,000,000 indexed sites google just might notice? Wouldn’t having 4,000 personal websites with adsense on them and bullshit content draw a little attention? Not to mention having to renew the sites and maintain them. And put them all on one box? Now, that’s pretty interesting too. I don’t know. Not only does it sound far-fetched, it also sounds like we’re spamming up the internet and doing more harm than good. I don’t know about you guys, but I like relevant search results… not spam.
If you’re doing this and following Eli’s advice, more power to you. Yes, you should learn to program, but I think this post is a little ridiculous. Step away from your computer and back into REALITY. This isn’t SEO. Not by a long shot.
you might want to reread the post.
i believe he actually says the goal he had was “1 million pages indexed” - slightly (majorly) different to 1 million sites.
the goal with those sites, as i understand it, is not to spam - actually those sites have the potential to provide relevant search results for long-tail phrases (i.e. “remax in portland oregon”). the goal with those sites is to be able to provide an indexed platform of pages on which to manufacture rankings for “money sites”.
The money sites again are aiming to convert - so there is no point in these being irrelevant to the particular phrases targeted.
the parts of the article that are more relevant to your point, valid or not, specifically acknowledge that they are spammy techniques.
Who says you have to adsense on all your sites? God knows most of us don’t.
In fact I do more off cpa and cpm ads than I do with adsense.
It’s just a piece of the puzzle.
I agree with “oh boy”.
Uh, actually they don’t provide relevant search results. What they do is trick you into thinking you’re getting relevent search results, but eventually they just lead you down a road to ad-sense or advertising. Look, you’re not setting up tons of sites and doing all this work to help someone find what they want. You want them to click on your ads. It’s that simple. Each site must pay for itself right? Well, how does it pay for itself if you don’t get clicks? Exactly. The goal of the sites aren’t to “spam”, but in essence that’s what you’re doing. Beating the competition to get hits and clicks right without really providing true search results. The user can click on the advertisements on the google search results without having to go through your spammy site.
Yes, the money sites are aiming at converting CLICKS. You’re generating content on the fly to trick the user into thinking your site is relevant. But it isn’t. It’s spam. It’s junk.
The part of the article that was talking about getting that many pages indexed was referring to foundation sites, which are actually completely white hat, and helpful to the readers to boot. If you saw some of my db sites you’d have no idea they were autogenned and you’d be thankful to have the information you were looking for so quickly. So as far as the whole don’t make money because you might hurt the usability of the net argument goes….pffft.
Concerning learning a programming language–several people have recommended either Python or Perl to me as a first language to learn (the consensus leaned towards Python) and I was wondering, since you mentioned Perl, if there was any advantage to Perl over Python if one was going to be using this language specifically for advanced SEO purposes like what’s discussed here?
The cool thing about Perl is that your programs will be significantly shorter than if you were to write them in other scripting languages. Thus shorter development time and less to type. But, Perl is not a typical programming language. The way you go about doing things is quite different in many respects compared to other popular scripting languages. Some people love it, some hate it.
CPAN is a huge free perl library that will save you a ton of time when developing your own tools.
Perl was the king in the 90’s. Now, at least for web stuff PHP is most popular, although in decline. I think the future language for web dev will be either Python or Ruby.
Python is a well rounded language. You can use Python to write just about anything (games, utilities, web stuff, etc) while Perl is more limited to text processing (it excels at it, and major part of web dev is just that). Overall though, if you are new to programming I would recommend Python. I think Python is easier to learn than Perl and more future proof.
hold on.. I’m not saying don’t make money with SEO. I know I do. I make a lot of money with SEO. But I SEO people’s websites for them and provide a service that’s functional and improves the internet. I take select clients that provide a service or product that IS good and has just been overlooked by search engines because of the lack of SEO.
As for not knowing one of your sites is autogened, haha. I’m sure I could spot it - probably almost instantly. Thankful for having the information so easily? haha. Okay, man. You crack me up. Autogened information that I’m thankful for? Perhaps for comedy relief
I’m not knocking you, man. Do what you gotta do to make money. At least you’re working. I’m just saying it’s getting pretty annoying to see these adsense sites all the time when you’re searching for something. I’m a good searcher too. If i was a novice user I would probably think Adsense ads were actually good links.
Say you have a new database site with 10k pages. Do you release them all at once, or gradually, say 100/day?
From the BlueHatSeo Post - Power Indexing - Eli wrote:
“A couple people have already asked me if I think growing the sites slowly and naturally is better than producing the entire site at once. At this point I not only don’t care, but I have lost all fear of producing huge sites and presenting them to the engines in their entirety. I have also seen very little downsides to it, and definitely not enough to justify putting in the extra work to grow the sites slowly. If you’re doing your indexing strategies right you should have no fear of the big sites either.”
Interesting post Eli. Sometimes your posts leave my head spinning wondering what the hell I just read, but after a few days it always starts to make sense. This one may take a week or two, but when it all sinks in I know it will mean money in the bank.
Keep up the great work.
This document is pretty handy for this.
Incidentally I think its a pretty good example of link building with documents too.
Hey Eli,
Whens part 2 coming
I think that the first part is better than the second
This post is great I am very anxious to get started thank you so much.
I am very much looking forward to part 2
Thanks Eli
Why dont you just find a few large Microsoft-related blogs and write posts manually specifically to get legit tracbacks from them?
Hi Eli
Im newbie to this path can you help me in as many as the ways. as im a girl it would sound like Something but,i was interested in this so i picked up this path.
Rotfl, back of the line you go.
Thanks very much for sharing your ideas and creative work with us. Would you please tell me if there is any indexing or other advantage to having your 5 million db based pages actually exist as seperate files on the server verses creating them on demand by server side programming? Also, if the leaf pages can be autogenned, and the intermediate pages also be autogenned or do they need to physically exist?
Thanks again, Richard
It’s such powerful post. I am not newbie here, but still have so much to learn. Have some questions here:
1. I am using VPS, how I can use “fake server prodivers in my server name”? I always think I need to put right DNS so that my domains in that server can work properly. Can you help me understand the question?
2. I had many sites with WP in the front page with some self written content (not much, at least some), then install hosted black sites with portal generators script, however, almost all of them got banned in short time.
My wordpress front page isn’t authority site? I thought my black hosted sites got them all banned, that related to footprint.
Since whole sites from all these domains got banned including homepage in google, so I gave up all these building.
Eli or all other smart people here, can you help me understand how I can let me sites not banned, at least my non-black sites?
Definitely head-spinning. I’ll have to go back and read all your previous posts now.
Great post
Hello Eli.
If you can, pleas explain me one thing about database sites.
How you could not be banned by SE when you have a lot of ununique content? As I understood, the content in such databases isn’t unique cuz not just you have such db. Am I right?
Also, as I understand, I can scarp such database from some other sites but again, it will be not unique. What can I do?
change all commas!
hi! seems like i’ve seen a blog of yours marketing-experts.info (mortgage-marketing.marketing-experts.info)? i wonder if it is what you called “cycle site”? and the way you recognised captcha to post a comment on my blog?
please reply to e-mail too:) tnx
yep thats a cycle site.
Awesome article!! I can’t wait to see part II….. I printed this out and I’m going through it line by line…i have already had my hand in some DB sites before joining here….. I’m very interested in seeing the Vault grow over time…
Eli, when will part 2 be ready?
this stuff is amazing, I have always thought about building some kind of basement like this, specially considering that I never get my sites decently ranked…you laid all out very clearly…can’t wait for part 2!
Eli, I’ve been throwing shit on the wall for a while with some success, but everytime I try to build something in bulk for foundation sites, they will get indexed and deindexed within a month or two.
The point of a foundation is to have something to stand on permanently. Is there truly a way to auto-gen sites for longevity? Even with all the duplicate content tricks I’ve tried, they don’t seem to last.
Have you found any success with using TBS for foundation sites?
Another important question..
I would like to figure out how to automatically create sites on free hosts. It’s one of the stumbling blocks that’s preventing me from going balls deep. Could you point me in the right direction?
Hi Eli,
I have been reading your posts for some time and they are great mate.
2 questions -
1. Wont puttting all these foundation sites etc on one C Class server tell Google to ban you? I have my (small) network on sperate c’s
2. I dont like the idea of the basement black sites, its out of my depth (i like the dbase idea) Is there any other way to get 1000 mini sites purely for link value?
Very helpful - thanks!
You are a star !!. This article is truly inspiring.
Just a noob, but never thought in this dimensions: generating millions of pages! Great work!
Interesting article.
Very interesting article
This is a fantastic post. Totally changed the way I look at SEO. I’ve been doing it backwards building money sites than promoting them.
It never occurred to me to build links first.
Spammers ruin the Inernet.
Are you really proud of what you do?
ouh eee, but in the future G will filtered spam absolutely, so i think
Oh brother!
Spammers do the same thing to you, just better. In the end all we want to do is connect purchasers with vendors… that’s it. If the odd blog get’s slightly abused in the process, so be it, 99.9% of them are shite anyway (this blog excluded of course
Besides, this blog doesn’t advocate unadulterated spam… it just suggests that a mix of black had and white hat is needed to make it today… at least that’s how I take it
You really open up my world! I feel there’s hope again. Can i ask how did u manage to register another adsense acct? I’m in need of advice because mine got banned for no reason.
You can’t get another adsense account. You could always register under another family member’s name but Google can track via IPs and what not and get you banned again pretty quickly.
Just find something else and move on.
Got to print this bad boy out.
Wonderful art, thank you, I learned a lot of new for him. I believe that the right to allocate a niche is very important and it will bring income
Good ideas, TNX!
Yep, good expience
I has known much more than for last 2 month from your article…Very great!
He-he, It appears that you in a professional SEO, await new articles!
What a great article, thanks for the tips.
please more more more news!!! FAST!!
It is the best article about online mone making i have ever read.
THX very much Eli. For the post and for the entire blog
Thank you for posting things that are actually useful, as opposed to saying “content is king” and “get backlinks” over and over like they’re new concepts.
Absolutely brilliant. Thank you
absolutely brilliant… it is common sense.. just like getting hit in the head with a brick hurts… you just don’t have a clue how much till it happens… thanks
Information is vice but you should write short aticles so that they will be easy for the readers.
haha he writes the mother of all blog posts, enough info to get you up and running and making money… and you complain that he had too much too say! LOL
As a degree of a seo i know is not that much easy!
this article is going to take me weeks to digest. Awesome info and OMG you have my head spinning
That was a great post, I learned a lot! Although it took me a while to get through it, haha.
I’ll have to add this one to the reference bookmarks.
Great post about SEO and SEM .It’s a great way to make off the net.
correction- Great post about SEO and SEM .It’s a great way to make a living off the net.
Thanks for posting all this, I often visit to get motivated!
I love you. This is perfect. Thanks a lot, I will read this again and again. Can’t wait to apply all your tips!
dancin on da tree tops!
Does the site cycling method still work now
very good article. You sure this shit won’t be algoed out?
Hello! I’ve got another bunch of questions concerning cycle sites:
1. Where do you get feeds for them? Seems to, I have to feed the site accepting trackback but how can I tell that?
2. How many feeds should I add?
3. How many posts per day do you suggest to publish?
very thanks. I will read this again and again.
Any news as to when part 2 is gonna be released? Can’t wait!
Just read part 1, a long read but well worth it. Thanks again Eli! Also love that picture of you on the Top 50 Most Influential bloggers.
This is a very great post. I bookmarked it to come back to later.
Awesome post. Love your stuff. The most helpful SEO article I’ve read in a long time.
When does Part II come out?
Happy B-Day SEO Empire post. Still waiting on your lil’ bro….anyday now.
sper well written blog.
Too much for me though….
after reading 2 post…i always blured out
Wow, a buddy pointed me to this article. Awesome article extremely informative.
Thank you for all this information. Its great. I found your blog from a friend and he has sang your praises. he was correct.great blog and great ideas.
Thank you this informations. Its very useful
Time to go on “dark side” fellers
If You wanna have a Brother put Your Mother on Your father. Easy and cheap
Thanks for the nice article.
About your upward linking scheme. How does it work that the black hat sites can have loads of “upward” links pointing to your big sites without the big sites getting identified as being run by the same person who runs the BH sites?
Surely you would need to link to a bunch of WH sites. And if you dont have a bunch, you’d need to link to other people’s WH sites?
I’m imagining it would look quite obvious when visiting a BH site what site filled with garbage what site its promoting.
Care to give some examples of other peoples >;) BH sites sometimes?
Looks like this was written quite a while ago but looks like it is exactly what I have been looking for. Many thanks for this great post.
I liked the post a lot but there is one thing that makes me react. Every site has to pay it’s own rent. I don’t agree at all, some of my best sites have no revenue at all but a lot of inbound links. The site has a great value to me even though it’s a free resource for bloggers.
Fantastic post, it would be great to be able follow in your footsteps!
Excellent article. I have tried to take on as much as i can from the full article. Its great.
Thank you
sql server consultancy
Great read, this blog makes my head spin. Keep up the good work.
foundation is solid, highly recommended to everyone!
Interesting post, although I must say that setting up a SEO’d blogs involves bit more work. Blogs do generate a lot of duplicate content and not all search engines are able to handle it correctly.
Best regards from Malta
having read that I think I need to re-read it again and again. So much of it goes against what I’ve accepted as gospel up till now.
Thanks for the nice article.
I’ll try it.
try my blog too.
Awesome, AWESOME post. Now learning how to actually make these happen is much harder. Do you have any examples you could show us?
That is a hefty post with a lot of info. I always thought blackhat was supposed to be a short cut. Man, the learning curve for this is a bit steep. Clearly this isn’t the way for technophobes.
Absolutely fucking brilliant…
Is there a follow up article on this?
I am a sexy girl. please go to my blog look my photo.
I got a lot of ideas reading this article, nice work !
Thanks for the article! It seems I have a lot to learn if I want to make money through affiliate marketing. I’m definitely going to mess around a little before I go all in on it though.
Glad I stumbled accross this post. I think it will help me with my future projects.
Wow, your post is really long and it took me more than an hour to read all. I have to say, however, some of the points here are not totally correct. The part ‘5. If You Wait For Results There Won’t Be Any’ for example isn’t very accurate as Google now rank websites (especially blogs) much faster than it used to be.
Sandbox is a word of history by now.
I dont understand that… Proxy for what? For me? For the server?! And what for should i use my home computer, others Computer?
“A Few Things To Remember About Spammed Sites
1. Always use a proxy. They’re like the security cameras in your SEO Empire. They may be expensive, hard to get and a pain in the ass, but there is no substation for a good anonymity plan. Always keep your black hat projects secure with proxies.
2. NEVER use your own shared server. I’ll say this one more time in case you didn’t take it seriously. NEVER USE YOUR OWN FUCKING SERVER! Use your home computer, use someone else’s computer. It really doesn’t matter; Just never use the servers your other sites are on. You never know when a proxy or something is going to slip to transparent or anything. Just play it safe. If you’re getting hate calls in the middle of the night from your DSL provider thats a lot better than your server provider asking about 10 gigs of socket bandwidth you just used.”
Hello dear …I must give a lot of respect to Eli. About a quarter of his ideas are truly unique and I’ve learned a good bit from reading his posts on the other stuff he’s “modified” into “blue hat”. So, before I go further, I do respect his hard work in innovation and the time he takes to post. This is all i want to say
Your article helped me earn money!
Being banned is not the end. Whenever a site of yours gets banned, its very easy, you figure out why it got caught by comparing it to a site that didn’t get banned. Fix the problem and move on. Even then its not permanent. You could always just delete the site, put up a heading tag with your keywords in it and in a few months it’ll usually reappear (yes that actually works). That’s if you even want to, sometimes traffic from the other engines it wasn’t banned from is enough to keep the site going and profitable. All else fails you can always wait a couple weeks to a month or two for it to get unbanned and forward the domain to a newer more white hat site to up its link volume (yes that actually works). There is no real end to a black hat site.
please keep informin’ us bout this case. I got a lot of information that i didn’t know here. thanks!
Great stuff -thanks. There’s so much useful info on this site
using autopost is cool, but not cool for the SE CMIIW
Nice post!.. I like it. Thanks
Can’t believe I have just stumbled on your article. Going to spend the next few days just reading.
Wow, just found your site, so much information!!
This SEO stuff is going to be harder and longer than I thought!
I just came across this site. I’m currently being trained in SEO and they aren’t teaching anything like the things you have here!
It’s a very famous article if i’ve came here from a site in another part of Earth
Where can I get wp autopost??? I can’t find it tru google.
Hey Eli, answer me this… what happens when you got 15 BIG database sites all on the same class-cunt IP, different nameservers, same who-is…
…and you want to link them to a ‘money site’ which has no relationship. Won’t Google be like “WTF - how come this guys got these 15 different domains owned by the same dude linking to one single site????!”
Neville Compton, I don’t think Google cares who is in the whois records. If you’re worried about being on the same class-C IP address (which, from my experience, doesn’t effect SERP rankings that much), then get several cheap web servers to host your sites on.
Eli? Are you there? I don’t mean to be impatient, but what do I do in the situation I outlined above?
Shall I just link a few of them to it? Perhaps if I do it over an extened period of time?? Or maybe I just link ‘em up anyways???
The problem with SEO is that the whole industry’s not regulated. There are too many claiming too many things that work and that screws ordinary folks like us who don’t know what to trust.
I agree with Pergo…
amazing really amazing article
Eli, I’m following these instructions to the letter. It took me about 10 months working for a company to learn asp.net and to build my first site.
My current aim is 1000 pages indexed within the next week. My next aim is 1,000,000 pages indexed in the next 3 months.
I want to retire by 2011
any replacements for Autopost, such as WP-o-Matic? or can this still be downloaded somewhere?
Trying this right now with a whole host of subdomains.
It is very nice Article regarding SEO-Empire and I like to became here every time to read this.I don’t think Google cares who is in the whois records…Ok
Excellent set of guidelines as usual; and you pointed out a very important rule of thumb to follow: that every site must pay its own rent at least. Otherwise it is a dead investment.
I think I need to read this article 2 to 3 times to understand everything. Great post. Thanks for writing such a long article covering lots of things in detail.
I like the first laws you have written. the rest are ways off getting money. Play by those rules and you’ll make money no matter what.
I have been trying to get my head around all this SEO stuff for a few weeks and since stumbling accross this blog I actually feel that some of it is making sense. Thanks a lot.
I’m absolutely in love with this mysql dump of all the cities and states in the US…
You just have to have the php link directory purchased to use it.
Awesome post. The amount of detail is incredible. But i bet of the 100% of people who read this under 1% will actually get off their ass and do something about it. Cheers, its been inspirational
awesome post, good job, thank you for providing such a useful information, i am seo, i have learned so many things from u,
especially, it’s true in the boating industry. i run a pwc for sale site and use this service.
Really good and informative post.
Very usefull article imho.
Think I’ll try some ideas =)
This is one of THE best articles I have read in my life, great work indeed!
I’m agree with you abdul…..
this is the best SEO article for entire my online life…..
Great article I am going to have to try out your tips thanks
huff, i am so tired to read this long post.
but it’s oke, this is very helpful for my seo knowledge ^^
Very good article for new seo workers.
When is SEO Empire Part 2 going to be posted? It’s been over a year!!! We love you Eli!!!
It reminds me of waiting for Matrix 2/3 after the first one came out in 1999. Oh, the agony.
I had one of my sites banned once when I hired a dude to do some SEO for me. He ended up using cloaked urls and my site got banned. I had him remove the cloaks but it still didn’t reappear and my PR tool bar is still greyed out for that site
I’m gonna try some of your strategies to see what happens.
thx for this, its a log post but i enjoy reading it, waiting for part 2 …
Oooh man. That’s the longest comment list I saw in my life.
I came back to re-read this article and just have a question. Why do you want to build on a VPS or dedicated server and not use a shared hosting?
http://www.garimaproperty.blogspot.com/:Get Free Online Business Leads? / Increase your website traffic: WE PROVIDE WORLD WIDE FREE DIRECTORY LIST:SOCIAL BOOK MARKING LIST:ARTICLE LIST:LINK EXCHANGE:FORUM POSTING LIST:APPROVED 15 MINUTE PRESS RELEASE Directory submission sites :Article submission sites :Blog submission sites
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I agree the length of this list shows the strength in blue hat SEO may be. There always must be a plan and the path constant follow up is very necessary. I remember in my first project I never was so regular and it really turned out to be progressing slow.
When will you be back, Eli ?
We are desperately waiting for part 2.
Cheers !
Hmm SEO and waiting thats some problem
on the one site: Don’t do anything won’t help anything. But doing several things at once and afterwards you don’t know which technique to repeat -.-.
I am relatively new in the field of SEO and I also want to be Webmaster. So, it takes a lot of time to understand this article 100%. You have given some tips which normally nobody gives like learn any serverside language. I think I have to read the whole series of seo-empire.
Very good hints for a SEO newbie like me.. thanks.
This post is like my bible
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The way I run my operation… get a reseller account from GoDaddy and start making residuals off the domain names you buy. it’s a tiny bit better than going through a retention rep
that way, you gain back some of your startup capital and eventually will see a bit of a return when u are buying domains and V-ded or Dedicated servers.
over and out
get a reseller account from GGGGO DDADDDY and make some of your startup capital back, then you will see residuals on domains and such in a good amount of time
Interesting essay. First I thought it would be a waste of time to reply. After all, why would a bunch of money grubbing, desperate computer geeks read anything critical of them? And there is any chance someone might trace my URL and spam the crap out of me. Hell, let ‘em stew in their juices, I figured. Then it occurred to me that if even one nabob reconsidered what they were doing, even years from now, maybe—just maybe—what I write might be useful.
Uh, no need to respond because I won’t be back. This is criticism, not a suggestion or question; frankly I don’t give a damn whether you answer me or not.
What I want to say is the Eli is an excellent writer and it’s a damn shame he’s wasting his life. And Rob? Who knows.
Let’s begin by looking at the motivation of what’s happening here: A collection of dimwits sit in front of their computers trying to exploit chinks in the Internet for their own benefit. What’s the gain? Money, self aggrandizing admiration, and throwing around words and anacronyms to make themselves look smart and witty.
Now let’s assume you’re successful at this. Maybe even wildly successful. Suppose you make $100 gazillion dollars and buy that “Benz” Eli mentioned. As Suzi Orman say, you’re driving around in a fancy car trying to impress people you don’t know. Ah, the sweet smell of success. Or is it? What did you succeeded in doing?
Lemme tell ya: Cluttering the web with a lot of junk making it hard for people who are honestly looking for information to find it. Thanks.
I read with interest Eli’s admission that he a “marketer,” not somebody who intends to help or contribute. At least he’s honest about his dishonesty. How Eli sleeps night is a puzzle. As for the rest of the crew littering garbage upon the data waters, all aspiring to be as “successful” as Eli, well, what an awful shame. And yes, it is shameful.
Because if you stop and consider what’s actually happening, you must conclude that it’s a total waste of time. If you spent the same amount of time doing ANYTHING that contributed to society (even flipping burgers), we all would be better off.
This isn’t a sermon, I’m calling you to terms: You sincerely ARE wasting time, energy, creativity, effort and resources. The question comes down to this: Is what you are creating adding ANYTHING of value to society?
So what is the motivation? What truly is the reason Eli and the rest of you exploiters (yes, you might as well be honest and admit this business is all about exploitation with a capital E) are at this? If it isn’t really money, why do it?
Laziness comes to mind. But you guys aren’t really lazy. I mean, you work damn hard trying to exploit other honest people.
How about notoriety? Naw, you’d be crackers. (Not the Georgia kind. We’re talking the misnomer of “hacker.” Look it up.)
What’s involved is the joy and pleasure of finding solutions to problems of your own making. You find or set up problems, then find solutions, then take pride in your code or work-arounds, and publish the results either on a blog or by adding another hundred crap-o-la websites. Someone at Adsense or Google shuts you down. You’re perplexed, bothered that your source of pennies is gone and get out of sorts. Solution? Find some kind of code to publish another hundred sites for $25 profit. Oooooo!
This wouldn’t be so bad, as I said, if you weren’t cluttering the net with crap. But you are and that makes it negative for everyone, including yourselves. Soon or later (and I hope it’s not sooner) the net collapses from the weight of mindless drivel endlessly remarginalized. Eli knows this is true because I recognize his skill in economics and finance.
Should I tell you to “get a real job”? Hah. I’m not that naïve. What am I really asking? All I want is for you to take a real look at yourselves and what you are actually accomplishing. What are you actually getting done? What good are you contributing? If you can’t answer my question in a positive way, you’re a looser and polluter.
Feel free to try to justify your actions and keep up your pretentious littering. That’s hard to do considering your vocation. And have a nice day.
Very insightful and interesting comment. Despite your objection I will respond with a lighter outlook on it and lack of judgment.
With everything there is a pessimistic viewpoint that usually results in the rhetorical question “whats the point?” What’s the point of your day job? What are you contributing to society by flipping burgers 8 hours a day or selling printers at Staples? Helping make people fat? Selling people stuff they really don’t need? The only shred of optimism comes in supporting capitalism any other economic arguments for the need to have birds to eat the horses crap.
I’ve done many things in my short life, and the one thing I’ve learned is get what you can out of life. If you’re going to sleep for 3,000 hours a year get a comfortable bed. If you’re going to need a place to live and food to eat get yourself a castle and a banquet. If you’re going to spend over a third of your life working get a job that’s fun, challenging and conductive to freedom not slavery. Most of all share the benefits of your life with others and help them get the same.
Don’t worry so much about others and their contributions to helping humanities because they won’t. You don’t spend your time writing to Fox, CBS, NBC etc telling them they should be more like PBS. Nor do you spend time in corporate meetings with Walmart and Kmart telling them they should get rid of the toys and electronics section and replace them with larger vitamin isles. It’d be a horrible “waste of time” because everything capitalism (that is what we’re doing here after all) is just getting the people where they want to be whether it be a positive contribution to their lives or not.
The simple reality is there’s no money in “polluting.” We WANT the user to get to the information and product they’re looking for. That’s called a conversion rate and for us Internet Marketers it’s one of our biggest concerns. It’s a pointless waste of money and resources for us to just create junk that causes the user to hit the back button.
So do what you enjoy and thanks for your comment. I enjoy internet marketing and teaching people how to do it as well.
Just a small point. We don’t ‘clutter the web’ just the sites that try to index it. This is quite a distinction.
Some great advice and techniques in here. Great post!
Whoa! Even though this post is a bit dated it’s still applicable today. Awesome, awesome tips.
Hey Eli, fantastic post. Eagerly awaiting part 2!
Many thanks for sharing your knowledge!
I’m totally intrigued by this guy, and can’t decide whether he’s brilliant or just crazy. Anybody venture an opinion?
Nice post man. Now I just have to find powers in myself to create this SEO empire heh.
Great post - will definitely require a re-read. Glad I stumbled upon this site.
Sounds great. I will put it to the test and let you know how I get on, thanks again.
Yes, I suppose it worth to be tested..
I have got to hit the sack but I must know, did Eli get the Benz or not? Great post I will be back for more.
I totally agree, waiting is the worst thing to do, build lots and lots of sites and let them age and promote them like crazy!
Some great advice and information in here.Thanks for this post!
One of the most complete and high level guide I have read so far, BRAVO!
Interesting read. The part about each site paying its own rent is something everyone needs to keep in mind
I’ve come across over the past few years.it is very nice Article regarding SEO-Empire.Its a long post but i enjoy reading it.
Hey it’s really more informative ….That your blog contain more contents…. In your post each and every sentences is more informative… Thank you , That you gave many steps and procedure that’s sounds good…
great stuff. Very in depth look at this area of business
amazing article. i have never read an article this in depth. wow . . . thanks
Great article. I always try to expand my network with sites and partners. At a certain moment you can launch a site without hours and hours off linkbuilding.
Great post
You are a star !!. This article is truly inspiring.
Very good, thanks…
Thanks for the useful information on your blog.I have been here for only half an hour minutes and have
learned so much.
Great overview of properly building a SEO network… a classic post in my opinion.
WOW it’s really a nice post.. You gave many steps and procedure that’s sounds good… Each page should display unique fields within the matching field…
Amazing tutorial. Thanks.
There are million factors for positive search engine rankings and you mentioned couple great tips here for starting a successful SEO campaign.
This seems pretty straightforward.
Really nice post…Find someone to help you through the little problems. You’ll face tons of them and you don’t want to get hung up on any single one. Sometimes just having a second set of eyes to glance at stuff every once in awhile can be a huge benefit.
Great post, but where is part 2?
Great Article! I learned some excellent techniques to boost my websites. Thanks
Business cant get boost without advertising..Nice post..I really like it. Keep it up..
Good advice. Keep em coming…
hmm this is really helpful stuff I am new to the SEO thing so I am trying to learn all I can about it thanks for the help.
This is awesome! Been struggling so long to get it right now I feel it’s got to give.This information sparked up all the switches and tied together all the gut feelings I had.There are million factors for positive search engine rankings and you mentioned couple great tips here for starting a successful SEO campaign.
Great article and a great site. I’ll be reading more of your posts. Thanks
This is really an age for link building. There are a lot of ways to get traffic to your website. Great read! Thanks
Absoultely amazing article, so in depth. definately added to my top bookmarks. I think too many people try to make money in the first week. as you say 6 - 8 months at least to start seeing progress. thats a long time for you to be strong and hang in there
It’s amazing article. I can learn about SEO after read this article. Thanks for sharing
very informative article, thank you for sharing this. it’s so useful for me.
Hey thanks a lot for the free article, this info will help me greatly for my blog. Hey and by the way, why don’t you put some ads on your site? A few non intrusive google ads might do you some good. Peace!
Love this article! When is part 2 coming out?
Keep up the good work!
Also acquire page rank domains and host your sites on many different Ip address. you don’t want google to detect patterns so be careful with your crosslinking
I think you have gone to a lot of work. I think just spending the time building good informational web pages and then linking to them will work also. Also I noticed you do not have an autoresponder on this site to email us. And you never sell much. This site rocks.
This is a ridiculously huge post but it is packed with good info. Read for your own edification.
…And why isn’t this an E-book. Is your plan working that well? I look forward to the sequel nonetheless.
Even if 2 years old still worth reading. Keep up the good job!
i know every time I’ve gotten an adsense account banned i had to recieve at least a 100 complaints before hand. Then if your Adsense account has several white hat and clean sites on it, they’ll send you a warning. If its all blackhat then they’ll just close the account, send you an email as to why and then payout all they owed you. Getting a new account is way easier than ppl make it out to be. I’m imagining half those people saying how hard it is haven’t even tried. All you give a shit about is getting cashable checks or bank transfers (the taxes portion, and mailing address stuff is easy). Whats the problem? I’m not sure a lot of times they’ll even know that you have two accounts and still not even care. I’ve even reregistered under the exact same credentials as a banned account and i still have the account today.
Some truly great information here, very detailed and in-depth. Starting to make your first money online can be the hardest.
I have heard on a blog somewhere that SEO will be dead in 4 years time. Is it really possible? Could SEO really be gone because it is being replaced by something new methods?
I guess you are making tons of money!
Hmmm this looks quite complex. I thought my plan of link building was complex but only till I saw this. Damn.
Can you be so kind and explain why this is:
“Primary domains can pass a penalty to subdomains. Subdomains can’t pass a penalty to a main domain unless the main domain holds a relation to the subdomain (ie. a link).”
“if you’re using generic publicly sold packages and leave a bunch of footprints”
I am implementing yacgmi and think this tool can help me, but would like a clear definition of what a footprint is and is not. Thank you in advance! Ryan
Wow, great article. I can tell this will take a while to learn, but it’ll be worth it. I’m just starting out with site building and SEO, so this is great info for me.
Very helpful!
Thanks you friends..
This very useful for SEO.
Interesting. Want part 2 now!
very useful for nubie like me, two thumbs up
Thanks for useful post my blog site. I will also be save.
Thanks again
Another fantastic post - Thank you sir!
i’ve been reading the blog for some time and finally saw those $$ coming in
thanks for the info. now i know what is SEO…
Wow that was too much information for one day
Good stuff. Most of the people doing this will get banned, for sure
Nice posts. Always relaible information from you
I never really thought about building a database so big such as this. Without a doubt building 1,000,000 pages is a challenge.
Another great post, like always. Thanks for sharing.
very long article and I really need to read again to understand the whole… thanks
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Excellent article - I had to read it a couple of times to get everything to sink in!
Solid post. Building a media umbrella is most definitely a solid SEO strategy. Solid work BlueHat!
So true, especially: 5. If You Wait For Results There Won’t Be Any.
People need to get THAT bit into their brains!
Wow!! I must say for a newcomer like me its gr8 help you provided. I have very useful info from your post. Thanks buddy.
Thanks for the great post, very good ideas.
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Wow i’m surprised by all the immature comments left on such an amazing article. I really enjoyed the read.
This strategy was a hgue breakthrough to me and really opened my eyes to how you can really go about the whole making online money idea.
WOW, thats a lot to take on board but a very interesting article.
The Blue hat SEO method looks great, I am going to look into it a bit further and give it a try.
That’s definitely true. If you don’t have VPS hosting then you will be left with more work. Start out right, Get VPS!
Wow…that was one very long and interesting post! Thanks
Some great advice about SEO. I love the fact that you mentioned being quick and efficient. These two factors are really key. If your not quick and efficient you will miss out on all the opportunities that others are taking advantage of. You need to be the fastest one out of the gate in order really gain speed and popularity as a leader and not a follower.
Again great advice especially as it pertains to SEO.
Boston SEO
Dude, W.T.F, two years have past since you posted this, where is the second part? It is already to much information or this doesn’t work anymore?
Should I start doing this or is a waste of time and resources? Please, a nod is all I need.
Sorry, wrong email, this is the correct one.
I really liked the idea for the Cycle Sites. I think it works pretty well if you find some very good rss feed as you say.Very smart.However the problem is that this plug-in you mention for wordpress does not seem to be availabe. I will keep searching in case i find something similar.
very good method.
But where is the second part?
Keep posting
great post build lots of sites for your niche and dominate it
Great post.
keep posting
i need the second part.
but thanks anyway for the first part.
great article.
there is a good SEO method.
but can you continue with second part?
Thanks for sharing.
Nice Blue hat Technique.
i will try this method soon.
Where is the second part?
It will be great if you continue with second part.
Nice article, some good tips in there, I will bookmark this page and eagerly wait for part two
Awesome post. I am so glad I found your site
Hey you really post here a awesome article and i read it fully, its really a very informative and very useful to the SEO(Search engine Optimization) persons.
Eli I want to say thanks for all this great info. I never knew that I needed to learn what you said I need to learn first. PHP MySQL Database Servers Uplinking. All that good stuff… Man I’m so behind.
Thanks for all the info you’ve givin me and everyone else.
You mentioned about finding someone that I can find, to be my friend so if i need help or have a question I can turn to? Where can I find such a person. No one likes to help because they don’t want to reveal their secrets! So what do I do to find someone like that? Or can i ask you for help? I know your busy…
Thanks for your time… And thanks again for all your help.
That’s a long detailed post.But some parts i did not understood.Like ‘hiring an Indian dude’.Why only Indian.I t could have been Japanese,French,Bangladeshi etc.
Really good and informative post. thanks for the article.
So damn cool. very inspiring
I would like to be able to admit that I took that all in 1 go but I would be lying. Some interesting stuff. Will digest some more later.
The SEO Empire is a nice way to earn money online, but yes or yes you must be Tech skilled. There’s no way to drive 100’s of websites in the serps if you don’t have the enough programming knowledge.
very good article. You sure this shit won’t be algoed out?
lol your post almost was equal to a reading a ebook of 1045 pages.
Take a look at this information on building database driven websites, and get a good hosting company with different class C IPs.
The SEO Empire is very Nice Blue hat Technique.
Cool and long post. Thanks anyway.
It’s unbelievable at first sight that it is possible to make money by SEO, but your story proves that it is really practicable! Thanks!
A great read. I had to sit the whole night to complete the article in one go. You should have divided it in to several small articles. That would have made this article a great read.
Anyway I want to thank you for providing all the important information.
Thanks for this very thorough post, but I wonder how much of this still holds true today, september 2009?
So after reading this I was wondering you have to get 2 dedicated servers then right? One for Black hat and one for the White hat correct? Or is it the black hat can be share?? please anyone help me to clarify this please????
Where’s my last comment??
Well…I was saying that yould do this article in a pdf to download!
Its a real interesting article to read. I have to say the font size is a little small and wish it was avail in larger font or as a pdf to download.
Ques for you on the Cycle Site. Is the WP-Autopost plugin included in the WP file you have attached or would we have to find it online? Also is Adsense Deluxe Plugin the best plugin for adsense you recommend ?
Do you have any plan to post some new ideas for 3 way link building techniques???
Your guide will be useful for future referencing.
Hi eli this is a great guide.
But can you explain something to me.
If i use the default wordpress template, the blogroll links will only be on the front page. So the links are not sitewide.
Al the autogenerated pages linking to the index/frontpage with the blogroll. If i put in a link to a website in the blogroll.
Is it better for pagerank to have a sitewide link, or to have only one link on the index with all other pages linking to the index.
Because every page is sending pagerank to the index, so it must be getting the same pagerank when i put on a sitewide link?
Or am i just really wrong and is it better to put a blogroll on every page?
Hope you can explain it to me!
Great post! Specially I liked about WP plugins
Hi I come across this post and these are the best guidelines to make online in recession period I found it really work and recommended this article many friends.
I had to sit the whole night to complete the article in one go. You should have divided it in to several small articles. That would have made this article a great read.
I’m loving this guide. I’ve printed it out, reading and re-reading during my lunch times as you suggested!
Although I am a web programmer, some of the advanced SEO concepts are over my head.
If you ever read this, I’d like to ask you this question: If I’m going through the effort of building up database websites, rather than building something basic + get index and move on, why not spend more time and building it into a valued service?
That would seems logical to me. Maybe I need to think more in terms of gaming this thing.
Man, I hate seo. I just can’t get it so work for me, while others seem to get rankings at will.
Thanks anyway for sharing seo tips
I have looked at many sites and not come across such a site as yours that tells everyone everything they need to know. I have added you to my bookmarks, can anyone else suggest other related topics that I can search for to find out more information?
I have been a new starter in Affiliate Program, hope I can take this as a good starter tips.
Oh IMO you can divede it in two or three part don’t you think ..
man you are crazy!
I have to say this: I think you are the only one who shares so many tips for free.
I started SEO a month ago, and i must say, it isn’t so hard as I thought it will be. I already have a few sites on first page of Google, but I sure have a lot to learn about SEO.
And this site is loaded with good information. Thanks for this!
I still don’t see a way to get links to these spam sites. The only way is to spam others.
Absoultely amazing article. I think too many people try to make money in the first weeks, it takes some passion and time.
seo is one of the hardest thins in blogging,and ur article help us to seo tnx
This blog is a testament that even a do follow blog with massive comments can achieve a great PR.
Is there a part 2 for this?
Yea dude, this blog kicks butt, I think I’m going to impliment this at trifilliate payday bonus because it looks like it will bring me up in the ranks.
I apprecciate those people who have already achieved something worthwhile in their life - so have you! Congtatulations!
I came across this post regarding how many links are counted on each indexed page.
It goes against your claim of 5+ links out per page. There must be a way around this? I’d greatly appreciate your insight as you are God of everything SEO in my opinion.
I’m a complete seo newbie myself, hoping that my page for the up coming TriFilliate PayDay launch ranks well… Here’s to hoping!
Wow! Eli, needless to say I am your latest fan, and thanks for all the typing
coll, i´ ve never thought that, interesting
Eli, I keep coming back to your blog and especially to this post (seo empire) and read again the concepts because I keep forget
When are you going to post the second part of Seo empire ?
I agree, can we get a part two to this post and let us know if this stuff still works. I have found that wordpress has started suspending my blogs anytime I create a bunch with a script, though I still extract some seo value before they do it.
Also hosted spam sites still working?
Basically can you post if this all still works and any updates. A lot can happen since this was posted. Are there now better ways?
thanks for sharing this helpful post.
Thanks for sharing this seo empire tactic. Hoping to complete this section and more onto part 2 soon.
Great Article, guess i’m going to have to learn a bit about managing a dedicated server.
Nice Article. Unfortunately a little old bY now
I cannot believe this post is 3 years old. I just spent 10 minutes reading it and got more useful SEO information from it, then the last 2 months reading combined.
Think I am going to be looking around your blog for the next few hours.
Great site thank you,
Is this still a valid method considering Google’s changes to its ranking algorithm and other changes it’s undoubtedly made in the past few years?
Thanks for any replies.
I guess this is exactly a greyhat. You are standing between whitehat and blackhat. Anyway it’s really nice post. Wait for the second part.
can any one of you explain about the article submissions.iam doing submission on select category only but some times it appears in other category.Iam using Roboform and Infometer to add the details.Let me know the process
I am doing what you are doing to make money. I don’t have 500 sites though. Just a little over 100 of small niche sites. It is great online income, and I agree that people freak out about getting banned. One site getting banned means nothing when you have over 100.
Great post. A bit lengthy but definitely worth the read since there are so many useful stuffs in there to learn.
great info, thank!!!
Thanks for sharing your own experience of building SEO empire! Now I realize that it is possible to make real money with the help of SEO.
Great stuff, very useful for a white hatter turning gray hat/black hat.
Great info!
I’m a hooked reader!
Before reading your article I have been thinking that it was impossible to make serious money with the help of SEO, but now I’m convinced that it is possible!
I really wonder how relevant this info is any more… I mean its 2 and half years old. From what I understand SEO stuff changes all the time…
yeah ,,i doubt that too..i guess its time for latest version of this post..gr8 share..thanx
Great ideas gonna take me a while to read it all but it’ll be worth it in the end.
Great post - cheers
pretty detailed but its not really easy to implement
dude check my blog and let me know how i can this into money
Great ideas gonna take me a while to read it all but it’ll be worth it in the end.
One thing a lot of people think is that if you are a web programmer than you also know SEO. They are two totally different disciplines. Just because you have a website, people should not automatically think that it is optimized. SEO is an ongoing effort.
Eli, PLEASE write up a part #2 of this post!!!!! It’s been… like years since the first one. You should do it.
great information Eli! can you cover more on Database sites? can you use Wordpress for that or a Link Directory script, or you create a static page for each of the database field?
Can you give an example on template?
Great information of how to make money online. that is really great information. i am new here in online business and seo so your tips will help me a lot. so, thanks for sharing this information.
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Hi Eli -
Great post. I really like it and i would recommand my friend to read this post.
I agree to #5. No pain, no gain…
Thank you for sharing your valuable tips and techniques. This review is very useful to me.
Seriously, I thought I knew a lot about SEO, but now I think not. Man, I just spent time reading this post and I feel like a total noob now, of course I haven’t read those other articles you’ve written yet but I’m on it.
Thanks a ton for this article, consider yourself bookmarked.
Wow, I thought I knew a thing or two about SEO. I feel like my whole world just got turned upside down.
That was a great post, I learned a lot! Although it took me a while to get through it, haha.
Excellent post once again. True - somewhat on the lengthy side but we can forgive that!
Great sutff. We’ll bear this in mind with the hotel site.
Very cool Article, keep up the excellent work. I have to mention that your blog looks very cool. Contact me if you need help with your Web Design and graphics
WOW, this is the most ninja stuff my noob ass has ever had the fortune to read. If you actually read this comment, what is one thing you would recommend to a noob to help shorten the learning curve?
Thanks for sharing your successful experience - i have much to learn from your activity:)
I see some good information here which I can actually applied for myself ventures. Thank you.
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Good idea in SEO. Thanks for sharing them with us.
It seems a bit complicated. Surely if you do it every day it’s fully automated. Great post, Eli.
Seeing that the article is quite old I wonder if this still works today. Do you still use these techniques?
I think this article is an excellent guide to life success! Thanks for sharing!
Great article. Lots of useful info.
Yes, it should be useful to everyone.
Haha! First look at the size of the article and didn’t think I was going to finish, but I actually did.
Great read! Keep em coming man! I’m enjoying your articles. I like the idea of upward linking.
This looks like a lot of work and if you did this then I salute master Yoda. ohh..you should really do “The Book of Eli”, for seo ofcourse.
This is just amazing, keep the articles coming.
Although I can’t understand how it can be possible to build an empire without selling products or service, your experience was quite useful for me, thanks!
Great post. I really like it and i would recommand my friend to read this post.
I was going to say how have you not got banned from adsense?
however after reading your post I was wondering what did you do to get another adsense account?
There is alot of good information, but I’m not necessarily OK with some of your ideas.
this is a great and very useful article.I think this article is an excellent guide to life success!
plz keep it up…
Thanks for this info…
Some very interesting tips…
Great post, just shows there is always lots to learn in SEO!
I had to sit the whole night to complete the article in one go. You should have divided it in to several small articles. That would have made this article a great read.
I’d love to see the part II of this too!!! Amazing. BTW, I think you would be a fan of SEO Guerilla Marketing. It’s grey hat too, and the guy who the case study is about, is a freakin genuis with SEO like you are.
This will give us the necessary skillset and more importantly mindset to put all this into practice.
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I see that you are an expert at your field! I am launching a website soon, and this facts will be very useful for me.. thanks for all your help and i’m wishing you all the success in your business
there is always lots to learn in SEO! i like it…thanks
Great post! Keep up the good work! Thanks!
Are seriously people complaining over the length. Wa WA. Good free content is in front of you. If its to much don’t read it, and then don’t take the time to leave a comment.
Blog writers provide information. You can take it or leave it. But no reason to b-tch over it.
You can learn to better yourself or forever complain
Which one is it!
Many thanks for sharing your knowledge! keep it.
Hello guy thank you for this good article
thanks for sharing such valuable information in regards of new technique of SEO, i.e. Blue Hat SEO.
This will be of great help to me and my folks.
I Gave up on having a blog and earning money online, just because i dint have enough guidance.. This info here is what i needed … Now will give it a shot. Gracias
there is a lot of i have learned from seo thanks for your sharing.
many thanks,such a good post and really helpfull for a noob like me
Thank you for the info
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Great post. I really like it and i would recommand my friend to read this post.
I wondered if anyone else had been doing this. Let me tell you if you don’t already know, it worked great while it lasted.
Thanks For sharing such a wonderful blog. It is much informatics for me.
Keep posting.
Thanks & Regards
Brainshakers Interactive
A lot of work has gone into this blog and kudos, but my only word of advice is that you should break your post up a little more, it make it easier to read and also including images and video makes it more link worthy (According to SEOmoz), cheers
Super article. It must be working good and nowadays. Eli, please post your new articles - they are so useful.
there is a lot of i have learned from seo thanks for your sharing.
There sure is a heck of a lot to absorb here. But it’s great stuff!
Some of the points really nice. But difficult to follow all points.
Great post keep them coming.
gee i have just come across this website, awesome info dude!
seo campaigns are like empires and links are like land. go get emmm
I’ve never come across blue hat seo marketing before. This has definitely opened up my eyes and horizon. I will research further and test out some of the strategies highlighted in here. Thanks for sharing mate!
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This is very useful, I think that i might start one of these empires because you seem to know exactly what you are talking about all the way through your blog you are a great thanks
This is really informative post and i am feeling motivated after reading it.ITS excellent.Thank to share your views.
Great post again. Thanks for these long and thoughtful posts. You really motivate me to better myself by actually learning a programming language. I always believed I could hire people but I know how useful and important it is now to know your stuff well. Thanks for sharing your success with us.
This post was written 3 yrs ago…do the same principles still apply? Seems like google would shit their digital pants if someone threw up 1000000 pages in a short period of time..
This is a great post with a lot of good information, but I have the same question that Tim asked, can you still make money online using these techniques?
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Thanks for this information. I will apply it all to get traffic to my site recuperar mujer.
Considering this was originally posted in 2007, I wonder how much of this information is still valid…
Interesting information , autoblogs still have a place so this was very useful
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Another long article.. but a very good read for everyone. You put all the necessary information without holding back the secrets. We appreciate this very much Eli!
Nicely put Eli.. This is very valuable information for everyone trying to make money online. Thanks for posting.
having read that I think I need to re-read it again and again. So much of it goes against what I’ve accepted as gospel up till now.
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Nice article Eli. lots to read but well written and very informative
This is very valuable information for everyone trying to make money online.
great post thnx!
this is a very good information about seo, and i really like it…….
Very good, thanks…
Good article man
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Are you ever going to come out with part 2.
that’s what i call an intresting article.
Would be great, if you can tell some more facts (of how much money we talk here and so on)
Will try this out for sure. Hope it will be a success for me. thanks a lot.
it is quite detail about how to make a money online.I decide to startup my business.
Thanks so much for this comment. It was really inspiring and made me see the fruits of my efforts starting to grow. Almost every technique on this blog is connected and interweaves to an ultimate versatile strategy. The industry has just put up too thick of a screen of lies and corporate propaganda bullshit to let it come through. I think the light bulbs are finally starting to flicker around here. I’m learning more and more everyday about people who are really starting to get it and understand. It’s like that great part of a movie where everything comes together and previous inconsistencies start to make perfect sense. I love it. Gurus be damned, some true pros are going to come out of this place I can tell.
Very good, thanks…
Good article man
Great Post as usual, Nice Idea,Very supportive.
I have reread this Part 1 ten times. So many new features to be done… Thanks, Eli.
Very good, thanks for nice and Good article.
A super post. I’ll implement these ideas in my sites
God bless you
The information you provided was very useful. Because of your help, thank you.
I have been keeping up for awhile on these seo progressions they are cool
comprehensive - enlightening
Oh so, that’s you in number 45 here… http://northxeast.com/blogging/nxes-fifty-most-influential-bloggers/
Wow, that gives me a reason to keep coming back here and digest everything that you are saying (it chokes me sometimes). At least i know i am not wasting my time reading blog of someone who just wanted to be what he is not.
Nice post.
Have to admit that I didn’t like your blog at first, but now it’s my online SEO bible. Would Wordpress qualify as “database” sites?
Yep you have an awsome site.
Wow you’ve juts completely opened my eyes to whole new world of SEO.
I have bee trying to learn the ropes and master back linking of the last couple of months and releazied in itself that it is another avenue full of growth and development.
Thanks for the indepth post and diffinately going to incorporate this into
My Online Business Strategy and see how it goes. Thanks for the info its rare this much is shared thanks!
That is a serious piece of knowledge …given me some serious things to think about that never even crossed my mind
wow, i wish you were still contributing to this blog frequently. google changes its algo frequently and there’s so many new areas (like real-time search) that new tactics and practices can be developed for. any idea when you’ll begin posting again?
thanks for the hints.
thank you for good sharing.
Love your SEO empire. No doubt it is an empire. Thanks. Keep posting informative content like the same.
Thank you for all this useful information it’s really going to help me!
This seems like a lot of work. Does anyone think it’s worthwhile?
Thanks for sharing. I will use these techniques to rank well with the search engines on my blog!Thanks.
quiet a read, but still a good post. i will try out the O’Reilly book….and the strawberry pink bandanna
Great share! There is a lot of great information in your post - enough that I will need to spend a lot of time on your site. Many IMs are charging big money and providing less information than you providing for free.
This is awesome I really appreciate sharing this with us
An amazing post, got some great ideas for that, the scale you work on is imense
Awesome post! I have been working on my SEO empire every time I get the chance
All aspire to be better and I one of them!
fascinating information so far so good.
Wow! You really broke it down well. It seems like anyone could do it.
Awesome post Eli!!! There’s some good info in there, even now, a few years after you posted this. I’m not good with PHP, so I thought I would mention a couple wp plugins that I’m using to build my foundation sites. CSV Importer (because the only thing I’ve done with mysql before is install wp) and get custom field values - shortcode to let you post the values from your db.
What a great resource! There is a lot of great information in your post and on your blog. Thanks again!
what you have given information is excellent and informative GREAT
this is great source of information keep it up
Cool info. Very in depth about SEO, however does the same rules apply in 2010?
Good check list, I am running through it with my sites now
Here is a great job. It is very tweet. Thanx
Very informative post.. and i like how you related a lot of money to a vegas hooker haha
fun read
Thanks for this post is very comprehensive, but I also wonder how much it still holds true today, in October 2010?
Definitely this area of SEO and Digital Marketing delights me even more. The possibility of transforming an online project in a successful project by applying these techniques makes me want to learn more about it and always keep me updated. Currently I am working on my company website to promote greater disclosure.
Congratulations for the article!
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I am a freshman! I think this post is very useful for me !
This is great. Are you still doing SEO?
Nice article. A lot of useful information.
Mate I am totally blown away, I didn’t understand most of what you said but got enough to realize this technique is the dogs bollox.
Cheers big ears.
It would be great to see a follow up article with any newer techniques.
Thanks for sharing…
Now that was a mind-blowing article!;)
Will you be updating this, I would love to see this brought up to date.
Uhhhhh~ LOL!
what a load of crap
This is a really good read for me. Must agree that you are one of the coolest blogger I ever saw. Thanks for posting this useful information. This was just what I was on looking for. I’ll come back to this blog for sure! I bookmarked this blog a while ago because of the useful content and I am never being disappointed. Keep up the good work
I should say your blog is awesome! post. Where else could I get this kind of information written in
such an incite full way. I love to come back on a regular basis! Thanks for sharing, keep writing!
Hi,thanks for sharing the information regarding to search engine optimization.Really this information is very useful for me because i’m beginner in SEO feild.Thanks again for sharing the information….
Really a nice article.I like it very much.
Wow! I really love the depth you’ve gone into with the Analysis.
Great Article.
Just one question…
The subscribe button doesn’t work. Why is this?
Anyway great blog.
Very useful information,thank you for share
We are trying to build our OHare limo page and the your website helps us a lot. Thank you!
Thanks for sharing such an effective post. It’s quite beneficial and useful.
I can’t wait till I read SEO Empire 2!
Very tasty this article… I follow the steps you talked about and waiting paciently for positive effects!
Some great advice and techniques in here. Great post!
Thanks For sharing such a wonderful blog. It is much informatics for me.
I like the part about working on your site consistently and being patient 6-8 months or more. A lot of people don’t want to wait that long.
Hi,thanks for sharing the information regarding to blue hat SEO.Really a nice information is presented here.Thanks so much again for sharing the information…
Thank you for the useful information here.
the number of “oh crap” moment’s I had was amazing.. now I need to start trying to do all this.. thanks man!
where is SEO Empire 2 can not wait to have a good read, some really useful and good advice given thanks.
These are some extremely powerful techniques. I think these are high level concepts that most people won’t understand though.
These are some extremely powerful techniques. I think these are high level concepts that most people won’t understand though.
can u say about a niche and success you’ve had with this?
Great stuff! And lots of stuff to learn… Love your stuff!
Very good article for new site owners for seo building.
this is great stuff. Very in depth thinking!
Very good article for new site owners for seo building!!! Thank’s
This is a ton of information on how to build an SEO strategy - I have one site thats getting 2000 unique visitors that I haven’t put content on in probably a year, so building up a network of sites will really help long term.
So much information here. Thanks. I am just getting started, but I am determined that 2011 will bring me success at last. Sean Donahue is the person helping me out with SEO - look him up in the warrior forum - you will not regret it.
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Thanks for sharing that ……..for a site SEO is very important…that’s really helpful for me……….
Wow! I am simply blown away by this post. It seems like a lot of work to build, but the potential is so great.
Thanx man. Iam in building now. Have some problems, but your post helped me. You know I use freehosting for support blogs, not so bad…
seo empire is really most valuable tips from bluehatseo in my mind
Wow, what a post. I am surprised you shared so much, it was really helpful. You basically provided an in-depth education for beginners.
Wow, wish I could code, i love the logic behind it all.
Very clever article. Thought evoking to say the least. Thanks for the post.
The post is written in very a good manner and it contains many useful information for me. Thanks for sharing.
I would like to figure out how to automatically create sites on free hosts. It’s one of the stumbling blocks that’s preventing me from going balls deep. Could you point me in the right direction?
In short you need to distribute your sites far and wide and cover your tracks… putting lots of GH / BH on a dedicated server is a bad plan IMO. That method may have served you well in the past but I doubt it will serve you well in the future.
I try to dominate the serps with blog comment posting.
Talk about comment spam!
Very clever article. Thought evoking to say the least. Thanks for the post.
totally amazing knowledge, 3 years ago and still being current. I am taking this seriously and will try to keep it literally to become a SEO pro. Nice SEO bible Eli.
Thanks and I hope you check it out. I love your insights as well
you’re actually so helpful. we want more of these articles
wonderful techniques there you have
This is a great article. Thanks for sharing this. I will need to read this a couple of times to digest it completely. I am certainly going to use it.
This is a great article to those who are new to seo.
Your articles are more helpful than the warrior forum or digital point forum. Thanks
Very informative ideas and tips
Nice job
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seo is very elaborate and wide, you have to stick to a method that works for you
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This is some serious advance seo topic you are covering here. Definitely not for beginners.
very helpful tips.thank for sharing
Great article! Useful for those with any amount of SEO knowledge, beginners and veterans alike. Thanks for posting!
Great post! Specially I liked about WP plugins
i like the article……..thanks
This is very helpful. Thanks for sharing your knowledge. I need to read this again, but tons of useful stuff. Thanks
i like this article ..yhis is very helpful for the webmasters while creating the blog or websites …also helpful in seo.
I get the feeling you didn’t actually read it?
I never see before, this much of information in a single page articles. I appreciate it very much. Keep it up dude
Excellente source of information you rock!!
Thanks for this information. It is hard to find stuff like this.
Great post! Specially I liked about WP plugins
What a very informative post some very useful information shared here I also like the part on the word press plugins as I am a big fan of wordpress.
Great and informative knowledge for me.I am learned a lots of useful thing which help for my seo career.Thanks for share this type of useful thing for us .
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This is very great article. Thanks for sharing this informative post!
Round 2. I started building the basement a while ago, looks like I’m back in the game. As always thanks for these posts.
this post containing much good knowledge regarding search engine optimization which is very useful for all of us.Here also explaine to how to Build A Cycle Site..?
I have found your blog in google I am very interested in
This is almost too much information to take in. I saw your post on WF and I’m willing to give it try. This actually leave me with more questions than answers, though.
Good read, Thx! Less is more.
wordpress is one of the best way to creating websites..autopost plugin for wordpress plays a vital role and with the help of this plugin we can easily scheduled our post..i used this plugin many times.
I agree with IIT JEE 2011. Word press is really best way to create websites.
SEO Empire is really very nice article to explain how to make money on web. I like it.
Great tips and techniques for Webmasters. I really like it.
Wow. What a detailed post. Too advanced for a noob like me, but interesting read.
Would be interested to know how these methods have changed a few years down the track.
Looking forward to the next post, hope it appears sometime this year! (
read that, great tips and gives me huge motivation. cheers mate!
Oh this is really one-stop-shop for all SEO queries! I’m also looking forward for the next part..I need to get more traffic in to my blogs. After reading your blog, there is so much to do in posting a blog and generating revenue through it.
great tips. some of them already worked out! thanks a lot.
Awesome comments and blog
Indeed one of the best i ve ever read
Thanks for this post is very comprehensive, but I also wonder how much it still holds true today, in March 2011?
great tips well nice explanation
This is the longest post with millions comments I’ve ever seen. You may break the world records. What a hard work!
Curious. Since google’s farmer update last month, would you approach SEO the same way?
what worked last year is like leaving your big screen TV out on your lawn all night.
Interesting post Eli. Sometimes your posts leave my head spinning wondering what the hell I just read, but after a few days it always starts to make sense. This one may take a week or two, but when it all sinks in I know it will mean money in the bank.
Keep up the great work.
Thank you for making this printer friendly! It is highly appreciated!
Thats going to take ages for me to read
But it worth every second of it!
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nice post eli. i like the stuff youre writing about. so i get another point of view..
Spam can be very helpful but you always know that this cannot give you the best results. Thanks for all this info and nice blog.
This article helpful to increase the the sell of your business.its very good way to explain the strategy of business selling.thanks for post this article.
All good points. Truth is, banning doesn’t mean as much as it used to before Google bought BeatThatQuote, which was as blackhat as any site. JC Penney and Overstock, too, are doing just fine, and will have those same links after the penalty is lifted.
Good recommendations. You must be building multiple sites at the same time to make this really work.
I am an IT professional and learned a lot from here.
Very good post share to increase our knowledge.
Carry on buddy, you have done a great job for us.
I have never visited such a wonderfull creation. Hope this practice be continued.
Could not agree more with your points. Can’t wait for your next post soon.
You are great, mate
Great article, thanks man
I hope you start blogging again soon
Thank you for sharing its a worth while to read especially talking about SEO.
The prospect that a head-turning website has is huge, but the process of making this prospect a reality is laid with many challenges. There is a difference between building a website and building a website that makes a business roll. When Sunbizar Technologies Systems builds websites for you, we lend a hand in building and growing your business by creating a website that works, generates leads, and ultimately brings you profit We create websites that gives shape to your idea. Then we help you mould your idea into a clear plan and finally help your turn your plan into a successful reality.
Thx for sharing - good ideas
Tnx.Good read Less is more.
is this one still working?
As usual you site rocks. This was a great post. I m eagerly waiting for your new post.Really the post are worth dollars. Thanks Once again
It took me a lot of time to read your post, but I can say it’s pretty amazing. So much stuff to learn! Especially on the spammed sites subject. I didn’t get the databases very well because I don’t know web programming. That has to change… Thank you for sharing!
Still waiting for Empire 2.
Still waiting for Empire 2.
Stuff on spam was great
My apologies! I pressed submit too soon. This article must have been the work of many weeks or maybe nights. I am exhausted
I am aware about it but i am happy to known this and i will try to increase SERP for my site
Intensive reading for 4 y.o. information. Still good stuff
SEO is such such hard work. But it is so rewarding when you see your work pay off. The rules are ever changing - you need to keep on your toes in this game! Thanks for the massive post!
Great post, its is very good thanks.
Very very very long write up!! Although i manged to finish it.You explained very thoroughly and nicely.Those who seriously want to get into business must try this.
I am beginner level seo while what to learn everything which are attached with this field. this article also teach me a lesson
My apologies!
This is quite an in-depth post and learned quite a lot. I think content is key and using Digg and facebook has suprisingly been more effective I thought at getting sites up on SERP.
uNice one, there is actually some good points on this blog some of my readers may find this useful, I must send a link, many thanks.
3Enjoyed reading this, very good stuff, thanks .
Would love to read an update on these ideas for 2011 if you ever get the inclination to write it.
C’est long a lire, mais c’est vraiment un article de reference qui reste toujours d’actualite malgre les divers changements d’algorithme.
Sorry for french language.
thanks for sharing such an informative and motivating post.i will follow your guidelines seriously.
Great info will try it my self.
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Whoa! Indeed, Google Algorithm in dealing with page rank is unpredictable - it continuously changing. This stuff really boost my enthusiasm in SEO. Thanks for enlightening me. Thumbs Up!
very helpfull for my thesis. keep creative,bro. Thanks a lot
if i see this article before i join affiliate program, i will save thousand.
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Thanks alot for sharing this with us, was a really great post and I really enjoyed it, thanks for sharing these techniques and ideas with us.
I wanted to thank you for this great read!! I definitely enjoying every little bit of it I have you bookmarked to check out new stuff you post. Thanks
Just too much text for me to read but some basic points I have learnt about seo are as following:
1) Domain age (Google just loves aged domains)
2) Unique and interesting content for readers in your niche.
3) Properly indexed website in google webmaster tools including xml sitemap.
By following these steps any website can reach its full potential over the time.
Thansk alto for sharing this with us
Great read, I’ve got a lot interesting ideas from your article. Now I just need to put them into practice and start building up connection online. Although I doubt I’ll be taking all your points into consideration.
This is truly an amazing post man, thank you!
I’m going to quote this a lot throughout the article. We’ll be creating a lot of sites. Some of which will have a sole purpose of link building.
Thanks again man, now for the hard part your dam math test 9+7= hmmmmm
Hi Vancouver,
Impressive comments by you.
I agree with you, your saying is so good and usful for me.Thanks.
This was very informative. I have been reading your blog a lot over the past few days and it has earned a place in my bookmarks
Very informative. I have just been learning these things, and I’m glad to find this site. I am really learning a lot from here.
Very good information, makes total sense. Some of these things have been very eye opening for me.
Great article although it is a bit old it still remains extremely useful
Thanks for the article, really helpful
Helpful post,i really appreciate to you.
I like this most your information is too useful for me, I hope in future you will be provide to all member of this site such type good and useful information.
SEO is one type of the internet marketing and It is very popular and famous in the recent time. Seo is a very simple and easy marketing technique.
This is a monster post! It’s rare to see someone who will just give up this much info for nothing. Normally you would have to opt-in to some sort of list to get quality like this! Thanks a lot! I’m gonna save this post and re-read later when I can digest a bit more. Baby steps! I also really like how you are honest in saying this will take anywhere from 6-8 months. It’s refreshing to not see some “make a million by tomorrow” kinda bull. So thanks
your blog a lot over the past few days and it has earned a place in my bookmarks
thanks, I have been studying for a while, but you have taught me some aspects I didn’t know before. I will try and implement them in my own site.
My friend has 2 adsense accounts, he used his brothers name and address to get the other one
, isn’t that nice?
Please start posting articles of this caliber again. This is reading to hold your breath for!
SEO does require time and effort to master, i heard once from an SEO friend that there are no shortcuts that produce long term benefits, I guess white hat is the way to go for money sites, while blackhat for the tier 2 tier 3 sites.
It’s a good strategy to keep your SEO clean.
I am reading it again, and i have to do it again again!
holy mackerel! this is crazy stuff. i don’t do anything like this, but it’s interesting to see what i’m up against when i’m doing seo for my clients!
Great read, I’ve got a lot interesting ideas from your article. Now I just need to put them into practice and start building up connection online. Although I doubt I’ll be taking all your points into consideration.
Some great strategies here however I’m not a great fan of black hat tactics
This is not really black hat.
Sounds pretty sweet, but I am going to roll with VoltRank for a while and see how that does. If anyone has tried it, let me know how it went.

mantab tenan rek..
I am learning about SEO via the internet.
Your post is very useful.
Thank you for your sharing.
haha he writes the mother of all blog posts, enough info to get you up and running and making money… and you complain that he had too much too say! LOL
Thank you, for such a clear and comprehensive post. Since I’ve been reading you, I feel I have begun to understand more about this topic. Please keep writing. I hope people are listening to you and reading you.
nice article on SEO…!!!
your post maybe more beneficial for seo learner…
keep posting ahead
Wow! Excellent article! Finally some seo info I understand
Doesn’t having lots of sites on the same server/IP diminish the value of the links?
Great tip. Thanks for sharing them!
Awesome, I really enjoyed this one, going to re-read it when I get home and start putting the skills to use.
Great read, I’ve got a lot interesting ideas from your article. Now I just need to put them into practice and start building up connection online. Although I doubt I’ll be taking all your points into consideration.
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Very interesting post for SEO. I am a Canadian SEO master working currently in a Minnesota and Minneapolis SEO Company. I have been searching a post like this one for years. I recommend everyone to read this SEO related post carefully. This is a very helpful post.
Good to hear that you are sharing your ways and tips in how you make money online. Not all people will do this. Thanks for your concern.
thanks for the info. its very long but very helpful.
Thanks for such an in-depth post, there really isn’t much you left out.
I am fairly familiar to SEO but theres a lot of information which is new to me as well as stuff to make it so much easier.
Will be reading a lot more on the site, great stuff
Wow, I wish I had a resource like this when I began learning SEO. I’m now working for a web design firm so I’m bound to white hat tactics for our clients, but I love your detail about how to utilize white, gray, and black hat strategies. Keep taking the time to write these detailed posts. Anything you would update, since you wrote this?
Some good points here but I would say that rushing to get expensive hosting right away can be money wasted. Although I do agree with having lots of sites bringing an income in each is important.
it is really a wonderful comment. I like it.
a seo empire is what i want
Very good and informative source of information. It has all the things that a novice need to become an expert in the SEO.
Wow great suggestions for implementing our own SEO. You just became an official resource for us.
Thanks for the education!
Very good and informative source of information. I like it. I really enjoy to reading it. Great work. Keep it up in the future.
Wow!!! what a great post…
Very interesting article I will bookmark you and return on a regular basis.
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A great great post ! I put this one in practice immediately.
Thank you for sharing.
It’s really a great post..I would like to appreciate your work and I am going to recommend it to my friends. Thanks for sharing.
Very good article, great source of information for SEO
This article is an all time classic. Awesome. The guy should run for president. I’ve read a lot of SEO stuff recently but this is unique.
I do agree with all of the ideas you have presented in your post. They’re really convincing and will definitely work. Still, the posts are too short for newbies. Could you please extend them a bit from next time? Thanks for the post.
This is one of the best ways to make money from SEO
Thanks for posting this article. it is great informative for SEO..
I have read your article and its really useful for most of users like us. I have also bookmarked this blog and have shared it with my friends and colleagues.
Superb article and genuine information. Reading it makes me wonder how can I do with so much info on this. Thanks, anyway!
Thanks for the great post that you’ve shared to the world. hopefully useful for all people who visit your site..
The empire strikes back ! May the force remain with you Eli-wan-kanobe !
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I have to bookmark this post to read it some more times. I try to find a job but I want to try e-marketing. Thanks for this post
i,m becoming a seo expert
and it takes lot of patient
Would be great to have an update on this……
excellent article. thanks
Thanks for the great comtemts of seo
Interesting perspective on seo. Thanks for the thoughtful post.
thank you my dear
hey!!its really very nice…
thanks for sharing
Thanks for sharing …
an interesting post on SEO…
Thanks for the SEO tips. But I’m not sure how relevant is is with new panda updates and google really cracking down on low quality websites. I’m not sure if creating multiple websites and linking them will work anymore.
Great stuff. I wonder if that stuff still holds true today
I would say it is a very good read. Thanks for the tips.